Taulia Bug Report.
- There is a mismatch in the row "From amount:" at the end of the sentence, there is a colon in other similar rows at the end there is nothing.
- Inconsistency. Based on “Results per page”, there should be 10 invoices rows, and at a given time there are 11 invoices rows.
- Inconsistency in the names of the columns "Due Date" and "PO #" seems to need to be interchanged with each other.
- In row 11 there is no button "Actions".
- In the "Amount" column here we have a sign for increasing amounts, but in line 8 the amount is less than in the previous line.
- Inconsistency. The total number of invoices should be 422, but we can only see pages from numbers 1 to 32, it will turn out to be 320 invoices.
- In the column "Invoce" the word is written with an error should be written Invoice.
- Invoice date from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011 we have inconsistency in row 7 and column “Inv. Date” because here we have a date “1-Oct-2011”.
- In the table "Showing 422 invoices” in column " Rejcted" in 1 row the word is written with an error should be written Rejected.
- At the bottom of the whole page to the left where page numbers are missing page number 5.
- Inconsistency in the upper right corner after the word "Help" there is only one space in the two previous sections "User Manager" and "Profile" two spaces after the words.