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Taulia bug reports, homework

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  • Taulia bug reports, homework

    1. 'Result per page' field.
    Amount in the list box and amount of invoices are not matching. ( should be 10 , but there is 11)
    2.'Due date' column .
    Doesn't have a date format.
    3. 'PO#' column.
    Has a different format ( looks like a date format)
    4. 'Status' column
    Misspell word 'rejcted', correct is 'rejected'.

  • #2

    #1. Replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected" in first row of the "Status" column - SOLUTION

    #2. Misspelled word in first row of the "Status" column - PROBLEM
    #3. Links to result pages: link to page 5 is missing
    #4. Search results bring 11 lines instead of 10 as per "Results per page" listbox
    #5. "Inv.Date" column: "1-Oct-2011" is outside of the range specified "6/5/2011 - 9/30/2011"
    #6. Column "Amount": sorting order violation - "$22,376,00" does below "$22,409,37", not vice versa
    #7. "Amount" column is sorted in ascending order while the arrow next to the column title suggests descending order
    #8. Replace “Showing 422 invoices” with “Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices” - SOLUTION
    #9. 32 pages is not enough to accommodate 422 search results, 10 results per page
    #10."Due Date" column: data in the cells is not in a common date format
    #11."PO #" column: data in the cells is in the date format - is that what PO numbers are about?
    #12. Inconsistent date format: “Invoice date” fields VS “Inv. Date” column
    #13. Eliminate the "Type" column since all the entries are of the same type


    • #3
      #1. When mouse cursor is pointing over status of invoice #1122339044 (as shown on the screenshot attached), message pops up saying "Approved" which is a mismatch with "Paid" status of that invoice. Investigate what the actual status of that invoice is and correct either a pop up message or a status of the invoice shown in search results. Consider eliminating this pop up message all together, as it brings no additional information to a user.
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      Last edited by mricci; 09-08-2022, 10:38 PM.


      • #4
        #1. When mouse cursor is hovered over the folder names ("Home", "Invoices", "Purchase Orders", "Payments", "My Details", "Cash Planner"), they are highlighted with a rectangular. However, not always. If mouse cursor is hovered over from one folder to another, top line of that rectangular does not appear (refer to the screenshot attached). If mouse cursor hovers over from anywhere else but the neighbouring folder - rectangular highlight appears correctly. Rectangular highlight of the "Your Customer" folder works correctly regardless of how mouse cursor is hovered over it.

        This issue was observed in Safari, Version 15.6 (17613. Could not replicate it in Chrome (Version 105.0.5195.102 )

        #2 Check if "Your Customer" is an appropriate name for the folder. "Your Customer" name suggests there is only one customer, however, "Search my invoices" functionality of the web page has a "Customer" list, implying that there could be more than one customer.
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        Last edited by mricci; 09-08-2022, 10:22 PM.


        • #5
          Taulia bug reports, homework
          1. 8 out of 9 labels are missing the “:” character.
          2. Inconsistent date format between “Invoice date” label and “Inv. Date” column.
          3. Inconsistent number format between “From amount:” label and “Amount” column.
          4. There are 11 invoices per page instead of 10 as selection in “Results per page” listbox.
          5. In the row #11 the “Action” button is missing.
          6. Eliminate row #11, as there should be 10 results per page as selection in "Results per page" listbox implies.
          7. The word in “Invoce” column is misspelled.
          8. In the first row of the “Status” column, replace the word “Rejcted” with the correct version, “Rejected”.
          9. In the “Due Date” column the input date is inconsistent with the general data format.
          10. In the “PO #” column the input data is inconsistent with the format, please verify if that is the intended format.
          11. In the “Amount” column, there is inconsistency between the selected descending order and the results in ascending order.
          12. In the row #7 the invoice date is out of the selected invoice date range, as “1-Oct-2011” comes after “9/30/2011).
          13. In the “Amount” column there is an order violation as “$22,409.37” belongs below “$22,376.00”.
          14. The “Type” column makes no sense, as all the entries are invoices in the “Invoices” folder.
          15. In the links with page results, the link for page 5 is missing.
          16. The “Showing 422 Invoices” is inconsistent, as only 10 results per page is selected.
          17. 32 pages are not enough for the “422 invoices” considering 10 results per page.
          18. "Payment" column has an inconsistent/out of the ordinary data format.
          19. In the #9 column the column header/title is missing.
          20. In the "Status" column, the status "Approved" is inconsistent with "Paid", "Rejected," or "In process" status.
          21. Change alignment of columns headers, as they are all misaligned with the rows below.
          22. Inconsistency in folder tab name: "My Details" and "Home", as pronoun "My" is irrelevant. Please verify if that is the intended folder tab name.
          23. Folder tab name: "Your Customer" is not common for folder names. as pronoun "Your" it is irrelevant. Please verify if that is the intended folder tab name.
          24. Eliminate "Search my invoices" field as t it redundant as the "Search" button is present.
          25. Eliminate "Binocular" button next to the "Purchase order" label as the "Search" button is present.
          26. Use correct icon for download as the icon next to the "Download list" button.
          27. In the "Status" column, use only words to describe the invoice status for consistency / simplicity.
          28. Add “Previous” button in front of the link for page “1” from the links with page results section.
          29. Add “Next” button after the link for the last page from the links with page results section.
          Last edited by malinabadica; 09-18-2022, 09:43 PM.


