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Online Class June 23, 2020 - Functionality Bug Report for Energy-Telecom

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  • Online Class June 23, 2020 - Functionality Bug Report for Energy-Telecom

    Bug report Energy-Telecom Service

    1. "Ferst Name" text field accept 30 characters insted 31
    2. "Last Name" text field accept 30 characters insted 31
    3. "Street Adress" text field accept 100 charecters insted 255
    3. "State" listbox HI and NV are missing
    4. "ZIP code" text field accept letters by typing
    5. "ZIP code" text field accept paste all charecters
    6. "ZIP code" text field needs remove 'Other'
    7. "Email" text field accept 100 characters insted 255
    8. "Phone Number" 3 text fields accept paste all characters
    9. "Referred by" field behaves as required
    10. "Email" text field behaves as NOT required 'Blue asterisk'
    11. "Clear" button does not clear a form
    Last edited by Nikola777; 07-01-2020, 02:06 PM.

  • #2
    #1. Button "Clear" invokes misleading message:"Error !!!"
    #2. Button "Clear" does not clear the form
    #3. Listbox "State" replace to list of 50 States ordered by ascending from UP to DOWN
    #4. Button "Submit" should not validate field "Referred by"
    #5. Button "Submit" should validate field "Email"
    #6. Input focus should start on field "First Name" and follow left-to-right and up-to-down.
    #7. Check-box label text "I am opento using different provider" replace to "I am open to using different provider"
    #8. Missing default button in the form
    #9. Inconsistency in "Submit" and "Clear" button GUI design
    #10. Field "Street Address" accepts keyboard input and copy-pasting up to 100 characters instead of 255
    #11. List-boxes "Current Provider" make ordered by ascending from UP to DOWN, make sure last option in list "Other"
    #12. Section "Cell Phone Service". Combine check-boxes: "I am happy with my current provider" and " I am open to using different provider" into radio-buttons to allow only 1 choice.
    #10. Section "Cell Phone Service". Combine check-boxes: "I like my handset" and "I am interested in updating my handset" into radio-buttons to allow only 1 choice.
    #11. Field "City" limit input from keyboard and copy-pasting of special characters and digits.
    #12. Field "ZIP" limit to copy-pasting only 5 digits
    #13. Field "First Name" accepts entry from keyboard and copy-pasting up to 30 characters instead of 31
    #14. Field "Last Name" accepts entry from keyboard and copy-pasting up to 30 characters instead of 31
    #15. Field: "Phone" should accept copy-pasting only digits
    #16. Local/Long Distances/International Service:"Primary Phone Number" should accept copy-pasting only numbers
    #17. Cell Phone Service:"My monthly bill is approximately" should accept only 4 digits
    #18. Local/Long Distances/International Service:"My monthly bill is approximately:" should accept only 4 digits
    #19. Local/Long Distances/International Service:"Total Bill" should accept only 4 digits
    #20. High Speed Internet Service:"My monthly bill is approximately" should accept only 4 digits
    #21. TV Service:"My monthly bill is approximately" should accept only 4 digits
    #22. Home Security Service:"My monthly bill is approximately" should accept only 4 digits
    #23. Gas and Electric Services:"My monthly bill is approximately (summer)" should accept only 4 digits
    #24. Gas and Electric Services:"My monthly bill is approximately (winter)" should accept only 4 digits
    Last edited by pdeema; 07-02-2020, 06:08 AM.


