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Online Class March 3, 2020 - Functionality Bug Report for Energy-Telecom

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  • VladaR
    Energy-Telecom functionality testing. Bug Report

    #1. Contact Information. TAB function is not in order in Chrome browser. It skips directly to the field Referred by (not required field) after First Name (required field) and after that back to the required field Last Name and futher in order in Chrome browser.

    #2. State. List Box offers only 49 states in Chrome browser.

    #3. State. List Box offers option OTHER in Chrome browser.

    #4. State. Not in the alphabetic order in Chrome browser

    #5. State. List Box offers not existing state - IND. Must be used IN for Indiana in Chrome browser.

    #6. State. Hawaii HI is missing in Chrome browser

    #7. ZIP field accepts 5 characters: digits and letters (not digits only per requirements) in Chrome browser

    #8. Referred by Field is not a Required Field according to the Requirements and does not marked with an asterisk in the web-aplication. However it appears among missing required fields under the Error message provided if required field has no input in Chrome browser

    #9. Email field. Data is not Retained in Database

    #10. Email field accepts mistyped address (# insted @), no correct address function

    #11. Fields Best Way To Contact Me, Current Provider ( Cell Phone Service) - "Other"/"None"/"Less than"/"Over" is not present

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  • elena7o

    Energy-Telecom Functionality bug report

    1. Contact Information. "Referred by" input field behaves as a required field. Open the Review, don't do any input into the fields. Push "Submit" button. Observe the message. It shows lists of required fields including “Referred by", which is not a required field.
    2. Contact Information. Assign indicator “Required field” to "Email" input data field. Open the Review, don't do any input into the fields. Push "Submit" button. Observe the message. It shows lists of required fields, “Email” is not there.
    3. "Clear" button is active when form is empty. Open the Review, don't do any input into the fields. It shows active.
    4. "Clear" button has different from "Submit" button format.
    5. Default input focus is not assigned.
    6. Tab Order violation. It goes from "First Name" to "Referred by".
    7. Contact Information. Field “First Name” accepts only 30 characters instead of 31.
    8. Contact Information. Field “Last Name” accepts only 30 characters instead of 31.
    9. Contact Information. Field “Street Address” accepts only 100 characters instead of 255.
    10. Contact Information.“Email" input data field allows entry of invalid email format (without special character @).
    11. Contact Information. List field "State" misses HI (Hawaii).
    12. Contact Information. List field "State" misses NV (Nevada).
    13. Contact Information. List field "State" has incorrect abbreviation for Indiana state. It shows IND, needs to be changed to IN.
    14. Contact Information. List field "State". "Other" needs to be removed.
    15. Contact Information. List field “State”. “BC” is not a USA state and needs to be removed.
    16. Section “1. Cell Phone Service”. List field "Current Provider" not in alphabetical order.
    17. Section “1. Cell Phone Service”. “Other” needs to be added to list field "Current Provider”.
    18. Section “1.Cell Phone Service”. Data entry field “My monthly bill is approximately” accepts non-numeric entries.
    19. Section “1. Cell Phone Service”. Number “11” needs to be added to data entry field “Months left on current contract”.
    20. Section “2. Local/Long Distances/International Service” .Put in alphabetical order drop down field "Current Provider".
    21. Tab order does not work properly starting from section “2. Local/Long Distances/International Service” “Bundled with” “Internet”. It jumps from “Internet” to “Total Bill” data entry field, missed “TV” and “Both”.
    22. Check Tab order in section “3. High Speed Internet Service”.
    23. Check Tab order in section “4. TV Service”.
    24. List field “Current provider” in section “5. Home Security Service” not in alphabetical order.
    25. List field "Current Provider" in section “7. Gas and Electric Services” is not in alphabetical order.
    26. Put space between “open” and “to” in section “7. Gas and Electric Services”, check box "I am opento using different provider".
    27. "Clear" button doesn't clear data entry fields. Fill out required fields, push "Clear" button, "Error 17896 - Invalid data request" shows.