          • #6
            1.Due date column: dates are in the wrong format.
            2.Result pages:link to the page 5 is missing.
            3.”PO#”column: information providet in the date format, possibly confused with “Due date column”.
            4.Misspelled word “Rejected” in first row of the “Status “.
            5.”Result per page”Listbox shows 10 lines,but there is 11.


            • #7
              #13. Headings of columns: 'Invoice #', 'Type', 'Inv. Date', 'Due Date', 'PO #', 'Amount', 'Status', 'Payment' in center while column content align left.
              #14. No “Previous” or “Next” button near pages.
              #15. Binoculars icon doesn’t communicate content or prompt an action.
              #16. Label “From amount:” should be change to “Amount from:”
              #17. Label “Invoice date” should be change to “Invoice date from:”
              #18. Numbers in boxes near Label “From amount:” and content in “Amount” Column have different numbers format (100 and 100.00).
              #19. Header “Amount” should be change to “Amount $”.
              #20. Content in “Amount” Column should be without currency sign.
              #21. Drop down menu in box near label “Invoice status“ includes only “All” (there are not status: Rejected, Paid, In process, Approved).
              #22. Box with labels "Search my invoices" and "Hide search parameters" with no color. Would be in the same color like box with labels "Showing 422 invoices", "Download list" and "Refresh". Since Logo has two major colors, it could be more readable to use the same colors.
              Last edited by Oksana Pashko; 09-09-2022, 08:30 AM.


              • #8
                Taulia Bugs:

                1. Labels should end up with the colon character
                2. Search result table: Misspelled word "Rejcted" in the first row cell in "Status" column
                3. Search result table: Column "Invoce #" has misspelled name and should be replaced with "Invoice #"
                4. Search result table: Values in the cells of column "Due Date" have non common date format
                5. Sorting order violation: Value "$22,409.37" should be goes below "$22,376.00" value in the "Amount" column
                6. Number of search results is 11 instead of 10 per "Results per page" listbox value
                7. The "Actions" button is missing for the 11 row of the search result table
                8. The link to the "5" search result page is missing
                9. Search result table: The "Type" column is redundant
                10. Date format inconsistency between "Invoice date" fields and "Inv. Date", "PO #", "Due Date" search result table columns
                11. Search result table: "Approved" tooltip text of the status icon in the #4 row doesn't match the "Paid" status of the invoice
                12. Search result table: "31-Oct-2011" value in "PO #" column is out of range set in "Invoice date" text fields
                13. Suggestion: The current user name should be shown at the top right corner of the page
                14. "Invoice number" field has no limit for user input text length
                15. "Purchase order" field has no limit for user input text length
                Last edited by skorb; 09-09-2022, 03:33 AM.


                • #9
                  BUG reports:


                  #1. In the list box item "Results per page" has only one value of "10"
                  #2. In the eleventh row "Invoices" in the right part is missing button "Actions"
                  #3. Result of the search show 11 rows, instead of 10 as per "Results per page" list box
                  #4. In column "Amount" has a "sort down" button, but there is no "sort up" button
                  #5. "31-Oct-2011", "22-Oct-2011", "13-Oct-2011" invoice should not get into search results for "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011" range
                  #6. Link to the page "5" of search results is missing
                  #7. In pole "Search my invoices "TAB order is broken after "Results per page"
                  #8. Link to the pages "2", "3", "4", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "32" do not work, not push
                  #9. The discrepancy between the found number of accounts "422" and 32 pages, which are not enough to accommodate such a number of invoices
                  #10. It is necessary to change the format of displaying in the "Due Date" column