    • #3
      1.Invalid abbreviation in"State" list box: Open "Energy-Telecom Service Review", select "State" list box. Incorrect abbreviation for State of Indiana. It should be changed to "IN".
      2.Invalid amount of states in"State" list box: Open "Energy-Telecom Service Review", select "State" list box. 49 abbreviations.
      3.Invalid data in"State" list box: Open "Energy-Telecom Service Review", select "State" list box. Incorrect abbreviation "BC" for USA.
      4.Missed data in"State" list box: Open "Energy-Telecom Service Review", select "State" list box. "HI" State is missed.
      5.Invalid data in "State" list box: Open "Energy-Telecom Service Review", select "State" list box. Scroll down the list. Word "Other".
      6.No application reaction for required field: Open "Energy-Telecom Service Review", push "Submit" button. No error message for required "Email" text field in the error message list.
      7.No asterisk for "Referred by" text field: Open "Energy-Telecom Service Review", push "Submit" button. "* Please enter the name of the person you were referred by" message in the error message list.
      8.Invalid functionality for "Clear" button: Open "Energy-Telecom Service Review", enter any information into text fields, push "Clear" button. No any fields cleared.
      9. Invalid data entry "ZIP" text field: Open "Energy-Telecom Service Review", past non "5 characters (digits only)" information into "ZIP" text field.
      10. Invalid data entry "Phone" text field: Open "Energy-Telecom Service Review", past letters into "Phone" text field.
      11. Invalid data entry "Primary Phone Number" text field: Open "Energy-Telecom Service Review", past letters into "Primary Phone Number" text field.
      Last edited by Yurii69; 07-02-2020, 01:30 PM.


      • #4
        Energy-Telecom--Functionality Bug Report by given Requirements

        1) "Tab order"- the order sort from the "First name "field moves to the "Referred by" field instead of "Last name".
        2) "email" field -does not behave as a required field.
        3) "Clear" button- does not clear the form.
        4) "Clear" button- the error message appears when using.
        5) "Enter" as a Default key - Input meaning is not assigned on the form.
        6)" First" name -accepts only 30 characters instead of 31.
        7)"Last" name-accepts only 30 characters instead of 31.
        8)"Street address" field-accepts one single special character.
        9)"Zip" field" -48 US states instead of 50. HI, and NV is missing.
        10) "Zip" field-misspelling of state of Indiana,"IN" instead of "IND".
        11) "Zip" field-"other" option should be not on the list.
        12) "Cell Phone Service"/"Current Provider" dropdown list -"other" option should be on the list.
        Last edited by konstantie donadze; 07-02-2020, 11:33 AM.


        • #5
          1. "First name" text field in the "Contact Information" section: The limit of characters is set to 30. Should be no more than 31.
          2. "Last Name" text field in the "Contact Information" section: The limit of characters is set to 30. Should be no more than 31.
          3. "Street address" text field in the "Contact Information" section: The limit of characters is set to 100. Should be no more than 255.
          4. "State" list box in the "Contact Information" section: "BC" is not the state of the US.
          5. "State" list box in the "Contact Information" section: The "HI" state is missed.
          6. "State" list box in the "Contact Information" section: The "NV" state is missed.
          7. "ZIP" text field in the "Contact Information" section: Letters are accepted.
          8. "E-mail" field in the "Contact Information" section: The "E-mail" is a required field but it can be left empty.
          Last edited by AnastasiiaG; 07-01-2020, 03:57 PM.


          • #6
            Bug Report for Energy-Telecom (ONLINE CLASS JUNE 23, 2020).

            1. First name: text field accept 30 characters instead 31.

            2. Last name: text field accept 30 characters instead 31.

            3. State: list box offering the list of 48 states instead 50 (one of them word "Other")
            States to be added: "NV", "HI";
            State to be removed: "BC";
            Tree letters in "IND" state, instead two letters "IN"

