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Online class June 23, 2020 Bug reports for TAULIA PROJECT

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  • Online class June 23, 2020 Bug reports for TAULIA PROJECT

    1. In the upper left corner in the column "Search my invoices" in the "Results per page" parameter, the user has set to see 10 invoices per page. But the user sees 11 invoices per page in the table "Showing 422 invoices”. Correct the number of invoices in accordance with the user settings.
    2. In the table "Showing 422 invoices” the user reads that 422 invoices have been found. By looking in the lower left corner the user sees 32 pages have been found and each of them has 11 invoices. A total of 352 invoices were found. Correct the error in the calculation of invoices.
    3. In the table "Showing 422 invoices” in the middle there is invoice for “1-Oct-2011” which is outside of the specific range. The user set in the “Invoice date” parameter to see the range: from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011. Remove from page results invoice for “1-Oct-2011”.
    4. In the table "Showing 422 invoices” the sequence of invoices in the column "Amount" is broken. Amount $ 22,409.37 should be located after the amount of $22,376.00.
    5. In the table "Showing 422 invoices” in the “Status” column, row #4 there is an error in the tooltip. When the user hover over the “Paid” image pops up with the “Approved” tooltip. Change to the correct pop-up tooltip.
    6. In the table "Showing 422 invoices" errors in the placement of columns. The user sees in the column "Due Date" are placed the numbers of orders, and in the column "PO #" the dates of delivery are placed. Correct the arrangement of the columns.
    7. In the table "Showing 422 invoices” in the column "Amount", the actual sort order should be ascending, but the user sees the sorting in descending order. Correct the direction of the gray triangle.
    8. In the table "Showing 422 invoices” below, on the left the user should see page #5 but the link is missing. Add a link to page #5.
    9. In the table "Showing 422 invoices” immediately below there is a grammatical error in the word "Invoce". Correct on “Invoice".
    10. In the table "Showing 422 invoices” in the “Status" column immediately below there is a grammatical error in the word "Rejcted". Correct on “Rejected”.
    11. In the upper right corner of the “Profile” link: there is one space before the “Profile” and two spaces after. Make the number of spaces the same.
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    Last edited by ViktoriiaColozzo; 06-25-2020, 09:28 AM.

