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Online Class June 23, 2020 - Functionality Bug Report for Energy-Telecom

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  • #31
    1.Pushing "Clear button" doesn't clear any field and evoke massage box "Error 17896".
    2."Contact information" section , "Email" marked with asterisk, but after pushing "submit" button on empty form, error message doesn't show it as required field.
    3."Contact information" section, "Referred by" doesn't have an asterisk, but after pushing "Submit" button on empty form,error message shows it as required field.
    4."Contact information" Section", "Tab" button doesn't work consistently, it moves from "First name" to "Referred by" and then to "Last name". It should move from left to right and from top to bottom.
    5."Contact information" Section", "State" list box has 48 states instead of 50.
    6. "Contact information" Section", "State " list box is not consistent, "IND" abbreviation has three symbols, should be "IN".
    7. "Cell phone service" section, "Current provider" list box doesn't have "Other" option.
    8."Cell phone service" section, "Number of phones on plan" list box does not need "100", make it "5".
    9."Cell phone service" section, "Months left on current contract" list box should have "24" instead of '10".
    10."TV Service" section, "Month left on plan" list box does't have "More" option.
    11.."Contact information" section", "First Name" text field accepts "30" symbols instead of required "31".
    12."Contact information" section", "Last Name" text field accepts "30" symbols instead of required "31".
    13.."Contact information" section"," "Street address" text field accepts "100" symbols instead of required "255".
    14."Contact information" section"," "Email " text field accepts unlimited number of symbols instead of required "255".
    15.."Contact information" section", "ZIP" accept letters, required numbers only.
    16."Cell phone service" section", let check both check boxes "I am happy with my current provider" and "I am open to using different provider",there should be given one option to choice.
    17."Cell phone service" section", "My monthly bill is approximately" text field accepts letters, should be digits.
    18. "My monthly bill is approximately" in all sections of document text fields should not accept "11" digits, should be "3" digits.
    19."Gas and Electric Services" section, "Opento" split words to "Open to".
    20. "Submit" and "Clear" should be same format: size and fonts should be same.


    • #32
      Bug report Energy-Telecom Servive

      #1. “ *Email” is optional for filling and needs to be required field

      #2. “Tab” doesn’t work right, for the “First name” it jumps to “Referred by”

      #3. “Referred by” field is required field but doesn’t have “*”

      #4. “Zip” code field has to accept 5-digits only and not letters

      #5. In “Current Provider” drop down “Other” option is missing

      #6. In “Months left on current contract” drop down are missing the month “11” and “12”

      #7. “High Speed Internet Service” - “Type of service” the checkboxes are different (“Wireless Aircard”)

      #8. In “Gas and Electric Service” option “I am opento using different provider” is misspelled

      #9. “Clear” button does not clear the form

      #10. “Clear” button missleading error message “Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!”

      #11. UI is different between “Clear” and “Submit” buttons


      • #33
        1. in the text field "First Name" accept 30 characters instead 31
        2. in a text field "Last Name" accept 30 characters instead 31
        3. in a text field "Street Address" accept 100 characters instead 255
        5. in a list box "State" offering 48 states instead 50
        6. in a list box "State" BC is not USA state
        7. in a list box "State" can not be offering "other"
        8. In a test box "State" offering "IND" instead "IN"
        9. In a text box, "ZIP" is accepted letters should be digits only
        10. In a text box, "ZIP" is accepted nonexistent ZIP- 00000
        11. If push the button "Clear" - instead of cleaning the form - displays error message "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!".
        12. The error message is not provided if required field "Email" has no input
        13."Tab order" go from "first name" to "Referred by" instead from "first name" to "Last name"