            4. ZIP code: text field accepts letters


            • #7
              1. The form accepts empty Email text field. The actual field is labeled as Required with an asterisk (*).
              2. When pushing Submit button at the page bottom, the form generates an error for Referred By text field, indicating it as a Required field with an asterisk (*). The actual field label indicates it is not Required.
              3. First Name text field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31 permitted by requirements.
              4. Last Name text field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31 permitted by requirements.
              5. Street Address text field accepts only 100 characters instead of 255 permitted by requirements.
              6. Email text field accepts 256 characters, which exceeds the requirement limit of 255 characters max.
              7. State list box omits abbreviations for “HI” (State of Hawaii) and “NV” (State of Nevada), which should be added for a complete list of 50 states.
              8. State list box includes item “BC” (British Columbia, a Canadian province), which should be removed from U.S. options.
              9. State list box includes item “Other”, which should be removed from the state options.
              10. State list box spells the State of Indiana abbreviation as “IND” instead of “IN”.
              11. When pushing Clear button at the page bottom, the form generates message “Error 17896-Invalid data request…” and retains input in text fields instead of clearing it.
              12. Section 1. Cell Phone Service: Current Provider list box should expand and provide options such as “AT&T”, “Google Fi” and other providers, or an “Other” option.
              13. Section 1. Cell Phone Service: “Number of phones on plan” list box provides options for 100+ phones. The list should be minimized to options 1 through 5, for example, as 5 phones is a typical household plan limit.
              14. Section 1. Cell Phone Service: “Months left on current contract” list box includes options for 0-10 months. Expand options to 0-24 months to conform with options in “I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately” list box.
              15. Section 1. Cell Phone Service: Label “I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately:[list box] months” should end with “… months ago” for easier reading.
              16. Section 5. Home Security Service: the checkbox should be un-indented for consistent vertical alignment with other textboxes in the form.
              17. Section 7. Gas and Electric Services: the checkbox should be un-indented for consistent vertical alignment with other textboxes in the form.
              Last edited by svetabeg; 07-02-2020, 02:36 PM.


              • #8
                Bug report

                1. The "* Email" field is optional for filling.
                What happened:
                On form validation "* Email" is not in the list of required fields.
                "* Email" field to appear in the list of required fields in the error section.
                Steps to reproduce:
                - in section “Contact information”
                - Push "Submit" button
                - Compare list of required fields from error section (First Name, Last Name etc.) with actual input fields in the web form marked as "*"

                2. What happened:
                " * First Name" text field, accepts all 30 symbols
                No more than 31 specified in requirements.
                Steps to reproduce:
                - in section “Contact information”
                - try enter 31 characters in the " * First Name" field.

                3. What happened:
                "Street Address" text field, accepts all 100 symbols.
                No more than 255 specified in requirements.
                Steps to reproduce:
                - in section “Contact information”
                - try enter 101 characters in the "Street Address" field.

                4. What happened:
                in the list box " * State" 49 states indicated
                in the list box " * State" 50 states are in alphabetical order.
                Steps to reproduce:
                - in section “Contact information”
                - open list box " * State"
                - missing "HI"

                5. What happened:
                the list box " * State" unfiltered states in alphabetical order
                in the list box " * State" 50 states are in alphabetical order,
                "other" is at the end of the list.
                Steps to reproduce:
                - in section “Contact information”
                - open list box " * State"
                - find "other"

                6. What happened:
                Superfluous abbreviation in the list box " * State" -"BC" is not an abbreviation of the USA
                in the list box " * State" 50 states
                Steps to reproduce:
                - in section “Contact information”
                - open list box " * State"
                - find " BC "

                7. What happened:
                " * Last Name" text field, accepts all 30 symbols
                No more than 31 specified in requirements.
                Steps to reproduce:
                - in section “Contact information”
                - try enter 31 characters in the " * Last Name " field

                8. What happened:
                "* ZIP" possible to enter letters
                text field, accepts 5 characters (digits only). Required field.
                Steps to reproduce:
                -in section “Contact information”
                - try enter any 5 letters in the "* ZIP" field

                9. What happened:
                "* Email " text field allows to submit the page without “@” character.
                Send only after the introduction of a valid email
                Steps to reproduce:
                - in section “Contact information”
                - introduction of a valid email in the "* Email " field, without “@”

                10. What happened:
                The "* ZIP" field does not offer filling options after the address.
                - Use Lists whenever possible versus text boxes
                - Calculate rather than ask for input (for example: calculate county by ZIP)
                Steps to reproduce:
                -in section “Contact information”
                - fill in the "* Street Address", "* City", "* State" fields.