  • #2
    ID Test Case Description Test Case Procedure Expected Output Xpath Test date Result Note
    TC1 GUI 1. Run the Taulia application
    2. Open the "Invoices" page/folder
    3. Executive search with default values
    See 10 rows in result table //div[@id='invoiceSearchResultsList'] 6/27/20 Fail Presented 11 rows
    TC2 GUI 1. Run the Taulia application
    2. Open the "Invoices" page/folder
    3. Executive search with default values
    See total numbers of records in search result table's header //div[@class='containerHeaderLeft'] 6/27/20 Fail Presented "Showing 422 invoices"
    TC3 GUI 1. Run the Taulia application
    2. Open the "Invoices" page/folder
    3. Executive search with default values
    See Actions button on each row of search result table column //td[9] ; table //div[@id='invoiceSearchResultsList'] 6/27/20 Fail Missing Actions button on 11th row
    TC4 GUI 1. Run the Taulia application
    2. Open the "Invoices" page/folder
    3. Executive search with default values
    See checkbox for download selection on each row of search result table column //td[10] ; table //div[@id='invoiceSearchResultsList'] 6/27/20 Fail Checkbox hidden
    TC5 GUI 1. Run the Taulia application
    2. Open the "Invoices" page/folder
    3. Executive search with default values
    See dates in "Payment" column in search result table formated as "MM/DD/YYYY" column //td[8] ; table //div[@id='invoiceSearchResultsList'] 6/27/20 Fail Presented date not recognisable eg "2011-1248"
    TC6 GUI 1. Run the Taulia application
    2. Open the "Invoices" page/folder
    3. Executive search with default values
    See rows sorted by amount increasing from top to down in search result search //div[@id='invoiceSearchResultsList'] 6/27/20 Fail //tr[7]//td[6] value = "$22,409.37" > //tr[8]//td[6] value = "$22,376.00"
    TC7 GUI 1. Run the Taulia application
    2. Open the "Invoices" page/folder
    3. Executive search with default values
    See date in "Inv.Date" column formated as "MM/DD/YYYY" in search result table column //td[3] ; table //div[@id='invoiceSearchResultsList'] 6/27/20 Fail Presented format "DD-MMM-YYYY"
    TC8 GUI 1. Run the Taulia application
    2. Open the "Invoices" page/folder
    3. Executive search with default values
    See purchase order number in column "PO #" in search result table column //td[5]; table //div[@id='invoiceSearchResultsList'] 6/27/20 Fail Date presented instead
    TC9 GUI 1. Run the Taulia application
    2. Open the "Invoices" page/folder
    3. Executive search with default values
    See records in column "Inv.Date" in date range set in filter in result table filter //input[@id='invoiceDateUpper_datePicker'] ; column //td[3]; table //div[@id='invoiceSearchResultsList'] 6/27/20 Fail //tr[7]//td[3] value = '"1-Oct-2011" out of range 6/5/2011-9/30/2011
    TC10 GUI 1. Run the Taulia application
    2. Open the "Invoices" page/folder
    3. Executive search with default values
    See column in search result to show "Invoice #" //a[contains(text(),'Invoce #')] 6/27/20 Fail presented "Invoce #"
    TC11 GUI 1. Run the Taulia application
    2. Open the "Invoices" page/folder
    3. Executive search with default values
    See status of invoice in search result "Rejected" //tr[1]//td[7] 6/27/20 Fail presented "Rejcted"
    TC12 GUI 1. Run the Taulia application
    2. Open the "Invoices" page/folder
    3. Executive search with default values
    See paginate buttons sorted in increasing sequence in footer of search results //div[@class='paginateButtons'] 6/27/20 Fail presented "1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 .. 32" missing value "5"
    TC13 GUI 1. Run the Taulia application
    2. Open the "Invoices" page/folder
    3. Executive search with default values
    See label "My Customer" at top navigation container //div[@id='topNavigationContainer'] 6/27/20 Fail presented 'Your Customer'
    TC14 GUI 1. Run the Taulia application
    2. Open the "Invoices" page/folder
    3. Executive search with default values
    See "Invoice number:" in labels of filter //label[contains(text(),'Invoice number')] 6/27/20 Fail missing semiclon
    TC15 GUI 1. Run the Taulia application
    2. Open the "Invoices" page/folder
    3. Executive search with default values
    See "Customer:" in labels of filter //label[contains(text(),'Customer')] 6/27/20 Fail missing semiclon
    TC16 GUI 1. Run the Taulia application
    2. Open the "Invoices" page/folder
    3. Executive search with default values
    See "Purchase order:" in labels of filter //label[contains(text(),'Purchase order')] 6/27/20 Fail missing semiclon
    TC17 GUI 1. Run the Taulia application
    2. Open the "Invoices" page/folder
    3. Executive search with default values
    See "Invoice date:" in labels of filter //label[contains(text(),'Invoice date')] 6/27/20 Fail missing semiclon
    TC18 GUI 1. Run the Taulia application
    2. Open the "Invoices" page/folder
    3. Executive search with default values
    See "Invoice status:" in labels of filter //label[contains(text(),'Invoice status')] 6/27/20 Fail missing semiclon
    TC19 GUI 1. Run the Taulia application
    2. Open the "Invoices" page/folder
    3. Executive search with default values
    See "Results per page:" in labels of filter //label[contains(text(),'Results per page')] 6/27/20 Fail missing semiclon
    TC20 GUI 1. Run the Taulia application
    2. Open the "Invoices" page/folder
    3. Executive search with default values
    See invoice due dates in "Due Date" column in search result table column //td[4]; table //div[@id='invoiceSearchResultsList'] 6/27/20 Fail dates presented are not human recognizable
    Attached Files
    Last edited by pdeema; 06-27-2020, 12:31 PM.


