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Taulia bug reports, homework

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  • 1. In “Search my invoices” table: 8 out of 9 labels
    are missing the “:” (colon) character.
    2. In the header of the first column: replace misspelled
    "Invoce" with "Invoice".
    3. In the first row of "Status" column: replace misspelled
    "Rejcted" with "Rejected".
    4. In "Inv. Date" column in row 7: inconsistency in the
    date range"1-Oct-2011" with "Search" parameters.
    5. In the "Due Date" column: showing Numbers instead of
    6. In the "PO#" column: showing Dates instead of Numbers.
    7. On the bottom of "Search Result" table: link to page 5
    is missing.
    8. In the "Search Result" table: number of rows(11) inconsistent
    with "Search my invoices" table parameters(10).
    9. In the header of "Search Result" table: replace
    "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422".
    10. In the "Search Result" table "inv.Date" column: date format
    (29-Aug-2011) inconsistent with "Search my invoice"
    table (6/5/2011).


    • Taulia Bugs
      #1. Correct the misspelling of the word "invoce" in the header of the first column.
      #2. Swap column "PO" with column "Due Date".
      #3. Correct the inconsistency between " 422" invoices found and "32" pages by fixing the amount of invoices whether by adding additional pages to the existing.
      #4. "Search my invoices" section: The"list box" is redundant in the 3 labels out of 9.
      #5. "Search my invoices" section: Add colon character at the end of the 8 labels out of 9.
      #6. The column " Type" is redundant, as it's already clear, that the page concerns only the invoices.
      #7. Make the format of " From amount" the same as the one in the column " Amount.
      #8. Add the link to page " 5 ".
      #9. An inaccuracy of the dates "31-Oct-2011" and "13-Oct-2011" being in the results of search, as it doesn't match the interval of the dates in the "Search my invoices" section.
      #10. Arrange the values "$22,409.37" and "$22,376.00" in ascending order.
      #11. Add button " Actions to the 11th row.
      #12. Remove the extra button next to the headline " Amount ".
      #13. Correct the spelling of the word " Rejcted " in the first row of column " Status".
      #14. Make the date format in the column "Inv. Date" same as in the label "Invoice date".
      #15. Misuse of the icon "binoculars" in "Search my invoices" section.
      #16. Replace the headline "Inv. Date" with "ID" to keep the format the same with the column "PO #".
      #17. Keep the headlines in all 8 columns at the center of the rows.
      #18. The height of the 11th row is different from the other 10 ones.
      #19. The space between the pages "1" and "2" is different from the one between the rest.
      #20. Put the "$" sign next to the headline "Amount" in order to have the same format between the headlines " Invoice # " and " PO # ".
      #21. Section "From amount": Put the 3 commas in the amount "100000" by replacing it with "1,000,000".
      #22. In the column " Amount " replace all the periods with commas in all 11 rows.


      • 1. First column header of the search results table: "invoce #" to replace with "invoice #"
        2. Forth column "Due Date" format is not normal for the dates
        3. Column "Amount" of search resalts table is sorted from "low to high" instead of from "high to low" as it is shown by arrow at the header
        4. Row 7 doesn't match to "invoice date" range (6/5/2011 - 9/30/2011)
        5. Results of columns "Due Date" and "PO#" are probably must be swapped
        6. Date format is inconsistent in "invoice date" and search results table
        7. Head row "Showing 422 invoices": replace with "showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
        8. Mismatch between 422 invoices and 32 pages, what is not enough to show that quantity of invoices
        9. 8 of 9 label in 'search my invoices' section are not followed by colon ( : ) character
        10. "Payment" column's format is not clear for user
        11.Results in "Due Date" column such as 40988, 30988 are repeated and refer to different results in "PO#" column
        12. The eleventh row has no "Actions" button


        • 1. In the "Search my invoices" column, out of seven labels, only one has a colon at the end, the rest do not have it.
          2. "Results per page" in the list box shows 10 results, and 11 are open on the page.
          3. In the "Status" column in the first row, the word "Rejcted” with an error.
          Needs to be corrected for “Rejected”.
          4. “Type” column displays all records of the same type.
          Need to remove it.
          5. In the “DueDate” column, the data of the “PO#“column is displayed
          6. The “PO#” column displays “DueDate” data
          7. In the Amount column, an arrow indicates the values ​​in descending order.
          In fact, it can be seen that the values ​​​​are indicated in ascending order.
          8. Links to result page, link to page 5 is missing.
          9. In the “Inv.Date” column, the dates should follow in chronological order according to the names of the months of the year.
          10. Links to result page indicates the ability to open 32 pages or see 320 invoices.
          While link “Showing 422 invoices” indicates to see 422 invoices.


