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Taulia bug reports, homework

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  • #16
    1. In the folder "Amount" in the data table numbers should go from the highest to the lowest, not vice versa.
    2. In the data table columns "Due date" and "PO#" are confused.
    3. In the 4 line column "Status" if you direct the mouse on the image "Paid", you will see pop up message "Approved".
    4. In label "Purchase order" when you direct the cursor on the image of binoculars there isn't pop up message.
    5. Several repeated the same numbers of PO "40988" and "30988" for different numbers of Invoices.
    6. When directing the cursor on the logo of Home page, the link to return to the Home pahe doesn't appear.
    7. In label "Invoice date" incorrect order in the date "9/30/2011". Should be "30/9/2011".


    • #17
      Bugs report for Invoices folder page.
      #1. Inconsistency in currency formats: "From amount" text field (100) and "to" text field (1000000) versus search results in "Amount" column ($97,544.98).
      #2. "Search my invoices" section: please put a colon character ( : ) after all labels, except "From amount" label.
      #3. Inconsistency in date formats: "Invoice date" text field (6/5/2011) and "to" text field (9/30/2011) versus search results bable (28-Sep-2011).
      #4. "Serch my invoices" section: TAB order logic. If the TAB is pressed at the list box "Results per page" the web search field (at the top of the page) is selected instead of the "Search" button.
      #5. "Search my Invoices" section: "Customer" list box does not give you the list to choose from. It should have a list of values or should be just a text box.
      #6. "Search my Invoices" section: "Invoice status" list box does not give you the list to choose from. It should have a list of values or should be just a text box.
      #7. "Search my Invoices" section: "Results per page" list box does not give you the list to choose from. It should have a list of values or should be just a text box.
      #8. "Search my Invoices" section: the icon to the right of the "Purchase order" does not give us any results. Check if there should be a list box in this field.
      #9. Search results section: please replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices".
      #10. Search results table: Mismatch between "422" invoices showing and 32 pages existing in the search section.
      #11. Search results section: icon to the left of the "Download list" is traditionally perceived by users as a Save function, not just a Download one. Please replace with the traditional Download icon.
      #12. Serch results section: Please add the Descriptive Heading "Search Results" in the middle of the blue heading bar to improve the visual picture for the user.
      #13. Mismatch in 10 "Results per page" and 11 rows appeared in search results table.
      #14. Search results table: please replace the column header "Invoce #" with the header "Invoice #".
      #15. Search results table: please eliminate the "Type" column as a redundant one. The user is looking for the invoices only at this folder page.
      #16. Search results table: column "Due Date" does not reflect the data in a common date format.
      #17. Search results table: column " PO #" does not reflect the data in a date format that looks incorrect.
      #18. Search results table: the header is absent for the last column.
      #19. Column "Status", first row: the word "Rejcted" is misspelled.
      #20. Search results table: mismatch of the search result row with "1-Oct-2011" value in "Inv.Date" and the "Invoices date" criteria (6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011).
      #21. Search results section, bottom: please add a link to the page "5".
      #22. Search results table: please add an "Action" button to the last row.
      #23. Search results table: for the visual satisfaction of a user, please align all the coulumn headings to the left to for them to be aligned with the search results in the columns.


      • #18
        #1 in the "Search my invoices" the field 'From amount:' has colon while other fields do not
        #2 "Invoice date" format in the "Search my invoices" has different format of the Date vs the date
        format in the summary table
        #3 in the summary table in the column "Inv date" the 7th row is out of the search range
        #4 the summary table has 11 Results per page instead of set parameter of 10
        #5 on the top left corner of the Summary table indicated incorrect quantity of 422 found while
        the max is 32x11=352
        #6 in the header of the summary table misspelled word "invoce"
        #7 in the header of the summary table column "Due Date" is not showing data in the date format
        #8 in the header of the summary table sorting filter is missing for all columns except "Amount"
        #9 in the header of the summary table the last column is missing the name
        #10 in the summary table in the "Amount" column lines 7 and 8 are not following the sorting filter
        #11 in the summary table 11th line is missing the "Actions" button
        #12 in the summary table the 1st line in the "Status" column misspelled word "Rejcted"
        #13 in the header of the summary table the column "Status" should be "Invoice status" according
        to the 6th line name in the "Search my invoices"