                • #9
                  #1. “Contact Information” section, “First Name” text field: accepts 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements.
                  #2. “Contact Information” section, “Last Name” text field: accepts 30 characters instead of 31 as per requirements.
                  #3. “Contact Information” section, “Street Address” text field: accepts 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirements.
                  #4. “Contact Information” section, “State” list box: “BC” is not a US state.
                  #5. “Contact Information” section, “State” list box: “HI” state option is missing.
                  #6. “Contact Information” section, “State” list box: instead of “IND” must be “IN”.
                  #7. “Contact Information” section, “State” list box: “NV” state option is missing,
                  #8. “Contact Information” section, “State” list box: “Other” option should not be in a list.
                  #9. “Contact Information” section, “ZIP” text field: ZIP text field accepts letters which it should not as per requirements.
                  #10. “Contact Information” section, “ZIP” text field: accepts non-existent ZIP code for example: “00000”
                  #11. “Contact Information” section, “ZIP” text field: accepts “00000” as an existent ZIP code without error showing when “Submit” button is pushed.
                  #12. “Contact Information” section, “Email” text field: accepts unlimited number of characters instead of 255 as per requirements
                  #13. “Contact Information” section, “Email” text field: have an asterisk but doesn’t behave as a required field when “Submit” button is pushed.
                  #14. “Cell Phone Service” section, “Current Provider” list box: “Other” option should be added to the list.
                  #15. “Cell Phone Service” section, “Current Provider” list box: “AT&T” option should be added to the list.
                  #16. “TV Service” section, “Months left on plan” list box: “More” option should be added at the end of the list.
                  Last edited by AlexeyTsoy; 07-02-2020, 07:23 PM.


                  • #10
                    Energy-Telecom Functionality Bug Report

                    “Contact information” section:
                    1. “State” list is missing HI and NV states.
                    2. “State” list contains item “BC” that is Canadian province and doesn’t belong to the list of US states.
                    3. “State” list has wrong abbreviation for Indiana, IND instead of expected IN.
                    4. “State” list “Other” item doesn’t belong to the list of US states.
                    5. “ZIP” field accepts letters and special characters on copy/paste.
                    6. “ZIP” field accepts ZIP codes that don’t exist, for example 00000, 11111.
                    7. “Email” field accepts more than 255 characters.
                    8. “Email” field does not accept “_” character if typing, only when copy and paste.
                    9. “Email” field accepts email address without mandatory “@“ symbol.
                    10. The form can be submitted with the required field “Email” field left empty.
                    11. “Phone” field accepts letters and special characters on copy/paste.
                    12. “Best Way To Contact Me” label is expected to be not capitalized (“Best way to contact me”).
                    13. “Referred by” field treated as required after submitting, though the label is missing an asterisk (*). Suggest adding “*” to the field label, or excluding the field from the required fields.

                    “Cell Phone Service” section:
                    14. “Current Provider” list is missing AT&T.
                    15. “Current Provider” list is missing item “Other” at the end of the list, when “Other” is selected additional input field may show up with an option to enter custom provider name.
                    16. “Current Provider” list items are in wrong alphabetical order.
                    17. Conflicting “I am happy with my current provider” and “I am open to using different provider” checkboxes could be implemented as radio buttons.
                    18. “My monthly bill is approximately” field accepts letters and special characters on copy/paste.
                    19. “My monthly bill is approximately” field does not accept “.” when typing, only when copy and paste.
                    20. In “Minutes on plan” list when “Other” is selected additional input field may show up with an option to enter custom minutes on plan quantity.
                    21. “Months left on current contract” list is missing items “11” and “12”.
                    22. “Months left on current contract” list contains unnecessary item “Prepaid”.
                    23. “Number of phones on plan” list has excessive number of items, the list is suggested to be reduced to smaller amount of items, e.g. 5 or 10, with keeping item “More” in the list.
                    24. “Number of phones on plan” list has excessive number of items, suggestion to eliminate items after “12”, with item “More” kept in the list.
                    25. Conflicting “I like my headset” and “I am interested in updating my handset” checkboxes could be implemented as radio buttons.
                    26. “Minutes on plan” and “Number of phones on plan” labels are suggested to be aligned to the left (not to the right as they are) in accordance with alignment of other labels in sections 1-7.