        • #34
          Energy-Telecom Service Bug reports
          1. There is no Default Button in the form.
          2. Default input focus is missing in the form.
          3. Tab order is no-logical. Input focus moves from “First Name” to “Referred by” .
          4. “Clear” button in not functional. It does not clear the form.
          5. “Clear” button launches an error massage “Error 17896”.
          6. “Clear” button in inconsistent to “Submit” button according to GUI guidelines.
          1. “Email” field actin not like a required field, while it should.
          2. “Referred by” field should not act like required field.
          3. “Street Address” field accepts only 100 characters, while should accept up to 255.
          4. “State” list box contain only 48 USA states, instead of 50.
          5. “State” list box contain “BC” field option, BC is Canadian province. Should be excluded from the list box.
          6. “State” list box should exclude “other” field option.
          7. “ZIP” field allows to paste more than 5 characters. .
          8. “ZIP” field is accepting non-digits characters.
          9. “ZIP” field should accept only valid zip codes #suggestion.
          10. “Email” field is accepting more than 255 characters.
          11. First Name” and “Last Name” fields does not take more than 30 characters, while should take up to 31.


          18. “Current Provider” list box misses AT&T as a main country wise option.

          19. “Current Provider” list box should list “Other” list option.

          20. Check boxes “I am happy with my current provider” and “I am open to using different provider” should be changed to radio buttons, because they have opposite meanings. So customer should have option to choose only 1 out of 2 available options.

          21. “My monthly bill is approximately” field is accepting more than 11 characters, which is too much. Also it should accept digits only #suggestion.

          22. “Months left on current contract:” list box should be more than 10 options.

          23. “Number of phones on plan:” list box should contain less options.

          24. In “High Speed Internet Service” section “Provider” text field in inactive. Cant tipe any information.

          25. There is a typo at “Gas and Electric Services” section in check box “I am opento using different provider”.


          • #35
            1 . Missing Default Input Focus in form :

            2. If Field " Referred By " is required ,add asterisk . If it's not remove the the message "E-mail required "from the error message

            3. Field " E-mail" is marked as required but the form can be submitted without it

            4. Replace the name of the field " Email " with " E-mail"

            5. Add message " Please enter a valid Phone Number " in the error message with required fields

            6. Field " Last name " accepts 30 instead 31 characters

            7. Field " Street address " accepts 100 instead of 255 characters

            8. Field " Zip Code " accepts non existing one ( 00000 )

            9. At the bottom of the form the buttons "Submit " and "Clear " are not consistent in size and fond

            10. At the bottom of the form the button " clear" doesn't clear the form and gives en relevant message ;" Invalid data request .Please,call technical support or restart your computer "

            11. In the field State from the drop down menu remove element "BC" - it is not US state and element "Other"

            12. In the field State from the drop down menu replace element "IND" with "IN"

            13. In the field State from the drop down menu are missing states Nevada " NV " and state Hawaii " HI"

            P.S. I am not sure if that is a bug but I notice that fields ; " First name " ; "Last name " ; "Street address " ; " City" ; "E-mail" and " Referred by " are accepting symbol characters which is against the common sense for those fields

            Last edited by Stela; 07-02-2020, 05:53 PM.


            • #36
              #1 List Box "State" remove "BC", "Other"
              #2 List Box "State" missing "HI", "NV"
              #3 List Box "State" replace "IND" with "IN"
              #4 Text field "ZIP" accepts characters and digits instead of ONLY digits
              #5 Text field "Email" exceeds 255 character limit
              #6 Text field "Email" allows different data inputs instead of restricting to the email address
              #7 Inconsistency in the text field "Email". Does not behave as required field
              #8 Inconsistency in the field "Referred by". Behaves as a required field
              #9 In section "1.Cell Phone Service", list box "Current Provider;" add missing option "Other"
              #10 In section "1.Cell Phone Service", text field "My monthly bill is approximately:" does not allow decimal value
              #11 In section "Gas and Electric Service", label "I am opento using different provider" misspelled
              #12 Inconsistency in the look of control buttons "Submit" and "Clear"
              #13 Control button "Clear" responds with a message "Error 17896"
              Last edited by guzel'; 07-02-2020, 06:42 PM.