    • #3
      1. Column header “Invoce #” is misspelled.
      2. “Rjcted” in the first row of the Status column is misspelled.
      3. Paging links at the bottom include the 32nd page. When multiplied by the number of “Results per page”, the maximum allowable number of invoices per page is 320 (32 pages x 10 results per page = 320 invoices per page). The Invoice folder tab displays 422 invoices, which exceeds 320 allowable results.
      4. Paging links at the bottom are missing page 5, between links to pages 4 and 6.
      5. Inv. Date “1-Oct-2011” falls outside of the date range 6/5/2011-9/30/2011 specified in the “Invoice date” text fields.
      6. The end of the last row of the invoice results is missing an “Actions” button.
      7. “Due Date” and “PO #” column results are transposed. The “Due Date” column displays the Purchase Order numbers, and vice versa.
      8. The downward arrow symbol to the right of the “Amount” column header represents descending order. However, the column results are displayed in an ascending order.
      9. Amounts “$22,409.37” and “$22,376.00” in the “Amount” column are out of sequential ascending order.
      10. Click on the object element to the right of the “Purchase order” text field. The clickable object is missing a text equivalent label and a hyperlink.
      11. Hover over “Hide search parameters”. The cursor changes from an arrow to a hand symbol to indicate a clickable element. The element is not clickable.
      12. Labels “Invoice number”, “Customer”, “Purchase order”, “Invoice date”, “Invoice status”, and “Results per page” are missing the colon ( : ) character.

      P.S. : The attachment contains screen shots for the bugs.
      Attached Files
      Last edited by svetabeg; 06-24-2020, 07:19 PM.


      • #4
        GUI Bug Report for Taulia

        1. Default input focus doesn’t work.

        2. Tab order doesn’t work properly through search parameters fields.

        3. Labels ‘Invoice number’, ‘Customer’, ‘Purchase order’, ‘Invoice date’, ‘Invoice status’, ‘Results per page’ are expected to end with ‘:’

        4. Labels ‘Invoice number’, ‘Purchase order, ‘From amount’ and ‘to [amount]’ fields accept letters and symbols.

        5. Tab label ‘Invoce #’ is misspelled, should be changed to ‘Invoice #’.

        6. In tab column ’Status’ item ‘Rejcted’ is misspelled, should be changed to ‘Rejected’.

        7. In tab column labels ‘Due date’ and ‘PO #’ should be interchanged in accordance with column items.

        8. Invoices results shown 11 instead of expected 10 results per page.

        9. There is no ‘Actions’ button for 11th row in the tab (for the 11th Invoice in search results).

        10. 32 pages with invoices results cannot contain 422 invoices, even with 11 per page there should be more pages shown.

        11. There is no 5th page in the enumeration of results pages.

        12. Invoices #1122339546 with amount $22,409.37 and #1122339134 with amount $22,376.00 should be interchanged in accordance with ascending order.

        13. Invoice #1122339546 from 1-Oct-2011 doesn’t meet search criteria applied (from 5-Jun-2011 to 30-Sep-2011) and should be eliminated from the search.