                    “Local/Long Distances/International Service’”section:
                    27. “Current Provider” list items are in wrong alphabetical order.
                    28. In “Current Provider” list when “Other” is selected additional input field may show up with an option to enter custom provider name.
                    29. “Primary Phone number” field accepts letters and special characters on copy/paste.
                    30. “My monthly bill is approximately” field accepts letters and special characters on copy/paste.
                    31. “Total bill” field accepts letters and special characters on copy/paste.
                    32. “I am interested in Unlimited Calling” radio button is suggested to be arranged as checkbox in accordance with other similar fields on the page (e.g. “I am interested in updating my handset” from “Cell Phone Service” section).
                    33. “International calls included?” and “Long distance included?” are expected to have “:” at the end not “?”

                    “High Speed Internet Service” section:
                    34. In “Current Provider” list when “Other” is selected additional input field may show up with an option to enter custom provider name.
                    35. “My monthly bill is approximately” field accepts letters and special characters on copy/paste.
                    36. “Wireless Aircard” checkbox, as a choice of “Type of service”, is suggested to be arranged as radio button, with keeping “Provider” field to enter provider name.

                    “TV Service” section:
                    37. “Current Provider” list items are in wrong alphabetical order.
                    38. In “Current Provider” list when “Other” is selected additional input field may show up with an option to enter custom provider name.
                    39. “My monthly bill is approximately” field accepts letters and special characters on copy/paste.
                    40. “Months left on plan” list contains unnecessary item “Prepaid”.
                    41. “Months left on plan” list had excessive number of items, suggestion to eliminate items after “12”, with item “More” added at the end of the list.

                    “Home Security Service” section:
                    42. “Current Provider” list items are in wrong alphabetical order.
                    43. In “Current Provider” list when “Other” is selected additional input field may show up with an option to enter custom provider name.
                    44. “My monthly bill is approximately” field accepts letters and special characters on copy/paste.

                    “Gas and Electric Service” section:
                    45. “Current Provider” list items are in wrong alphabetical order.
                    46. In “Current Provider” list when “Other” is selected additional input field may show up with an option to enter custom provider name.
                    47. “My monthly bill is approximately (summer)” field accepts letters and special characters on copy/paste.
                    48. “My monthly bill is approximately (winter)” field accepts letters and special characters on copy/paste
                    49. “I opento using different provider” checkbox is misspelled, should be changed to “I open to using different provider”.

                    50. Default input focus is not implemented, suggested field “First Name”.
                    51. Tabulation input focus goes from “First Name” to “Referred by” field instead of logical order to “Last Name” field.
                    52. After pushing “Clear” button information fields are not cleared as expected. Actual result - appears an error message “Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!”
                    53. No confirmation message after refreshing the page. User looses entered data without warning.