              • #37

                1. In the "Name" line - up to 30 characters are entered, and not up to 31 characters, as expected.
                2. By pressing the Tab key, you go to "Referred by" and not the "Last Name" line, (as expected for me).
                3. In the "Last Name" line - up to 30 characters are entered, and not up to 31 characters, as expected.
                4. In the "street" line - up to 100 characters are entered, and not up to 255 characters, as expected.
                5. In the line "states" - 49 states are registered, and not up to 50, as expected.
                6. In the line "Zip" - all characters are accepted, not just numbers, as expected.
                7. In the line "Email" - all characters are accepted, including non-email address' characters. Up to more 255 characters are entered, than expected 255.
                Any other language is also accepted.
                8. In the line "Phone" - when using the right side of the keyboard with numbers, there is no cursor transition from line to line for entering numbers,(as expected for me).

                P.S. There are still more bugs on the "ENERGY TELECOM" page, but these bugs are not the main function.


                • #38
                  Contact information
                  1. ‘First name’ text field accepts just 30 characters instead 31.
                  2. ‘Last name’ text field accepts just 30 characters instead 31.
                  3. ‘Street address’ text field accepts 100 characters instead 255
                  4. ‘State’ selection list contains excess info: ‘BC’, ‘IND’ instead ‘IN’, ‘Other’. Missed HI, NV states.
                  5. ZIP code text field accepts invalid ZIP codes, such as 00000 or 99999, instead of 00501 to 99950
                  6. Email text field accepts more than 255 characters.
                  7. ‘Reffered by’ text field is not required by requirements, but with submit the error message says ‘*Please enter the name of the person you were referred by’

                  Cell Phone Service
                  All check boxes with opposite info can be selected at the same time.


                  • #39
                    Energy - Telecom Service Review test by GUI:

                    1. “First Name” field accepted 30 characters instead of 31
                    2. “Last Name” field accepted 30 characters instead of 31
                    3. “Street Address” field accepted 100 characters instead of 255
                    4. “STATE” dropdown list have the BC (not US state)
                    5. ““STATE” dropdown list have an option “OTHER” that might be exist
                    6. “STATE” dropdown list have the 48 states, missing Hawaii - HI and Nevada - NV
                    7. “Email” field accepted over 255 characters.
                    8. “Email” field undefined as requirements field.


                    • #40
                      Energy-Telecom Bugs Report.
                      “Contact Information” section:
                      #1. Field “First Name” accepts max 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements.
                      #2. Field “Last Name” accepts max 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements.
                      #3. Input focus moves from “First name” to “Referring by” instead of “Last name”.
                      #4. Field “Street” accepts no more 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements.
                      #5. “ZIP” text field: should we have validation for nonexistent ZIP codes (f.e. 00000)
                      #6.”ZIP” text field: the user is able to input letters instead of only digits as per requirements.
                      #7. Field “ZIP”: the user is able to paste more 5 characters.
                      #8. “State” list box: “HI” and “NV” are missing.
                      #9. “State” list box: remove “BC” and “Other”.
                      #10. “State” list box: swap “IND” for “IN”.
                      #11. Field “E-mail” accepts e-address without “@”.
                      #12. Input focus moves from “Best Way To Contact Me” to “Current provider” instead of “Referring by”.
                      #13. Label “Best Way To Contact Me” replace with “Best way to contact me”.
                      #14. "Referred by" text field behaves like required field:
                      - "Referred by" text field must be empty
                      - Push "Submit" button
                      - error message (as in required field)
                      #15. Mismatch “Submit” and “Clear” buttons design.