        • #19
          #13. The columns in the table are not aligned with the header names.
          #14. In the column "Amount" the numbers are not in ascending order as shows sorting sign.
          #15. In the column "Amount" the numbers are not in the right aligned.
          #16. Inconsistent format of numbers in the "From Amount:" and the column "Amount”.
          #17. The buttons: “From Amount” and “to” is not show in which money equivalent they are.
          #18. In the row 11 the button “Action” is missing.
          Last edited by Ravil; 09-09-2022, 08:28 PM.


          • #20

            Taulia bug report:
            1. Replace “Search my invoices” in the main header to “Search invoices”.
            2. Replace “Inv. Date” in the header of the third column with “Invoice Date” for clarity.
            3. Replace “Showing 422 invoices” in the search results header with “ Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices”.
            4. Same PO# value of 40988 generated in the fourth column for invoice numbers 1122338089, 1122339500, 1122339135, 1122339546, 1122339226, 1122338095. Check if that is the correct value.
            5. Same PO# value of 30998 generated in the fourth column for invoice numbers 1122339044, 1122339134. Check if that is the correct value.
            6. Change “Download list” to “Download”.
            7. Data in the “Amount” column is sorted in ascending order (smallest to largest) instead of descending order (largest to smallest). The arrow next to the “Amount” header is pointing down indicating the column should be arranged in the descending order. Check for discrepancy.
            8. In the seventh row of the “Amount” column value $22,409.37 is not in order.
            9. Check if any data need to be present in the rows 1,3,6,7, 9, 10 of the “Payment” column.
            10. "Search my invoices" section - replace label in the fourth row “From amount:” to “Amount from:”.
            11. "Search my invoices" section - replace label in the fifth row “Invoice date” to “Invoice date from”.
            12. "Search my invoices" section - check if the binocular icon is necessary in the "Purchase order" row.
            13. "Search my invoices" section, fourth row, values in the select box are missing denomination ($$$).
            Last edited by oapasava; 09-09-2022, 10:51 PM.


            • #21
              Originally posted by DzmitryTS View Post
              1. In the folder "Amount" in the data table numbers should go from the highest to the lowest, not vice versa.
              2. In the data table columns "Due date" and "PO#" are confused.
              3. In the 4 line column "Status" if you direct the mouse on the image "Paid", you will see pop up message "Approved".
              4. In label "Purchase order" when you direct the cursor on the image of binoculars there isn't pop up message.
              5. Several repeated the same numbers of PO "40988" and "30988" for different numbers of Invoices.
              6. When directing the cursor on the logo of Home page, the link to return to the Home pahe doesn't appear.
              7. In label "Invoice date" incorrect order in the date "9/30/2011". Should be "30/9/2011".
              Correct date format for the US is mm-dd-yyyy, so 9-30-2011 is correct.


              • #22
                1. "Search my invoices" section: third row is redundant for searching invoices. (There is the folder tab "Purchase Orders" at the top of the page for searching)
                2. "Hide search parameters" button: missing character (˅) at the end
                3. There is no way to open pages between links "10" and "32" of search results
                4. One character (dot .) is missing in the link between "10" and "32" of search results


                • #23
                  Tried to consolidate bugs that were not yet reported.