        • #5
          GUI bug report:
          - default input focus missing;
          - search my invoices form: labels don't end up with colon characters;
          - search results form: 'Invoice#' column label is misspelled;
          - search results form, 'Status' column, row 1: Rejected status is misspelled;
          - search results form: 'Due Date' and 'PO#' columns have swapped content;
          - search results form: 11 results displayed instead of 10;
          - search results form, 'Amount' column: discrepancy between discending icon provided and ascending order of the content displayed;
          - search results form, 'Amount' column: ascending order is not consistent (rows 7-8);
          - search results form, 'Inv. Data' column: 1-Oct-2011 displayed in search results is not within specified search range;


          • #6
            1) "Invoice number" label should end up with the colon character.
            "Customer" label should end up with the colon character.
            "Purchase order" label should end up with the colon character.
            "Invoice date" label should end up with the colon character.
            "Invoice status"label should end up with the colon character.
            "Results per page" label should end up with the colon character.
            2) There are no options to select from in the "Customer", "Invoice status", and "Results per page" list boxes.
            3) Non of the fields are assigned as a Default Input Focus field.
            4) Default button is not assigned to the "Search" button.
            5) "Actions" button is missing in row #11.
            6) The title of the "Invoice" folder is misspelled.
            7) "Due Date" and "PO#" folders are switched.
            8) Invoice #1122339546 is going beyond 09/30/2011 due date as specified in "Search my invoices" section.
            9) Invoice #1122339134 should go before invoice #1122339546 in the table since invoices are sorted by amount.
            10) "Status" column, row #1: change misspelled "Rejcted" to "Rejected'.
            11) Links to the search result pages: link to the page #5 is missing.
            Last edited by Anyni; 06-26-2020, 12:21 PM.


            • #7
              Online class 06/23/2020
              Bug report "Taulia Project"
              1. Tab order: when you press "Tab" after "Purchase order" it doesn't move to "From amount". You need to press twice to move there.
              2. Labels: only Label "From amount" ends up with colon character.
              3. Invoice status and Result per page: don't have another options for search.
              4. Showing 422 invoices: we have 32 paiges with 10 results per page it should 320 invoices. we are missing there other 10 pages.
              5. Coulmns: "Due Date" and "PO#" have have swapped content.
              6. Misspelled: In tab column ’Status’ item ‘Rejcted’ is misspelled, should me "Rejected", also column name " Invoce#" should be "Invoice#".
              7. Action button: Invoice 1122338095 doesn't have "Action" button.
              8.Missing page: paige number 5 is missing.
              9. Order: All invoices are in a different order. It should be order , for the instant, by invoices.
              10. Invoice # 1122339546 doesn't fit to our search. It's after 09/30/2011.


              • #8
                1."Invoice number" lable doesn't match to standard. Start "Taulia" application. Open "Invoice" folder."Invoice number" lable doesn't have colone : in the end. Add colone :.
                2."Customer" lable doesn't match to standard. Start "Taulia" application. Open "Customer" folder."Invoice number" lable doesn't have colone : in the end. Add colone :.
                3.Incomplete writing for "Invoice date" label. Start "Taulia" application. Open "Invoice" folder."Invoice date" label name should be "From invoice date". Add "From".
                4.The result of search doesn't match to the request. Start "Taulia" application. Open "Invoice" folder.The range for chosen dates for "Invoice date" is "to 9/30/2011" but there is Invoice with "1-Oct-2011" date in "Inv.Date" column in the "Showing 422 invoices" field.
                5.Mismatch date format. Start "Taulia" application. Open "Invoice" folder. Format for date in "Invoice date" fields doesn't match to the format for date in "Inv.Date" column.
                6.Dismiss search results. Start "Taulia" application. Open "Invoice" folder."Results per page" (10) and the amount of pages (32) doesn't match to actual amount of invoices in the "Showing 422 invoices" field (even if there are 11 results per page).
                7.Incorrect amount of search results. Start "Taulia" application. Open "Invoice" folder.The amount of showing invoices for first page (11) doesn't match to the amount of chosen invoices in "Results per page" (10).
                8.Incorrect format for data. Start "Taulia" application. Open "Invoice" folder.Incorrect format for date in "Due Date" column in the "Showing 422 invoices" field.
                9.Incorrect format for data. Start "Taulia" application. Open "Invoice" folder.Incorrect format for data in "PO#" column in the "Showing 422 invoices" field.
                10.Inconsistent position for result. Start "Taulia" application. Open "Invoice" folder.The value "$22,376.00" in "Amount" column in the "Showing 422 invoices" field is smaller than previous amount.
                Last edited by Yurii69; 06-29-2020, 01:35 PM.


