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Energy-Telecom Bugs - Sept 12, 2023

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  • Energy-Telecom Bugs - Sept 12, 2023

    Here you write your bug reports

  • #2
    Energy - Telecom Functionality Testing (BUG REPORTS)
    #1. Text field "First Name" accepts only 30 characters MAX instead of 31
    #2. Text field "Last Name" accepts only 30 characters MAX instead of 31
    #3. "ZIP" field accepts letters before submitting
    #4. "ZIP" field accepts everything in PASTE mode before submitting
    #5. Can submit w/out filling REQURED "* Email" field
    #6. "Phone" field accepts everything in PASTE mode before submitting
    #7. "Phone" field. Text boxes do not switching automatically, when we use keypad data entry
    #8. Can't submit w/out filling non- required "Referred by" field. The message "* Please enter the name of the person you were referred by" is wrong
    #9. "Clear" btn pushed. Error message pops up: "Error 17896-Invalid data request..." Confusing
    Last edited by Tester53; 09-20-2023, 10:23 AM.


    • #3
      Bug report: Energy-Telecom

      1. First name and last name – no more than 30 characters are allowed.

      2. Address – no more than 100 characters are allowed. This does not meet the conditions.

      3. City – accepts all symbols. The text field accepts 50 characters or less.

      4. The state list only offers 49 states.

      5. Postal code - takes only 5 digits. It also accepts letters up to 5 values.

      6. Email – accept more than 255 characters. Accepts special characters

      7. Telephone - Accepts numbers only (3-3-4)
      Last edited by Mr.Tester; 09-20-2023, 06:12 PM.


      • #4
        #1.If the field “referred by” is left empty then it shows up in the top list of required fields even though it is not a required field.
        #2.If the “email” field is left blank it does not show up in the top list of required fields even though it is a required field (when the every field is filled in except the email the site allows the application to get submitted).
        #3.The "State" field has only 49 values and 50 are required.
        #4.The “State” field has a state named “other” which needs to be removed(other is not part of the 50 states of America like stated in the requirement ).
        #5.The “address” field only allows up to one hundred characters.
        #6.The field “email” allows for more than 255 characters to be typed.


        • #5
          Energy - Telecom bug reports

          #1. "First Name" field accepts 30 characters instead 31 as per requirements.
          #2. "Last Name" field accepts 30 characters instead 31 as per requirements.
          #3. "Street Address" field accepts 100 characters instead 255 as per requirements.
          #4. "State" list box: "BC" abbreviation needs to be removed, no such state is existed in USA.
          #5 "State" list box: option "Other" needs to be removed, only 50 states needs to be presented as per requirements.
          #6. "State" list box: not all of 50 states are presented as supposed to be as per requirements.
          #7. "ZIP" field accepts letter symbols. Numbers only requires at this field.
          #8. "ZIP field: More than 5 symbols can be pasted instead 5 maximum as per requirements.
          #9. "Email" field accepts more than 255 symbols. Up to 255 symbols allowed by requirements.
          #10. All of three "Phone" fields accepts pasting symbol and letter characters which is against requirements.
          #11. "Clear" button at the end of the form does not erase any data from all of the fields as expected and shows "Error 17896" instead.


          • #6
            1. Field "Referred by" is not marked asterisk, if push "Submit" then the error message said this field is required
            2. Field "Email is marked asterisk, if push "Submit" this field is not accept as required
            3. Field "Referred by" is not clear, when refresh the page by F5
            4. Button "Submit" have different font size than "Clear" button
            5. Button "Submit" not used by default button if page refresh
            6. Has an error message "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!" when push the button "Clear"
            7. Incorrect order of selecting fields when pressing "Tab" on the keybord
            8. Can paste letters to the "Phone" field, not digits only as per requirements
            9. Can input letters to the "Zip" field, not digits only as per requirements
            10. Can paste more than 255 symbols in field "Email"


            • #7
              1. Required field error messege list does not display "*Please enter your Email", but should.
              2. Change color of "Email" required field asterisk, should be red instead of blue.
              3. The "State" drop down menu has 49 state fields, should be 50
              4. The "State" drop down menu has "BC" as a state, that is not a valid U.S state.
              5. The "Phone" field accepts letters if you paste it. Should be digits only.
              6. Input "Zip" field accepts more that 5 digits if you paste it. Should be 5 digits only.
              7. Input "Zip" field accepts letters and special characters if you paste it. Should be 5 digits only.