                  1. Inconsistency in amount currency definition: it's not possible to specify it in "Search my invoices" section while it is specified in "Amount" column
                  2. The page numbers at the bottom of the page are not clickable
                  3. When navigating a mouse pointer over the text "Actions" on any button "Actions" the mouse pointer switches to a cursor.
                  4. The organization's logo is not clickable.
                  5. Make sure the column "Customer" is not needed in the search results section. The field "Customer" presents in "Search my invoices" section.
                  6. Replace "From amount" label with "Amount from"
                  7. Replace "Invoice date" label with "Invoice date from"
                  8. There is no tooltip to the binoculars element located next to "Purchase order" field in "Search my invoices" section. So the meaning of this element is not clear.


                  • #24
                    TAULIA Bug report#1:
                    Search labels names - invoice number
                    • Customer
                    • Purchase order
                    • Invoice date, to
                    • Invoice status
                    • Results per page
                    Are missing the colon (“:”) sign in the end.

                    TAULIA Bug report#2:
                    Results table: column “PO number” shows data in a common date format.

                    TAULIA Bug report#3:
                    Results table: Due date column reflects the data not in common data format.

                    TAULIA Bug report#4:
                    Results table: sStatus column: word “rejected” is misspelled as “rjected”.

                    TAULIA Bug report#5:
                    Results table: header of the column "Invoice": word “Invoice”‘is misspelled as “Invce”.

                    TAULIA Bug report#6

                    Results table: date range of the invoices reflected is different from requested:
                    • Requested: from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011;
                    • Results shown from 6/5/2011 to 10/31/2011.
                    TAULIA Bug report#7:
                    Results table: number of the results per page is 11 instead of 10.

                    TAULIA Bug report#8:
                    Results page numbers: link to page 5 is missing.

                    TAULIA Bug report#9:
                    Results tab: Amount column: the header “Amount” has descending sorting order sign while results are reflected in ascending order.

                    TAULIA Bug report#10:
                    Date format in the search text field is different from the format of the date, reflected in the results table.

                    TAULIA Bug report#11:
                    Results table: number of invoices found is 422, required amount of results per page - 10. 422:10=42.
                    Number of pages shown is 32.
                    Amount of pages is incorrect.

                    TAULIA Bug report#12:
                    Results table: please, make sure that the “Invoice” column is relevant and is not redundant.

                    TAULIA Bug report#13:
                    Results table: amount format in the result table is different from the amount format in the search text field.

                    TAULIA Bug report#14:
                    Results table: 11th line of the results table is missing the “Action” button.

                    TAULIA Bug report#15:
                    Please make sure that PO number reflected in the result table is correct. Column “Due Date” (assumed “PO number” consists of numerous similar numbers.

                    TAULIA Bug report#16:
                    Please make sure that the button (icon) “search” near the purchase order text field is functionally necessary.

                    TAULIA Bug report#17:
                    Results tab: Please make sure that ascending/descending order option buttons are not missing in the columns: “Invoice date”, “Due date” and “Invoice number”.

                    TAULIA Bug report#18
                    Results table: Amount column: inconsistency in the reflected results - invoice amount in line 8 is more than amount in line 9.

                    TAULIA Bug report#19
                    Results table: column "Customer" is missing.
                    Last edited by KES; 09-19-2022, 05:59 AM.