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  • Khrystyna Znak
    1. 'Contact information' section, 'First name' text field accept no more then 30 characters.
    2. 'Contact information' section, 'Last name' text field accept no more then 30 characters.
    3. 'Contact information' section, 'Street Address' text field accept no more then 100 characters.
    4. 'Contact information' section in 'State' listbox there are 49 states instead of 50.
    5. 'Contact information' section, 'State' listbox BC is not USA state.
    6. 'Contact information' section, 'State' listbox missing HI state.
    7. 'Contact information' section, 'State' listbox missing NV state.
    8. 'Contact information' section, 'State' listbox wrong abbreviation of Indian state. Should be IN instead of IND.
    9. 'Contact information' section, 'State' listbox selection 'other' is not needed.
    10. 'Contact information' section, 'ZIP' text field accept letters.
    11. Default input focus doesn't work.
    12. Tab order doesn't work.
    13. System accept invalid zip code.
    14. System accept invalid email address.
    15. System accept mismatches between text fields 'Street address', 'City', 'Zip Code', 'State'.
    16. 'Contact information' section, 'Email' text field accept all characters.
    17. 'Contact information' section, 'Email' text field accept more then 255 characters.
    18. 'Cell Phone Service' section, in 'Current Provider' text field add option 'other'.
    19. 'Cell Phone Service' section, in 'Current Provider' text field "AT&T" is missing.
    20. 'Cell Phone Service' section, in 'Current Provider' text field wrong alphabet order.
    21. 'Cell Phone Service' section, under 'Current Provider' there are 2 option to select. Better to use radio button. It's not logical to check both: 'I am happy with my current provider' and 'I am open to using different provider'.
    22. 'Cell Phone Service' section, 'My monthly bill is approximately' text field accept letters.
    23. 'Cell Phone Service' section, 'Minutes on plan' text field has selection 'other'. It would be good to have additional field where you can write needed info.
    24. 'Cell Phone Service' section, in 'Months left on current contract' field there are 10 months, suppose to be 24.
    25, 'Local/Long Distances/International Service', 'Bundled with' there are 3 radio buttons, have change them to checkboxes (or add one more radio button 'none').
    26. 'Local/Long Distances/International Service' section in 'Current Provider' text field wrong alphabet order.
    27. 'Home Security Service' section in 'Current Provider' text field wrong alphabet order.
    28. 'TV Service' section in 'Current Provider' text field wrong alphabet order.
    29. 'Home Security Service 'in 'Current Provider' text field wrong alphabet order.
    30. 'Gas and Electric Services' section 'in 'Current Provider' text field wrong alphabet order.
    31. 'Gas and Electric Services' section under 'My monthly bill is approximately (winter)' in checkbox there is a mistake in spelling.
    32. In the end of the form there is a 'Clear' button. When you push on 'Clear' button come up window 'Error 17896 - Invalid data request'.
    33. 'Email' text field do not indicates as required field after submitting the form.
    34. 'Referred by' text field indicates as required field.
    35. 'Clear' button doesn't clear information that was field out .
    Last edited by Khrystyna Znak; 03-12-2020, 04:59 PM.

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  • Olga Dudic
    1. Default Input Focus is missing
    2. Default button missing
    3. Contact Information. Tab Order is inconsistent (First Name > Referred by > Last Name)
    4. Contact Information. Field “First Name” accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31
    5. Contact Information. Field “Last Name” accepts no more than 30 characters instead of 31
    6. Contact Information. Field “Street address” accepts maximum 100 characters instead of 255
    7. Contact Information. Field “State” contains OTHER (consider to be removed)
    8. Contact Information. Field “State” contains BC. There is no State with such abbreviation
    9. Contact Information. Field “State” DC, HI, NV missing
    10. Contact Information. Field “State” IN for Indiana (not IND)
    11. Contact Information. Field “Email” accepts info without @
    12. Contact Information. Field “Email” marked as required, but there is no error message, if the field is empty
    13. Contact Information. Field “Email” accepts 1063 characters instead of 255
    14. Contact Information. Field “Referred by” is not marked as required, but requires to be filled after pushing Submit button
    15. Button CREAR does not work properly. There is an error message “Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!” after pushing CLEAR button
    16. Cell Phone Service. Field “Months left on current contract” 11 and 12 missing
    17. Cell Phone Service. Field “My monthly bill is approximately” accepts letters
    18. Local/Long Distances/International Service. Radiobuttons are not enabled by clicking on label name.