          • #1. Search results are given in 11 rows instead of 10 as per "Results per page" listbox
            #2. First row of "Status" column: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
            #3. The word "Invoce #" is misspelled in the header of the first column #4. Link to the page "5" of search results is missing
            #5. "Search my invoices" section: 8 out of 9 labels are missing their colon character at the end
            #6. Inconsistency in date formats: "Invoice date" text fields (6/5/2011) and the search results table (5-June-2011)
            #7. Remove column "Type" since it is redundant. It repeats what user already knows about the "Invoices" folder
            #8. "1-Oct-2011" invoice should not get into search results for "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011" range
            #9. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
            #10. Data in the "Due Date" column is not provided in a common date format
            #11. Data in "PO #" column is provided in a common date format. Please make sure it is the way it should be.
            #12. Mismatch between "422" invoices found and 32 pages not being enough to accommodate that many invoices

            #13. Column "Amount" is sorted in descending order, the symbol in "Amount" header is ascending
            #14. Column "Amount" is sorted in descending order the line 7 and 8 sorted ascending
            #15. Remove separated search button for a search field "Purchase order", it repeat the same button "Search"
            #16. The color of the "Search" button is differs with all the orange color in a page, more bright, make it the same as headers of the columns.
            #17. The columns and the search fields have different labels ex.: "PO#" and "Purchase order", "Status" and "Invoice status"
            #18. There is no search for "Payment" column in a search field
            #19. The text of the headers of the table is aligned to the right, while the table body's text is aligned to the left.
            #20. Numbers in the "From amount:" and "to" fields in a search section should be formatted "$,xx"
            #22. "Invoice date" in a search field should be changed to "Invoice date from:"
            #23. "From amount:" in a search field should be changed to "Amount from:"
            #24. Add the "Clear Search Parameters" button.


            • 1. "Search my invoices" - provide all the labels with a colon at the end.
              2. Search results should display in 10 rows as per the "Results per page" list box, not 11.
              3. Leftmost column title - replace "Invoce#" with "Invoice#".
              4. First row of column "Status" - replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected".
              5. Inconsistency in data format - "Invoice date" text field and the search results table.
              6. "Due date" column - data is not in a common data format.
              7. "PO#" column - data is provided in a common data format. Make sure it's correct.
              8. The bottom row is missing "Actions" button.
              9. 32 pages is not enough to accommodate 422 invoices as shown in "Showing 422 invoices" section.
              10.Replace “Showing 422 invoices” with “Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices”.
              11.Link to page 5 of search results is missing.
              12.“Type” column is redundant since all the search results are of the same type (invoice).
              13.Sorting order violation in the “Amount” column - swap sums in rows 7 and 8 а this column.
              14. “Amount” column: inconsistency in ascending sorting order and the direction indicated by the arrow next to the column title.
              15.Inconsistency in the range of defined data period in "Invoice date" label and in the search results table, columns: "Inv.Date" and "PO#".
              16.Logic inconsistency in column titles: "Inv.Date", "Due Date" and "PO#".
              17.Adjust the last column “Actions” to the right side of the search table.
              18.Align all columns and content according to a single standard.
              19."Amount" column - use "$" character in the column title as "Amount $", to avoid computational issues.
              20.Tooltip is conflicting with the corresponding icon in "Status" column 4 row.


              • 1. Data in "PO#" column is provided in a common date format. Please make sure it's the way it should be.
                2. Search results are given in 11 rows instead 10 as per "Results per page" list box.
                3. First row of "Status" column: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected".
                4. The word "Invoce#" is misspelled in the header of the first column.
                5. Mismatch between "422" invoices found and 32 pages being enough to accommodate that many invoices.
                6. Inconsistency of columns alignment in Data Table.
                7. 'Due date' column in Invoices table shows invalid data, some numbers instead of date.
                8. 'Amount' column in Invoices table shows wrong data of the table: from small numbers to large ones instead of from large numbers to small ones.
                9. 7th and 8th rows of "Amount" column in Invoice table displayed in a wrong order.
                10. 2 dots are showing instead of 3 ones in pagination.