                  • #10
                    1. Page header. top Navigation Small. Delete "User in "User Manager". Delete "User" before "UserName"
                    2. Page header. top Navigation Small. Delete the link "Profile" and use "Use Manager" instead of it.
                    3. Page header. top Navigation Small. The first line of the link doesn't align right with the second line (topNavigation)
                    4. Page header. top Navigation. Button "Your Customer" change to My Customers" as all other Button use plural form and pronoun "My"
                    5. Search parameters. "Invoice number", "Customer", "From amount" and "to" field allows entering letters. Prohibit letters in those fields
                    6. Search parameters. Customer. The list of customers consists of only one company. Check if is it right
                    7. Search parameters. Customer. "From amount:" has a ":" in the end. Should delete ":" as other parameters don't have
                    8. Search parameters. Invoice date. Can't change data. Editing is not working
                    9. Search parameters. Invoice status. The list of statuses consists of only one option- "All". It should consist of minimum 5 options (Rejected, Paid, In process, Paid, Approved)
                    10. Search parameters. Results per page. The list of numbers of pages consists of only 1 option. Add other ones (15, 20, ... All)
                    11. Search parameters. The search button doesn't align on the right side with the previous button "Hide search parameters"
                    12. Table of Invoices. Header. Replace reductions to full forms of the world. "Inv. Data" to "Invoice date"; "PO #" to "Purchase order"
                    13. Table of Invoices. Header. Replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice.
                    14. Table of Invoices is sorted by the Amount column from lower to higher, but the icon for sorting from higher to lower is used. Change sort icon
                    15. Table of Invoices sorted by Amount column from lower to higher but invoice number 1122339546 ($22,409.37) stays before 1122339134 ($22,376.00). Check the sort method
                    16. Table of Invoices. The first column doesn't align left with previous bloks. Align it with "Showing 422 invoices" and Searching parameters
                    17. Values in the table don't align with column headers. Align them on the left side
                    18. Page navigation. paginateButtons. class="step". 2 dots instead of 3 between 10 and last pages


                    • #11
                      1) In the "Search my invoices" column, out of seven labels, only one has a colon at the end, the rest do not have it.
                      2) "Results per page" in the list box shows 10 results, and 11 are open on the page.
                      3) In the "Status" column in the first row, the word "Rejcted” with an error.

                      Needs to be corrected for “Rejected”.
                      4) “Type” column displays all records of the same type.
                      Need to remove it.
                      5) In the “DueDate” column, the data of the “PO#“column is displayed
                      6) The “PO#” column displays “DueDate” data
                      7) In the Amount column, an arrow indicates the values ​​in descending order.
                      In fact, it can be seen that the values ​​​​are indicated in ascending order.
                      8) Links to result page, link to page 5 is missing.
                      9) In the “Inv.Date” column, the dates should follow in chronological order according to the names of the months of the year.
                      10) Links to result page indicates the ability to open 32 pages or see 320 invoices.
                      While link “Showing 422 invoices” indicates to see 422 invoices.


                      • #12
                        1. Replace the misspelled word “invoice” with “invoice” in the header of the first column.
                        2. Replace the misspelled word “rejcted” with “rejected” in the first row of a status column.
                        3. In the invoice showing, the data is displayed in the format “29-Aug-2011”, which is not matching the search data format “6/5/2011
                        4. Based on the search specks, the result per page is “10”, however the showing has “11” results.
                        5. Mismatch between “422” invoice found and 32 pages not being enough to accommodate that many invoices
                        6. The column “PO#” provides the data in a common date format, please confirm that is the expected way of showing.
                        7. The “amount column” is specified as descending showing. However it reflects the date in ascending showing
                        8. Data in the “due date” column is not provided in a common date format, please confirm that is the expected way of showing.
                        9. Replace “showing 422” with “Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices”
                        10. October results in the “Due Date” (or if confirmed the “PO#” date showing is correct), should not get into search results for 6/5/11 to 9/30/11
                        11. Remove column “type” since it is redundant. It repeats what user already knows about the invoice “invoices folder”
                        12. “Search my invoices” section: 8 out of 9 labels are missing the colon character at the end.
                        13. Link to the page “5” of search results is missing
                        14. Change “search my invoices” with “search”, since it is already specified as an invoice section
                        15. The 11 row is missing “action” button, however the 11 row is not supposed to be showing at all. Please double check
                        16. The column “9” is missing the header.Please confirm that is the expected way of showing
                        17. Remove The “icons” in the “status” column , since they repeat the definitions of the status name and make it hard to read the data
                        18. Align the header of each column to the left
                        19. Change “Inv.Date”name to “Start Date”
                        20. Remove “Payment” column, since it does not provide any significant data. Or rename it to “payment date”
                        21. Rename the “My Details to “Details”
                        22. “My details” and “home” header may be combined as one meaning. Please confirm that the way it supposed to be
                        23. The header “user manager”and “profile” are inconsistent.
                        24. In “Search my invoices”,the “purchase order” is irrelevant, since it already has Invoice date section. Double check on that
                        25. Add “Cear Search Parameters” to the “search my invoice” section