                      • #41
                        "Contact Information"
                        1. "First Name" field accepted only 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirement
                        2. "Last Name" field accepted only 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirement
                        3. "Street Name" field accepts only 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirement
                        4. "Email" filed accepted more than 255 characters which violate the requirement of 255 characters max
                        5. "State" list box data is not sorted in the alphabetical order
                        6. "State" list box has "IND" instead of "ID". All states should have 2 letters max.
                        7. "State" list box is missing "HI", "NV".
                        8. "State" list box has "BC" as an American State. It is the Canadian state.
                        9. "State" list box has "other" as an option. Should only contain states abbreviations.
                        10. "ZIP" field accepts more than 5 digits which violate the requirement of 5 digits max
                        11. "ZIP" field accepted special characters when Paste command is executed instead of only accepting digits
                        12. "ZIP" field accepted letters when Paste command is executed instead of only accepting digits
                        13. "ZIP" field accepted letters instead of digits only
                        14. "Phone" field accepted letters when Paste command is executed instead of only accepting digits.
                        15. "Phone" field accepted special characters when Paste command is executed instead of only accepting digits.
                        16. "Refereed by" field is not marked as required with an "*" sign but submission is not allowed if the field is empty.

                        "Cell Phone Service"
                        1. Suggestion. "Current Provider" list box should have "Other" as an option.
                        2. Suggestion. "Current provider" list box should be listed in the alphabetical order.
                        3. "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts letters instead of digits only
                        4. "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts special characters instead of digits only

                        Local/Long Distances/International Service
                        2. "Primary Phone Number" field accepts special characters when Paste command is executed instead of digits only
                        3. "Primary Phone Number" field accepts letters when Paste command is executed instead of digits only
                        4. "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts letters instead of digits only
                        5. "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts special characters instead of digits only
                        6. "Total Bill" field accepts special characters instead of digits only
                        7. "Total Bill" field accepts letters instead of digits only

                        "High Speed Internet Service"
                        1. "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts letters instead of digits only
                        2. "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts special characters instead of digits only

                        "TV Service"
                        1. Suggestion. "Current provider" list box should be listed in the alphabetical order
                        2. "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts letters instead of digits only
                        3. "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts special characters instead of digits only

                        "Home Security Service"
                        1. Suggestion. "Current provider" list box should be listed in the alphabetical order
                        2. "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts letters instead of digits only
                        3. "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts special characters instead of digits only

                        "Gas and Electric Services"
                        1. Suggestion. "Current provider" list box should be listed in the alphabetical order
                        2. "My monthly bill is approximately (summer)" field accepts letters instead of digits only
                        3. "My monthly bill is approximately (summer)" field accepts special characters instead of digits only
                        4. "My monthly bill is approximately (winter)" field accepts letters instead of digits only
                        5. "My monthly bill is approximately (winter)" field accepts special characters instead of digits only
                        6. "I am opento using different provider" check box has a typo. "opento" should be "open to" instead.

                        1. Suggestion. Number of characters should be limited to 10,000 max.

                        1. "Clear" button does not clear the info. The error message is showing istead.
                        2. The error message cause by the pushing the "Clear" button is both misleading and confusing. Should be clear and useful to the user.


                        • #42
                          Energy Telecom Bug Report
                          1. Go to ""
                          1. Functionality: “Email” field is not implemented as a required field, as per requirement.
                          2. Functionality: “First Name” field accepts 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirement.
                          3. Functionality: “ZIP” field pasting more than 5 digits possible.
                          4. Usability: “Clear” Button at end of form: Misleading and not functioning error message.
                          5. Usability: You can paste letters into the "ZIP" number-box in "contact information" form.
                          6. Usability: "Clear" button at the end does not clear form.
                          7. Usability: Form cannot be submitted with all required fields filled.
                          8. Inconsistency: “Email” field is not marked as “required field” as per requirements.
                          9. Inconsistency: Tab sequence ignores "Phone" and "Both" radiobox in "3. High Speed Internet Service" section.
                          10. Inconsistency: Form can be submitted without "Email".
                          11. Inconsistency: "First Name field accepts numbers unlike requirements.
                          12. Inconsistency: "Last Name" field accepts numbers unlike requirements.
                          13. Inconsistency: "Referred by" in "contact information" form is not marked as required field, but behaves like it.
                          14. Inconsistency: "Minutes on Plan" list-box in "1. Cell Phone Service" should show "more" instead of "other".
                          15. Inconsistency: "State" list-box in "contact information" form lists "other" not at the end of list-box.
                          16. Inconsistency: "State" list-box in "contact information" form lists "other" not at the end of list-box.
                          17. Inconsistency: “State” List box in “Contact Information” section: incomplete, not all states of USA listed.
                          18. Inconsistency: “State” List box in “Contact Information” section: should be in alphabetical order.
                          19. Inconsistency: “State” List box incomplete, “HI” and “NV” missing.
                          20. Inconsistency: “State” field: remove “BC” since it does not belong to the USA.
                          21. Inconsistency: “Months left on current contract” list box should show “more” as an option.
                          22. Suggestion: Typo in checkbox of last section “7. Gas and Electric Services”, should be “open to” instead of “opento”.
                          23. Suggestion: “Email” field should validate email format.
                          24. Suggestion: “My monthly bill is approximately” in every section accepts 11 digits, 6 digits might be enough.
                          25. Suggestion: “Comments” field accepts infinite amount of characters: a limit could be useful.