                    • #25
                      #1. Link to page "5" of search results is missing.
                      #2. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices".
                      #3. Search results are showing 11 rows per page, instead of 10 as per "results per page" list box.
                      #4. Header of column "Amount": inconsistency in the sort order, should be showing Ascending order (arrow pointed
                      upwards), instead of Descending order.
                      #5. Column Headers should be center alinged.
                      #6. Data in the "Due Date" column is not provided in common data format.
                      #7. "Hide search parameters" is missing an arrow pointing upwards.
                      #8. Label "Invoice Status" in Search Parameters: list box only allows to choose "All" option. Add "Paid",
                      "Rejected", "In process", "Approved" option for search parameters.
                      #9. Mismatch between “422” invoices found and 32 pages not being enough to accommodate that many invoices.
                      #10. Data in the “PO #” column is not provided in a common date format. Please, ensure it is the way it
                      should be.
                      #11. Line 4, Column "Status": when navigating mouse pointer over "Paid" icon, shows "Approved" instead of "Paid".
                      #12. Column 9 is missing Header name, please, ensure it is the way it should be.
                      #13. First row of “Status” column: replace “Rejcted” with “Rejected”.
                      #14. Column "Inv.Date": ”1-Oct-2011” is inconsistent with data in Label "Invoice Date" and
                      should not get into Search Results for “6/5/2011” to “9/30/2011” range.
                      #15. Remove Column “Type” since it is unnecessary. It repeats what user already knows about the “Invoices folder”.
                      #16. “Search my invoices” section: 8 out of 9 search labels are missing colon character at the end.
                      #17. Header of the first column: the word “Invoce #” is misspelled, replace with "Invoice #".
                      #18. Label "Results per page" in Search Parameters: list box has only one choice of the number of results
                      per page.
                      #19. "Search" button does not function when clicking on it.
                      #20. "Refresh" button does not function when clicking on it.

                      *Add "Check all" Column at the beginning of the table and add "Check box" at the begging of each line, so user
                      can choose specific invoices.
                      *Change "Download list" to "Download Selected".
                      *Add "Next Page" link next to page numbers.


                      • #26
                        #1 Header "Payment" does not give us a clear sense of what information should be represented in the column.
                        #2 Headers in the search results section are not in the same order as in the "Search my invoices" section.
                        #3 There is an inconsistency between the label "Invoice number" in the "Search my invoices" section and the header "Invoce #" in the search results section. There should be the same phrases.
                        #4 "Customer" column should be in the search results section since there is mentioned label in the "Search my invoices" section.
                        #5 There is an inconsistency between the label "Purchase order" in the "Search my invoices" section and the header "PO #" in the search results section. There should be the same phrases.
                        #6 There is an inconsistency between the label "Invoice date" in the "Search my invoices" section and the header "Inv. Date" in the search results section. There should be the same phrases.
                        #7 The button near the text field of "Purchase order" in the "Search my invoices" section does not have a tooltip so it is not clear what this button does.
                        #8 Missing word "From" in the label "Invoice date" in the "Search my invoices" section as it is in the label "From amount".
                        #9 There is an inconsistency between the label "Invoice status" in the "Search my invoices" section and the header "Status" in the search results section. There should be the same phrases.
                        #10 There should be "Download spreadsheet" instead of "Download list" at the top of the search results section.


                        • #27
                          1. An arrow next to the "Amount" column name looks downwards, which implies a descending ordering, but in reality the "Amount" column is ordered ascending.
                          2. "Amount" column is sorted ascending, but the value in the 7th row is bigger than the value in the 8th row ($22,409.37 > $22,376.00).
                          3. "Payment" column name is inconsistent with the "Inv. Date" and "Due Date" column names, as all columns have date values. Column can be renamed to "Payment Date".
                          4. "Invoice Date" textboxes aren't interactable and can't be redacted.
                          5. "Invoice number", "Purchase order" and "From / to amount" textboxes have no constraints.