                • #9

                  1) Most of the labels such as "Invoice Number", "Customer", "Purchase Order", "Invoice Data" are missing semicolon.
                  2) "Results per page" - 11 instead of specified 10.
                  4) Label "Invoce #" in the "Search" section is misspelled.
                  5) Label "Rejcted" in the "Search" section is misspelled.
                  6) Labels "Due Date" and "PO#" are misplaced.
                  7) Invoice # 1122339546 with "Inv. Date" 1-Oct-2011 is outside of default values range.
                  8) "Actions" button is missing in the last (11th) row.
                  9) "Amount" column is not sorting the data properly.
                  10) Page 5 is missing in the sequence of displayed pages.
                  11) Inconsistency in date format- 6/5/2011 & 29-Aug-2011.


                  • #10
                    Taulia Bug Report

                    1.Inconsistency in date format in field " Invoice date" and table of invoice search results.
                    2. There is not page5 in sequence pages under the table.
                    3. Labels "Invoice number", "Customer", "Purchase order", "Invoice date", "Invoice status", "Results per page" don't have character ":".
                    4. Mismatching the expected 10 results per page and actual 11.
                    5. There is not the " Action" button in 11-row search results.
                    6. Inv. Date 1-Oct-2011 doesn't match the search criteria: 6/5/2011- 9/30/2011
                    7. Labels "Due Date" and "PO #" must be swapped based on content.
                    8. The default input focus doesn't work.
                    9. In table column label " Invoce #" is misspelled, should be " Invoice # ".
                    10. In table column " Status", row 1: "Rejcted " should be "Rejected".
                    11. The number of pages in the search result (32) doesn't match Showing 422 invoices if there are 10 results per page.
                    12. Fields of the label "From amount" accept letters and symbols.
                    13. When you press "Tab" after "Purchase order" it doesn't work correctly. You need to press twice to move " From amount".

                    Last edited by olbi; 06-28-2020, 04:44 PM.


                    • #11
                      1. “Action” button is missing from #1122338095 Invoice #.
                      2. “Invoce #” label is misspelled. Correction ”Invoice #”.
                      3. Pages are not in order, page “5” is missing.
                      4. “PO #” label and “Due Date” label should be switched with each other.
                      5. Under “Amount” label numbers $22,409 and $22,376 are not in a from lowest to highest as they should.
                      6. Under “Status” label word “Rejcted” is misspelled, correction “Rejected”
                      7. “Invoice number”, “Purchase order”, “From amount” and “to amount” fields accept letters and symbols.
                      8. “Result per page” is 10 but actually it shows 11 results.
                      9. The number of invoices is 422 even if there is 11 results per page and there is 32 pages the “Showing 422 invoices” shows incorrect information because there is 352 in total.
                      10. The filter is set “from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011” but user can see “1-Oct-2011” under “Inv. Date” which should not be there.
                      11. All the labels in “Search my invoices” are missing colon ( : ) character except “From amount”
                      12. “Tab” button doesn’t work properly throughout the page.