                          • #43
                            Energy Telecom Bug Report
                            “Contact Information” section:
                            1. Tab order does not work in logical order from “First name” to “Referred by” Left->Right;
                            2. Input focus moves from “First name” to “Referred by” instead of “Last name” field in the form;
                            3. There is not “Default” button;
                            4. Labels use different style in the form;
                            5. “Last name” and “First name” fields just accept 30 characters instead of 31;
                            6. “Street address” field just accept 90 characters instead of 255;
                            7. “State” list box offering just 49 states instead of 50;
                            8. “State” list box: “HI”and “NV” states are missing;
                            9. “State” list box: remove “BC” since it is a Canadian state, not U.S.;
                            10. “State” list box: replace “IND” with IN for state of INDIANA;
                            11. “State” list box: remove “other” option from the list;
                            12. “State” list box is not sorted alphabetically;
                            13. “ZIP” text field should not accepts text letters ;
                            14. “ZIP” text field should we have validation for non-existent ZIP codes (f.e. 00000);
                            15. “Email” text field is not implemented as a required field (as it should per requirement);
                            16. “Email” text field does not validate on correct email address;
                            17. “Referred by” field behaves as it is a required field
                            18. Inconsistency in status of the "Referred by" text field
                            - Make sure the "Referred by" text field is empty
                            - Push "Submit" button
                            - Observe: the data is requested to be provided in the error message (as in required field)
                            - Observe: the "Referred by" text field does not have an asterisk, which informs a user, that the field is NOT required\

                            19. Asterisks in required fields should put in the end of the labels (usually)
                            20. “Clear” button does not clear the form
                            21. “Clear” button invokes misleading error message “Invalid data”
                            22. Inconsistency between GUI implementation in between “Clear” and “Submit” buttons;
                            23. “Email” text field does not accept dash and underscore digits;
                            24. Label “Best Way To Contact Me” is incorrectly grammatically written (The Best Way……)

                            Cell Phone Service” section:
                            1. “Current Provider” list box is missing “AT&T”;
                            2. “Current Provider” list box need added option “Other”;
                            3. Checkboxes “I am happy with my current provider” and “I am open to using different provider” should not give opportunity to select both of this;
                            4. “My monthly bill is approximately ” should not accept characters ;
                            5. “My monthly bill is approximately ” limit input to no more than 4 digits;
                            6. Labels “Minutes on plan” and “ Numbers of phones on plan” align to right when all other labels align to left;
                            7. Input for label “My monthly bill is approximately” is bigger size than others;
                            8. “Minutes on plan” text field: numbers should be arranged in chronological order;
                            9. “Months left on current contact” text box accepts no more than 10 digital number instead of 12;
                            10. “Number of phones on plan “
                            -should be limited numbers
                            -does not correct put word “more”
                            11.“Checkboxes “I like my phones”, “ I am interested in upgraded my phone”, “I am interested in a wireless card for my laptop” should not allow to select all of them;
                            12.“I last upgraded my phone (s) approximately: does not correct put words more in list box