              • #8
                I. Contact Information Section:

                1. “First Name” text field does not have the default input focus.
                2. Tab order is not respected: from “First Name” text field it jumps to “Referred by” text field.
                3. “First Name:” accepts only 30 characters not 31 as per reqs.
                4. “Last name” text field is not respecting the logical Tab order.
                5. “Last Name:” accepts only 30 characters not 31 as per requirements.
                6. “Street Address:” text field accepts only 100 characters, not 255 as per reqs.
                7. “State:” dropdown list inconsistent data: “BC” not a US state, please remove “BC”.
                8. “State:” dropdown list missing state “DC” for District of Columbia.
                9. “State:” dropdown list missing state “HI” for Hawaii state.
                10. “State:” dropdown list misspelling state “IND” – correct form “IN” for the Indiana state.
                11. “State:” dropdown list missing state “NV” for Nevada state.
                12. “State:” dropdown list inconsistent data: “Other” option is irrelevant.
                13. “State:” dropdown list inconsistent data: US state missing, only 47 states out of 50 states.
                14. “ZIP:” inconsistency as it allows typing 5 non-digit characters.
                15. “ZIP:” inconsistency as it allows Copy/Paste non-digit characters.
                16. “ZIP” inconsistency as it allows Copy/Paste more than 5 digits.
                17. “ZIP” inconsistency as it allows Copy/Paste more than 5 non-digit characters.
                18. “Email:” text field should behave as a required field as per reqs.
                19. “Email:” text field has a blue “*”, should be a red “*” after submitting an empty email field.
                20. “Email:” field is inconsistent with requirement as it allows typing more than 255 characters.
                21. “Email:” field is inconsistent with requirement as it allows Copy/Paste more than 255 characters.
                22. “Email:” field is inconsistent with requirement as it accepts all special characters.
                23. “Email:” field should generate an error message like “Please enter a valid Email address” when invalid email address is entered and submitted.
                24. “Phone:” field allows Copy/Paste letters and special characters in all 3 text fields.
                25. “Referred by:” inconsistent with reqs. as it behaves as a required field.

                II. “Cell Phone Service” section:

                26. “Current Provider” list box from “Cell Phone Service” is missing AT&T.
                27. “Current Provider:” list box from “Cell Phone Service” is missing “Other”.
                28. “My monthly bill is approximately:” text field from “Cell Phone Service” allows typing letters.
                29. “My monthly bill is approximately:” text fields allows Copy/Paste non-digit characters.
                30. “Months left on current contract:” list box has only 10 months, should have 24 months.
                31. “Months left on current contract:” list box should have “More” option.
                32. “Number of phones on plan:” list box has too many options, should have no more than 10.

                Last edited by malinabadica; 09-20-2023, 07:58 PM.


                • #9
                  Energy - Telecom bug reports

                  #1. "State" list box: "BC" abbreviation needs to be removed, no such state is existed in USA.
                  #2. "State" list box: "IND" abbreviation needs to be replace with "IN"
                  #3. "State" list box: "Other" abbreviation needs to be removed It is redundant .
                  #4. "State" list box: abbreviation of state Hawaii "HI" is missing, need to be added.
                  #5. Cursor does not move from "First Name" field to "Last Name" by clicking "Tab" on keyboard, I move to field "Referred by:"
                  #6. "Phone" fields accept type in only numbers as required, but accept paste in letters and symbols.


                  • #10
                    #1. Required field error message list does not display "*Please enter your Email”.

                    #2. The states in the "state" field are not sorted alphabetically.

                    #3. List Box in “State” list offering 49 states, not 50 as per requirements.

                    #4. List Box in “State” list offering “Other” option, that is not as per requirements.

                    #5. Required field error message list display "* Please enter the name of the person you were referred by”, but it’s not required field.

                    #6. Input to the “Zip" field accepts letters, not only digits as per requirements.

                    #7. Input to the “Email” field accepts more than 255 characters. (?)

                    #8. The TAB order is illogical.


                    • #11
                      Energy-Telecom Bugs - Sept 12, 2023

                      #1. "First Name" field accept maximum 30 characters instead of maximum 31 characters.
                      #2. "Last Name" field accept maximum 30 characters instead of maximum 31 characters.
                      #3. "Street Address" field accept maximum 100 characters, not 255 as per requirement.
                      #4. "State" drop-down list contains 49 states instead of 50 (there is word "other" for the state, must be specific name of the state)
                      #5. "State" drop-down list contains state named "BC" that is not exist in the USA.
                      #6 "State" drop-down list contains misspelling state. Replace "IND" with "IN" for Indiana state.
                      #7. "ZIP" field accept letter and digits. Must accept only digits per requirements.
                      #8 "ZIP" field accept more than 5 digits if they are pasted. Per requirement it is acceptable only 5 digits.
                      #9. "Email" field accept more than 255 characters, per requirement must be only 255 characters. Also accept all special characters not only some of them.
                      #10. "Phone" field should contain only digits, it is possible to paste letter that is not per requirement.