                • 1. (Search results) does not have a page "5".
                  2. The header of the first column has the word "Invoce #" which is misspelled.
                  3. 8 out of 9 labels are missing the ":" character at the end.
                  4. There is a difference in data format: "Invoice data" text fields (6/5/2011) and the search results (5-June-2011).
                  5. The word (Rejcted), which is in the first row of the "Status" column, is misspelled.
                  6. Search results table has 11 rows instead of 10.
                  7. "1-Oct-2011" invoice should not get into search results for the "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011" range.
                  8. "PO #" column is made in a date format.


                  • Taulia bug reports

                    #1. Search result "Invoice 01-Oct-2011" is out of search parameter "Invoice date" 06/05/2011 - 30/09/2011
                    #2. Misspelling in the column "Status" - Rejcted - in the first row of "Showing Invoices"
                    #3. The application shows 11 results but it expects only 10 results per page.
                    #4. Wrong announcement of "Showing 422 Invoices" - because with 32 pages of results should be maximum "320 Showing Invoices"
                    #5. Not all invoices are sorted in the correct way in the column "Amount" --> Invoce with amount $22,376.00 should be upper than invoice with amount $22,409.37
                    #6. Missing of the page number 5 in the row of invoice results pages
                    #7. Missing of column sign at the end of every search parameter except of "from amount"
                    #8. Misspelling the column title "Invoce #" in "the result showing field" --> correction to "Invoice #"


                    • More Taulia bugs report:

                      #1. The button "'Search" at the right of the page does not work
                      #2. the "Refresh" button right of the "Download list" is not active
                      #3. The "Download list" upper on the "payment" column name is not active and does not allow to download data
                      #4. At the button of the table various pages showing "1234678910..32": does not allow to open pages. Buttons are not active to push.
                      #5. At the button of the table various pages showing"1234678910..32": number 5 is missing
                      #6. In the 6 column name as "Amount": column has an arrow but there are no options to choose
                      #7. At the top of menu of the page buttons "Home", "Invoices", "Purchase orders", "Payments", "My details, "Cash planner", "Your customer" - are not active and does not allow to move between/from recent page to another
                      #8. Data in the field of "Result per page" only has an option "10" of list box.


                      • 1. Label "Customer" has a buttom, which has only one option "General Electric", that is why buttom doesn't need arrows.
                        2. The "Invoice status" has a buttom with only one option "All" and it doesn't need arrows too.
                        3. The label "Result per page" has one option too and it's doesn't need arrows.
                        4. Label "Invoice date" has two buttoms, but they are not active and custumers won't put dates.
                        5. If the per page has a 10 results, but showing 422 invoices, then at the bottom of page should be show 43 pages.
                        6. In the column "Invoce #" all numbers should be arranged as they increase.
                        7. Label "Due date" and "PO#" should be switch.
                        8. In the column "Ammount" the 7 and 8 rowes should be switch too.
                        9.In the column "Status" in the frst row the word "Rejcted" has misspelling. It should be "Rejected"
                        10. In the column "Ammount" the arrow doesn't need
                        11. The "Payment" column is not clear,clarification is needed.
                        12. The page don't has print option


                        • #1. First row of "Status" column: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
                          #2. The word "Invoce #" is misspelled in the header of the first column #4. Link to the page "5" of search results is missing
                          #3. "Search my invoices" section: 8 out of 9 labels are missing their colon character at the end
                          #4. Search results are given in 11 rows instead of 10 as per "Results per page" listbox
                          #5. Inconsistency in date formats: "Invoice date" text fields (6/5/2011) and the search results table (5-June-2011)
                          #6. Remove column "Type" since it is redundant. It repeats what user already knows about the "Invoices" folder
                          #7. Mismatch between "422" invoices found and 32 pages not being enough to accommodate that many invoices
                          #8. Column "Amount" is sorted in descending order, the symbol in "Amount" header is ascending
                          #9. Column "Amount" is sorted in descending order the line 7 and 8 sorted ascending
                          #10. "1-Oct-2011" invoice should not get into search results for "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011" range
                          #11 Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
                          #12 The columns and the search fields have different labels ex.: "PO#" and "Purchase order", "Status" and "Invoice status"
                          #13. There is no search for "Payment" column in a search field
                          #14. The text of the headers of the table is aligned to the right, while the table body's text is aligned to the left.
                          #15. Numbers in the "From amount:" and "to" fields in a search section should be formatted "$,xx"
                          #16. "Invoice date" in a search field should be changed to "Invoice date from:"
                          #17 Data in the "Due Date" column is not provided in a common date format
                          #18 Data in "PO #" column is provided in a common date format. Please make sure it is the way it should be.
                          #19 "From amount:" in a search field should be changed to "Amount from:"
                          #20 Remove separated search button for a search field "Purchase order", it repeat the same button "Search"
                          #21. The color of the "Search" button is differs with all the orange color in a page, more bright, make it the same as headers of the columns.