                            “Local/Long Distances/International Service” service
                            1. “My monthly bill is approximately” limit input to no more 4 digits
                            2. “International calls and Long distances calls included” and “Long Distance included”: labels should not end up with question mark;
                            3. “Current provider” list box of label is smaller size than other inputs;
                            4. “Total Bill” limit input to no more 4 digits;
                            “High Speed Internet Service” service
                            1. “My monthly bill is approximately”: limit input to no more 4 digits;
                            2. “Wireless Aircard” checkbox is not a type of Service;
                            3. “Wireless Aircard Provider”: label has multiple space between Aircard and Provider and does not have correct format;
                            “TV Service” section
                            1. “Current provider” list box: does not arranged in alphabetical order;
                            2. “My monthly bill is approximately”: limit input to no more 4 digits;
                            3. “HDTV” and “DVR” checkboxes marked together;

                            “Home Security Service” section
                            1. “Current provider “ does not arranged in alphabetical order;
                            2. “My monthly bill is approximately”: limit input to no more 4 digits;

                            “Gas and Electric Services” section
                            1. “Current provider “ does not arranged in alphabetical order;
                            2. Checkboxes “I am opento using different provider“ grammatically does not correct written sentences;
                            3. “My monthly bill is approximately”(summer): limit input to no more 4 digits;
                            4. “My monthly bill is approximately”(winter): limit input to no more 4 digits;
                            5. “Comments” section and “Digital Phone Service with Video Phone”: body sections have different indentation .


                            • #44
                              Session-five: Energy Telecom

                              1]. Contact Information section "First Name:" text-box field accepts 30 characters instead of max 31 as per listed requirements [of 31].
                              2]. Contact Information section "Last Name:" text-box field accepts 30 characters instead of max 31 as per listed requirements [of 31].
                              3]. The "Clear" button function error-message not-user friendly [Error 17896?] & error-message misleading, restaring computer doesn't fix problem [error].
                              4]. The "Clear" button error message prevents "Clear" button from executing operation [i.e., clearing].
                              5]. The "Referred by:" field doesn't have an asterisk[*] beside it, indicating it's a required field.
                              6]. The "Zip:" field accepts "00000" this zip-code doesn't exist.
                              7]. The "Email:" field accepts zero input upon submission [i.e., allows to be submitted when it's a required field]. Not implemented as a required field.
                              8]. Cell Phone Service Section "Current Provider" list-box doesn't include AT&T in selection.
                              9]. Cell Phone Service Section "Minutes on plan" list-box isn't in a logical order of progression e.g., 30, 200, 400, 450, is an arbitrary selection.
                              10]. Local/Long Distances/International Service section "Current Provider:" list-box field doesn't include Nextel like the Cell Phone Service section.


                              • #45
                                1. “First Name” field: field accepts 30 characters only, not 31 as stated in the requirements.
                                2. “Last Name” field: field accepts 30 characters only, not 31 as stated in the requirements.
                                3. “Street Address” field: field accepts 100 characters instead of 255, as stated in the requirements.
                                4. “State” list box: inconsistency in given states data: “HI” and “NV” states are missing,” BC” added and “Other” state is an option.
                                5. “Zip” field: field accepts letters when per requirements it should accept digits only.
                                6. “Zip” field: when paste into a field, accepts more than 5 characters along with letters and special characters, as per requirements it should accept digits only and no more than 5 characters.
                                7. “Email” field: field accepts 263 characters instead of 250, as stated in the requirements.
                                8. “Email” field: inconsistency between indicated required field and error message when field left blank. Start processing it as a required field.
                                9. “Phone” fields: when paste into all 3 text fields, accepts letters and special characters, as per requirements it should accept digits only.
                                10. “Clear” button at the bottom of the “Energy-Telecom Service Review” form doesn’t clear anything and gives an error message: “Error 17896 – Invalid data request”.