                          • #28
                            1. Delete the Column “Type”, its redundant.
                            2. The column “Due Date” has the wrong format. Should be the date format.
                            3. The column “Amount” has an arrow pointed down, which means the data should be sorted in ascending order. Lines 7 and 8 are not in this order.
                            4. Labels should be with the colon sign.
                            5. Last line does not have button “Actions”.
                            6. Delete the folder “Your Customer” – there is a label “Customer” with the arrow which allows to pick the customer.
                            7. The folder “My details” – does it make sense to have this folder? There is “Profile” folder.
                            8. The box close to the Label “Invoice Number” should have an arrow, which allow to find the invoice.
                            9. Delete the Label “Purchase Order” and the box close to it. There is a special folder “Purchase Order”.
                            10. The Label “Results per page” shows 10, but there are 11 invoices which appear in the table.
                            11. The Column “Invoce #” is misspelled. Change for “Invoice #”.
                            12. The Label “Invoice date” has one date format and the column “Invoice Date” has another date format. Should be the same format.
                            13. The Column “PO #” has the wrong format – date format instead of figures.
                            14. The Label “From amount” the figures (digits) have no dots separated digits.
                            15. The Label “From amount” have no currency.
                            16. The column “Amount” should be right aligned.
                            17. The page 5 is missing.
                            18. It should be 43 pages shown, but there are only 32. 422/10 = 42.2
                            19. Change "Rejcted" in the first line (column "Status") for "Rejected".
                            20. Line 7 Invoice # 1122339546 - the invoice date "1-Oct-2011" is out of search parameters "6/5/2011 - 09/30/2011" - this invoice should not be shown in the table.
                            21. The Label "User Manager" should be separated into two labels "User" and "Manager".


                            • #29
                              1. "Invoice number" text field allow to input characters. Must be only intergers.
                              2. "Invoce #" missing letter. Must be "Invoice #"
                              3. "Due Date" don't present by date.
                              4. Incorrect "Amount" sorting: ROW 8 < ROW 7.
                              5. 1st ROW of "Status" column: Replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
                              6. ROW 2 : Incorrect Payment date.
                              7. ROW 4 : Incorrect Payment date.
                              8. ROW 8 : Incorrect Payment date.
                              9. ROW 11 : Incorrect Payment date.
                              10. Search results are given in 11 rows instead of 10 as per "Results per page" listbox
                              11. ROW 11 Missing "Actions" Button
                              12. Link to the page "5" of search results is missing
                              13. Inconsistency in date formats: "Invoice date" text fields (6/5/2011) and the search results table (5-June-2011)
                              14. Mismatch between "422" invoices found and 32 pages not being enough to accomodate that many invoices
                              15. Invoice 1122339044 have mismath with label status shows Paid, but when mouse cursor is pointing over status shows "Approved".


                              • #30
                                Taulia Bug Report

                                1. In the header section of the page "user manager " & "profile " are inconsistent.
                                2. The navigation tab " My details " can be replaced with "My profile".
                                3. In the "search my invoices" section 8 out of 9 labels are missing the ":" character.
                                4. At the end of the "Purchase order" label there is a Binocular icon placed which is irrelevant.
                                5. Both "Invoice status" & " Results per page" labels have list item box but the items are not listed in the box.
                                6. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices".
                                7. Replace the "Download list " icon symbol with the standard download icon symbol.
                                8.The first column "Invoce#" is misspelled .
                                9. Remove column "Type" since the user knows already what they are searching.
                                10. Link to the page "5" of search results is missing.
                                11. In the first row of "Status" column: replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected".
                                12. Data in the "Due Date" column is not in the common date format.
                                13. Search results are given in 11 rows of data instead of 10 rows.
                                14.Data in the "Po#" column is provided with the common date format, make sure the way it should be in there.
                                15. Inconsistency in the " invoice date" format in the label and "Inv date" column date format.
                                16. "Invoice date " range given in the textfield doesn't match with search results of the "invdate" column.
                                17. Sorting functionality of "Amount" column is supposed to do descending order instead of ascending order.
                                18. "Amount" column sorting order is broken in Row 7 & 8 .
                                19. Search results are given in 11 rows instead of 10 as per "Results per page" listbox.
                                20. "Payment" column displays only the year and the time of payment ,Please make sure it is the way it should be.
                                21. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" in the header section of search results with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices".
                                22. Mismatch between "422" invoices found and 32 pages are not enough to display all invoices.
                                23. Refresh functionality is not required in the search results.
                                24. Hide search parameters is wrongly placed in search tab instead of near the required parameters.
                                25. Replace "Your customers" tab with the customers.