                          • 1. Headings unaligned with column content.
                            2. Table rows are unnumbered.
                            3. The logo in the header doesn't contain the link to the homepage.
                            4. Search parameters. Unreadable binocular icon.
                            5. There is no link to page 5 at the bottom of the table.
                            6. Row 1 - Status. Misspelling "e" in the word "Rejected"
                            7. "Search my invoices" section. The colon is only in "From amount:"
                            8. Search parameters. The missing word "from" in "invoice date"
                            9. The table header says "Showing 422 invoices", while actually, 32 pages with 11 results cannot be more than 331.
                            10. Table header. Misspelling in word "Invoice".
                            11. There is a set of "10 results per page" while actually, 11 indicated.
                            12. Row 11. The "Actions" button is missing.
                            13. Row 7. The search result doesn't meet search parameters. "1-Oct-2011" is not in the "6/5/2011- 9/30/2011" search date range.
                            14. Amount column. The "up-down triangle" icon indicates descending order while there is ascending order.
                            15. Rows 7 and 8 should be swapped: Search results are in amount ascending order but Row 7 amount is bigger than Row 8 amount.
                            Last edited by Aldina; 09-20-2022, 12:06 AM.


                            • My name is Yuliya,
                              • I have higher education- management organization of tourism industry
                              • 12 years of experience head of air tickets sales department
                              • I want to move to live in the USA to change my life to learn something new
                              • My friends work in IT, they told me the principle of work, I really liked it and I want to learn and enjoy this work
                              • In 5 years, I see myself as a senior QA automation engineer with a lot of skills and experience, preparing to move to the position of QA Lead through


                              • Taulia bug's report:

                                #1. There is no indication on the page that the user has registered in his own account,
                                #2. There are no company details on the page (contact phone number, address, e-mail...),
                                #3. In the "Search my invoices" section, the purpose of the icon with binoculars is not clear,
                                #4. There is no uniformity in the "Search my invoices" section, since there are no colons in all text fields except for the "From amount:" field
                                #5. Replace "From amount:" "to" with "Amount from:" "to:",
                                #6. In the section "From amount:" there is no settlement currency,
                                #7. Adjust the data format in the "From amount:" text field to match the monetary data format in the "Amount" column,
                                #8. In the “Amount” column the order of sorting data in ascending order in rows #7 and #8 is violated,
                                #9. Right-align the data in the "Amount" column
                                #10. In the "Search my invoices" section, replace the text fields "Invoice date" "to" with "Invoice date from:" "to:",
                                #11. Replace the word "Invoce" in the title of the first column of search results with the word "Invoice",
                                #12. Replace the word "Rejcted" with the word "Rejected" in the first row, seventh column of the search results,
                                #13. The alignment of information inside the search columns does not match the alignment of the names of these columns,
                                #14. Perhaps in the column "Inv. Date" the word "Invoice" can be written without abbreviations,
                                #15. Inconsistency in the name of the column "Due Date" with the data contained in the column,
                                #16. Perhaps the names of the columns "PO #" and "Due Date" and the data contained in them are mixed up,
                                #17. Perhaps in the case when the data is sorted exclusively by "Invoice", the need for the "Type" column disappears,
                                #18. Inconsistency between the given result of rows on the page (10 rows) and the actual number of rows (11 rows),
                                #19. In the search results from the first to 32 sheets, there is no sheet №5,
                                #20. Row #7 with search result: “Inv. Date" = "1-Oct-2011" is out of range of search parameters (with search parameters set to "Invoice date from 6/5/2011 to
                                #21. 422 invoices, 10 invoices per page cannot fit on 32 sheets,
                                #22. The last row with the search data is missing the "Actions" button,
                                #23. The column with buttons "Actions" is not titled,
                                #24. Inconsistency in data formats in the "Invoice date", "to" text fields and in the "Inv. Date", "PO #", columns
                                #25. Inconsistency in the name of the icon and its pop-up window in the "Status" column, fourth row
                                Last edited by Myx; 09-21-2022, 06:41 PM.