                      • #12
                        1. run the application taulia
                        2. open the "invoices" page/folder
                        3. execution search with default values
                        observes :
                        1. on "search my invoices" column disappaered colon characters except "from amount"
                        2. upper right side before 1 space from "profile " and both side 1 space from "help" and before 1 space from "logout" were were disappaered
                        3. there are no options on "search my invoices" column "customer" , "invoice status" and "result per page" , but they show multi selection
                        4. to move from "purchase order" to "from amount" you have to press tab twice, it should be one time
                        5. on "showing 422 invoices" first column name misspelled - "invoce #" it should be "invoice"
                        6. also in status column first tab "rejcted" should be "rejected"
                        7. "Results per page" is 10 but we see 11 columns
                        8. bottom left side page sequence was broken - page 5 was missing
                        9. the amount doesn't match of "showing 422 invoices" . we have 32 page and every page has 11 results . it should be 352
                        10. right the "amount" column header downward arrow symbol , but column results are displayed ascending orders in column
                        11. the end of the last row the "action" button is missing on the bottom right side
                        12. places "due date" and "PO#" are interchanged , the "due date " displays the order numbers and vice versa
                        13. the amount of invoice #1122339134 is out of sequence , the column should display from lowest to highest amounts
                        14. the date range from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011. however the date of invoice #1122339546 out of range - users see the date 10/31/2011
                        15. "due date" format is not correct. for example the date of invoice #1122339225 it should be 9/28/2011 instead of 28-Sep-2011, accordance with MM/DD/YYYY


                        • #13
                          Taulia Bugs

                          1. go to "".
                          2. push "Invoices" button.

                          On this page are several GUI bugs.

                          #1. Wrong formatting: "Search my invoices": All Labels should end with ":".
                          #2. Wrong sorting: Search results show 11 instead of 10 as per "Results per page" listbox.
                          #3. Misspelled word: "Invoce #" in menu items.
                          #4. Switched menu item labels: "Due Date" and "PO #" in the menu items should be switched.
                          #5. Misspelled word: "Rejcted" in "Status" menu item.
                          #6. Wrong sorting: In "Amount" column sorted from low to high the invoices are sorted from low to high.
                          #7. Wrong sorting: In "Amount" column "$22,409.37" should be sorted after "$22,376.00".
                          #8. Wrong sorting: In "Inv.Date" column "1-Oct-2011" should not be included with selected "Invoice date".
                          #9. Missing button: There is no "Actions" button in last invoice row.
                          #10. Missing page number: Page number "5" is missing in the numbers under the resluts.
                          #11. Mismatch in amount of resluts: "Showing 422 invoices" but there are only enough pages for 320 invoices.
                          #12. Missing Link: "taulia" logo in up left corner should be a link to "Home"
                          #13. Button without description: "Binocular button" right by "Purchase order" does not have a description.


                          • #14
                            Energy-Telecom Service Bug Report.

                            # The "Tab" button moves from "First Name" field to "Reffered by" field instead of "Last Name" field.
                            # When click on "Clear" Buttom", Error message appears.
                            # Contact Information Section, Field "State" not sorted alphabetically.
                            # Contact Information Sectiom, Field "State" not included all 50 states.
                            # Contact Information Section, Field "State" has "Other" as an option.
                            # Cell Phone Service section, Field "My monthly bill is approximately" eccepts letters.
                            # Contact Information Section,when click button Submit, message apears that "Referred by:" field is required, however it's not required.
                            # Contact Information Section, Field “Email” accepts info without @ character.
                            # Contract Informatio Section, Field “Email” marked is required, but there is no error message, if the field is empty.
                            # Contact Information Section, Field "Referred by field" accepts numeric characres.
                            # Cell Phone Service Section, Field “Months left on current contract” missing 11 and 12.


                            • #15
                              Taulia Bug Report.

                              1. In "Search my invoices" section all labels should have the colon mark.
                              2. In "Result per page" label shows 10 invoices, but in a header of "Invoice" shows with the result of 11 .
                              3.In the header of the amount of Invoices shows 422 invoices with 32 pages and 11 invoices.
                              4. The amount of total invoices should be changed to 352.
                              5.The name of "Invoce"spelled incorrectly.
                              6.The label "Due Date"and "PO#" should be switched between each other.
                              7. In the "Status" column the word "Rejected" spelled incorrectly.
                              8. In the "Amount" column , the number $ 22,409.37 should go below the number $ 22,376.00.
                              9. In the last invoice column the "Action" button is missing.
                              10.The page number 5 is missing in the list of pages.