                      • #12

                        Bug Report - Energy-Telecom Service Review
                        1. After submitting the form, no email was sent to the email address provided in the “Email” field.
                        2. Text field “First name” only accepts up to 30 characters, not 31 as per requirements.
                        3. Text field “Last name” only accepts up to 30 characters, not 31 as per requirements.
                        4. Text field “Street address” only accepts up to 100 characters, not 255 as per requirements.
                        5. In list box “State” remove the list box item “Other”.
                        6. Inconsistency: List box “State” includes a Canadian province “BC”. Revise if Canadian provinces are to be included.
                        7. In list box “State” change “IND” to “IN” for the correct abbreviation.
                        8. List box “State” includes 48 US States, not 50 per requirement. Add list box items “HI” and “NV”.
                        9. Text field “ZIP” accepts letters, not only digits as per requirements.
                        10. Text field “ZIP” accepts input of “00000”, zip code does not exist.
                        11. Text field “ZIP” accepts Copy/Paste of special characters, not only digits per requirements.
                        12. Text field “Email” accepts up to 1063 characters, not max 255 characters per requirements.
                        13. Per requirements, text field “Email” should accept some special characters but it accepts all special characters.


                        • #13
                          ENERGY-TELEKOM TEST CASES

                          1.First name:

                          Case 1. Accepts all characters Sm4&Ш* Accepted
                          Case 2. Max input - 31 characters 30 Accepted
                          Case3. Max input 31+1 characters 30 Accepted
                          Case 4. Required field (left empty) “Required Field” message
                          Case 5. Paste - 31 characters 30 Accepted

                          2.Last Name:
                          Case 1. Accepts all characters Sm4&Ш* Accepted
                          Case 2. Max input - 31 characters 30 Accepted
                          Case3. Max input 31+1 characters 30 Accepted
                          Case 4. Required field (left empty) “Required Field” message
                          Case 5. Paste - 32 characters 30 Accepted

                          3.Street Address:
                          Case 1. Accepts all characters 123#$%+” Accepted
                          Case 2. Max input - 255 characters 100 Accepted
                          Case3. Max input - 255+1 Characters 100 Accepted
                          Case 4. Required field – empty field “Required Field” message

                          Case 1. Accepts City Detroit Accepted
                          Case 2. Accepts all characters =Detroit+1# Accepted
                          Case 3. Max input - 50 characters 50 Accepted
                          Case 4. Max input – 50+1 characters 50 Accepted
                          Case 5. Required field – empty field “Required Field” message

                          Case 1. Accepts states State = MI Accepted
                          Case 2. Max input - 50 states 48 Accepted
                          Case 3. Required field – empty field “Required Field” message

                          Case 1. Accepts 5 digits, existing 48158 Accepted
                          Case 2. 6 digits 481581 Not applicable
                          Case3. Paste 6 digits 481581 Accepted, ”Enter a valid ZIP Code” message
                          Case 4. 4 digits 4815 Accepted, ”Enter a valid ZIP Code” message
                          Case 5. Invalid input allowed 5 Letter- ddddd Accepted, ”Enter a valid ZIP Code” message
                          Case 6. Paste Sp.character 4815* Accepted, ”Enter a valid ZIP Code” message
                          Case 5. Required field – empty field “Required Field” message

                          Case 1. Accepts all characters Accepted
                          Case 2. Max input 255 characters Accepted
                          Case3. Max input 255+1 Characters 256 Accepted
                          Case 4. Max input 255+45 Characters 300 Accepted
                          Case 5. Required field (left empty) No “Required Field” message
                          Case 6. Paste - Accepted

                          Case 1. 10 digits 848 777 3322 Accepted
                          Case 2. 9 digits 848 777 332 Accepted, ”Enter a valid Phone Number” message
                          Case3. Input Letter paste 84A 77A 332A Accepted, ”Enter a valid Phone Number” message
                          Case 4. Input Sp.characters paste 84* 77* 332* Accepted, ”Enter a valid Phone Number” message
                          Case 5. Required field (left empty) “Required Field” message