    Last edited by Olga Dudic; 03-11-2020, 07:43 AM.

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  • Online Class March 3, 2020 - Functionality Bug Report for Energy-Telecom

    Functionality Bug Report for Energy-Telecom
    1. ”Local/Long Distances/International Service" section, there is a mistake in the title name and section structure. Requirements should be changed for this form because there is no need for “Long Distances” questions.It is nearly free to call anywhere in the world. Most US-based voice carriers actually dump their POTS traffic into the Internet and no longer maintain dedicated voice circuits. All of those coast-to-coast microwave towers went dark long-ago.
    2. No default button in the form.
    3. “Contact information” section TAB order violation: from “FIrst name” field the input focus moves to “Referred by” field instead of “Last Name Field”.
    4. “Contact information” section “First Name” text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
    5. “Contact information” section “First Name” text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
    6. “Contact information’ section, “State” dropdown listbox is missing “HI” “NV” “DC”.
    7. “Contact information” section, “State” dropdown listbox “BC” and “Other” should be deleted.
    8. “Contact information” section, “State” dropdown listbox instead of “IND” should be “IN” ( Indiana)
    9. “Contact information” section, “ZIP” input allows type/paste characters , should allow just digits.
    10. “Contact information” section, “ZIP” allows to past more than 5 digits.
    11. “Contact information” section, “Street address” allows to type/paste only 100 characters instead of 250.
    12. “Contact information” section, “Email” input allows to submit without “@“ special character instead should give an error message.
    13. “Contact information” section, “Email” input allows to type all type of special characters instead of “.” “@“ “-“ “_”
    14. “Contact information” section, “Referred by” field behaves as required one when it is not required.
    15. “Cell Phone Service” section, “Current Provider” dropdown listbox is missing “AT&T” and “Other”.
    16. “Cell Phone Service” section, “Minutes on plan” should be a text input instead of dropdown listbox.
    17. “My monthly bill approximately is” field consistently allows characters instead of digits only. From section 1 through section 7.
    18. “My monthly bill approximately is” field consistently allows more than 5 digits. From section 1 through section 7.
    19. “Cell Phone Service” section, “My monthly bill approximately is” text input is not allowing “.” special symbol.
    20. “Cell Phone Service” section, “Months left on current contract” dropdown listbox should not have option “Prepaid”.
    21. “Cell Phone Service” section, “Months left on current contract” dropdown listbox should have up to 24 months instead of 10.
    22. “Cell Phone Service” section, “ I am interested in a wireless card for my laptop” checkbox should not appear in this section.
    23. “Cell Phone Service” section, “Numbers of phones on Plan” should be no more than 5.
    24. “Local/Long Distances/International Service” section, “Total Bill” allows to type more than 5 digits.
    25. “Local/Long Distances/International Service” section, “I am interested in Unlimited Calling” checkbox should be removed.
    26. “High Speed Internet Service” section, text input “Provider” should be removed.
    27. "High Speed Internet Service" section, label "Type of service:" the check box "Wireless Aircard" should have a circle checkbox symbol.
    28. "High Speed Internet Service" section, label "Type of service:" the check box "Wireless Aircard" should have a circle checkbox symbol.
    29. "Home Security Service" section, checkbox "I do not have home security services today, but I am interested in getting more information." should be in the end of the section.
    30. "Home Security Service" section, select for label "Current Provider" the options are not sorted in alphabetic order.
    31. "Digital Phone Service with Video Phone" section, there is a mistake in a title section "with Video Phone" should be deleted.
    32. "Digital Phone Service with Video Phone" section, the checkbox for"I am interested in Digital Phone Service (Unlimited Calling)" the "Unlimited Calling" should be deleted.
    33. "Gas and Electric Services" section, the select for "Current Provider" is not sorted in an alphabetic order of options.
    34. The Buttons "Submit" and "Clear" are enabled without any information in, it should be disabled.
    35. The Button "Clear" is not working, instead showed a confusing error window.
    Last edited by ArtemAngel; 03-10-2020, 11:08 PM.