                        • #13

                          #1. Search results are given in 11 rows instead of 10 as per the "Results per page" Listbox
                          #2. The bottom "Actions" is not active
                          #3. The word "Invoice #" is misspelled in the header of the first column
                          #4. Link to the page "5" of search results is missing
                          #5. "Search my invoices" section: 8 out of 9 labels are missing their colon character at the end
                          #6. Inconsistency in date formats: "Invoice date" text fields (6/5/2011) and the search results table (5-June-2011)
                          #7. Remove column "Type" since it is redundant. It repeats what the user already knows about the "Invoices" folder
                          #8. "1-Oct-2011" invoice should not get into search results for the "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011" range
                          #9. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
                          #10. Data in the "Due Date" column is not provided in a common date format
                          #11. Data in the "PO #" column is provided in a common date format. Please make sure it is the way it should be.
                          #12. A mismatch between "422" invoices found and 32 pages not being enough to accommodate that many invoices. Need a minimum of 43 pages
                          #13. The pages links are non-active
                          #14. The link "Download list" is non-active
                          #15. Need to change the data from the column "Due Date" to the column "PO #"
                          #16. in the "search my invoices" use the American style date format, in the table use the European stale data format. Need to make one chose.


                          • #14
                            Taulia testing 9/8/2022
                            1. Section "search my invoices" in 8 labels from 9 missing ending colon characters.
                            2. In the section "search my invoices" the "search icon" does not select
                            3. In the section "Search my invoice" "Invoice date" text fields (6/5/2011) and the search results table (5-June-2011) inconsistency in date formats.
                            4. The "hide my parameters" button is inactive.
                            5. The “search” button is not sending data.
                            6. The LIne "Showing 422 invoices'' shows 422 invoices instead of 322. (Results per page 10 and 32 pages at all).
                            7. The line "Showing 422 invoices" replace with "Showing 1-10 of 322 invoices".
                            8. In the header of the first column, the word "Invoice #" is misspelled.
                            9. Search results in the "Results per page" Listbox are given in 11 rows instead of 10.
                            10. In the First row of the "Status" column, the word "Rejected" replace with "Rejection".
                            11. Column "Type" should be removed, the user already knows about the "Invoices" folder.
                            12. The "1-Oct-2011" invoice is incorrect for the "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011" date range.
                            13. In the "Due Date," column data is not provided in a date format.
                            14. The "PO #" column is provided in a calendar date format instead of numbers.
                            15. The "Download list" button is not working.
                            16. The "Refresh" button is not working.
                            17. The "Action" button is inactive for all columns.
                            18. The missing link of search results to page "5"
                            19. Section "Amount" has a pointed arrow that is inactive.
                            20. Transition for pages "1 to 32" is not working

                            Taulia testing 9/13/2022
                            1. The numbers in column "Amount" do not follow the order indicated by the pointed arrow going from descending to ascending.
                            2. The "Actions" button is missing from the last line of the “Showing # invoices” table.
                            3. PO numbers should be unique under the section "Due Date," but they are copied.
                            4. The "Invoice status" text field on the "Search my invoices" form does not display any additional statuses.
                            5. There are no additional numbers displayed in the "Results per page" select field on the "Search my invoices" form.
                            Last edited by Nato; 09-13-2022, 11:11 PM.


                            • #15
                              1. Wrong order. "Due Date" column swap to "PO"
                              2. Column title "Invoce#" replace to "invoice#"
                              3. Button is missing "Action" at the end of the right column row #11
                              4. Search result of pages: link to page "5" is missing
                              5. Invoice "40988 and "101302" do not match the parameters set in the "invoice date"
                              6. Inconsistency "Amount" column row #8 between row #9