                          ENERGY-TELECOM BUG REPORT

                          #1. “Referred by:” field is in Required Box if push button “Submit” with empty “Referred by” field, but not marked asterisk, which indicates required field
                          #2. “First Name” field accepts to 30 characters not 31 as per requirement
                          #3. “First Name” field accepts paste up to 30 characters not 31 as per requirement
                          #4. “Last Name” field accept to 30 characters not 31 as per requirement
                          #5. “Last Name” field accept paste to 30 characters not 31 as per requirement
                          #6. “Street Address” field accepts to 100 characters not 255 as per requirement
                          #7. “State” list box should include states in alphabetical order
                          #8. “State” list box: in drop box should exclude “BC” as non-existent
                          #9. “State” list box: in drop box should exclude “Other”
                          #10. “State” list box has 48 states not 50 as per requirement
                          #11. “State” list box: in drop box misspelled “IND” vs per “IN” state abbreviation
                          #12. “State” list box: missing state “DS”
                          #13.”States” list box: missing state “HI”
                          #14. “ZIP” field allows paste 6 digits instead of 5
                          #15. “ZIP” field allows paste Sp.characters instead of numbers
                          #16. “Email” field allows adding more than 255 characters as per requirement
                          #17. “Email” field allows paste more than 255 characters as per requirement
                          #18. Empty “Email” field has no “Required Field” message
                          #19. “Phone” field allows paste letters and Sp.characters
                          #20. “Clear” button does not work as per requirement

                          Last edited by annakrylova; 09-26-2023, 01:22 PM.


                          • #14
                            1. TAB order from "First Name" field to "Referred by" field is not logical
                            2. "Referred by" field: empty field and push "Submit" button - warning message
                            3. "Email" field: empty field and push "Submit" button - no warning message
                            4. "Email" field doesn`t accept "_"
                            5. Pushing "Clear" button leads to confusing and misleading error message
                            6. "Cell Phone Service" sector: "Other" list box item is missing in "Current Provider" list box
                            7. "Cell Phone Service" sector: inconsistensy in amount of months provided in "Months left on current contract" list box and "I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately" list box
                            8. "State" list box: redundant "Other" list box item
                            9. "State" list box: redundant "BC" list box item
                            10. "State" list box: includs 48 states insteat of 50 as per requirment
                            11. "ZIP" field accepts pasted 6 characters instead of 5 digits as per requirment
                            12. "ZIP" field accepts letters instead of only digits as per requirment
                            13. "ZIP" field accepts pasted special characters instead of only digits as per requirment
                            14. "Phone" field accepts pasted special characters instead of only digits as per requirment
                            15. "Phone" field accepts pasted letters instead of only digits as per requirment


                            • #15
                              #1 “Cell Phone Service” Section: “Current provider” list box is missing “Other” option.
                              #2 “Cell Phone Service” Section: “Months left on current contract” list box is missing “Other” option.
                              #3 Inconsistency in “Cell Phone Service” Section. “My monthly bill is approximately” text field doesn’t allow to type “.” unlike similar text fields in another sections.
                              #4 “TV Service” Section: “Months left on plan” list box is missing “Other” option.
                              #5 Section “Gas and Electric Services”. Replace “opento” witn “open to” in the last sentence of the section.
                              #7 Inconsistency in button sizes: There is a discrepancy in the sizes of the 'Submit' and 'Clear' buttons located at the bottom of the form.
                              #8 Inconsistency in the 'Contact Information' section. When the 'Email' field is empty, the asterisk doesn't change its color from blue to red, unlike asterisks for the other fields.
                              #9 The error message is not provided for required field “Email” when it has no input.
                              #10 The error message is provided for NON-required field “Referred by” when it has no input.
                              #11 The Error message is provided when “Clear” button at the bottom of the form is pushed.
                              #12 Contact information Section: “Phone number” field allows to PASTE some of the special characters when it should not. For example, it allows to paste “ !@#$^&*()`_+./ ” and does not allow to paste “ % / “
                              #13 Contact information Section: “ZIP” field allows to PASTE the special characters “!!”.
                              #14 Contact information Section: “ZIP” field allows to PASTE letters.
                              #15. The Error message is confusing and misleading when “Clear” button at the bottom of the form is pushed.
                              #16 Contact information Section: “Email” field does not accept special character “_” when it should, as per requirement.
                              #17 “Contact information section” has an illogical “TAB” reading order. When “TAB” is pressed, the Caret goes straight from the “First Name” text field to the “Referred by” text field.
                              #18 “First Name” text field accepts maximum of 30 characters instead of 31.
                              #19 “Last Name” text field accepts maximum of 30 characters instead of 31.
                              #20 “Street Address” text field accepts maximum of 100 characters instead of 255.
                              #21 “State” List box: The “Other” option should be removed from the list.
                              #22 “State” List box: The 'BC' (British Columbia) option should be removed from the list as it is not a state in the United States of America.
                              #23 “State” list box offers to choose from 48 States of America instead of 50.
                              #24 “Email” text field accepts more than 255 characters.
                              #25 “State” List box: Replace “IND” with “IN” in the list box.

                              Suggestion: After the form has been completed and submitted, add a link that allows the user to return to the Main Page.
                              Last edited by Victoria_SN; 09-21-2023, 08:49 PM.