                    • #11
                      1. "Email:" field accepts accept 1063 characters instead of 255.
                      2. In the Listbox field's "State:" needs replaced "BC" and "Other" to "HI" and "NV".
                      3. In the Listbox field's "State:" needs to fix "IND" to "IN".
                      4. There is no correct correspondence between the selected "State" and the "ZIP" code entered. (Select state "AL" and enter ZIP "90404").
                      4'. The field "ZIP:" accepts to add 2126 of the character by copy and paste the value.
                      5. Text field "Referred by:" behevas like required field it does not meet the requirements.
                      6. No default button in the form.
                      7. If in section "Contact Information" fill out all field without "Email:" field and then push the button "Submit" - system answer: "Thank you for your participation!". What is not possible - "email" field is a requirement for fill out!
                      8. In the section "Cell Phone Service" needed to add option "Other" in list box "Current Provider:".
                      9. In the section "Cell Phone Service" the illogical possibility of the simultaneous use of checkboxes for "I am happy with my current provider" and "I am open to using different provider". Should be better for its radio button.
                      10. In the section "Cell Phone Service" the field "My monthly bill is approximately:" accepts to enter 11 letters or digit characters value.
                      11. In the section "Cell Phone Service" the field "My monthly bill is approximately:" accepts to add any an 11 characters value by copy and paste the value.
                      12. In the section "Cell Phone Service" the field "My monthly bill is approximately:" does not allow to enter "." in currency format ( f.e 10.00).
                      13. In the section "Cell Phone Service" the field "Number of phones on plan:" should be "1, 2, 3, 4" and option "other".
                      14. In the section "Cell Phone Service" in the field "Months left on current contract:" should be from "1" to "12" months instead of 10 months.
                      15. In the section "Cell Phone Service" in the field "I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately:" should be from "1" to "12" months instead of 24 months.
                      16. In the section "Cell Phone Service" the illogical possibility of the simultaneous use of checkboxes for "I like my handset" and "I am interested in updating my handset". Should be better for its radio button.
                      17. In the section 2 after the field "Current Provider:" should be create field for the "Other " if user before field choose the option "Other".
                      18. In the section 2 in the field "My monthly bill is approximately:" accepts to add any an 11 characters value by copy and paste the value.
                      19. In section 2 in the field "My monthly bill is approximately:" accepts to enter a currency value with 2 values and more after the point. Should be only 2 digits after ".".
                      20. In the section 2 in the field "Total Bill:" accepts to add any an 11 characters value by copy and paste the value.
                      21. In section 2 in the field "Total Bill:" accepts to enter a currency value with 2 values and more after the point. Should be only 2 digits after ".".
                      22. In the section "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service", there is an illogical option - field "Long distance included?". Exclude this option.
                      23. In the section "3. High Speed Internet Service" in the field "My monthly bill is approximately:" accepts to add any an 11 characters value by copy and paste the value.
                      24. In section 3 in the field "My monthly bill is approximately:" accepts to enter a currency value with 2 values and more after the point. Should be only 2 digits after ".".
                      25. In section "4. TV Service" in the field "My monthly bill is approximately:" accepts to enter a currency value with 2 values and more after the point. Should be only 2 digits after ".".
                      26. In section "4. TV Service" in the field "My monthly bill is approximately:" accepts to add any an 11 characters value by copy and paste the value.
                      27. In the section "4. TV Service" in the field "Months left on plan:" should be from "1" to "12" months instead of 24 months.
                      28. In the section "5. Home Security Service" after the field "Current Provider:" should be create field for the "Other " if user before field choose the option "Other".
                      29. In section 5 in the field "My monthly bill is approximately:" accepts to enter a currency value with 2 values and more after the point. Should be only 2 digits after ".".
                      30. In the section "5. Home Security Service" in the field "My monthly bill is approximately:" accepts to add any an 11 characters value by copy and paste the value.
                      31. In the section "7. Gas and Electric Services" the field "My monthly bill is approximately (summer)" accepts to add any an 11 characters value by copy and paste the value.
                      32. In the section "7. Gas and Electric Services" the field "My monthly bill is approximately (summer)" accepts to enter a currency value with 2 values and more after the point. Should be only 2 digits after ".".
                      33. In the section "7. Gas and Electric Services" the field "My monthly bill is approximately (winter)" accepts to add any an 11 characters value by copy and paste the value.
                      34. In the section "7. Gas and Electric Services" the field "My monthly bill is approximately (winter)" accepts to enter a currency value with 2 values and more after the point. Should be only 2 digits after ".".
                      35. In the section "8. Comments" сustomers can increase the size of the text field so that the field goes beyond the shape of the specified sheet.
                      36. In the bottom of the form push the button "Clear" - instead of cleaning the form - displays an error message "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!".
                      Last edited by Михаил_tmqa; 07-02-2020, 03:17 PM.


                      • #12
                        Energy-Telecom Functionality Bug Report

                        1.In Contact Information section: "First Name" text field accepts only 30 characters instead of 31.
                        2. "Last Name" text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31 as required.
                        3. "Street Address" text field accepts 100 characters only, instead of "no more than 225 "as it a require.
                        4. "City" text field accepts only 50 characters as it a require.
                        5. "State " list box has 48 US states instead of 50.
                        6. "Zip" text field accepts 5 characters as it a require.
                        7."Zip" text field accepts letters , it should accept only digits.
                        8. "Email text field accepts more than 255 characters.
                        9. "Phone" text field acts as it is a require.


                        • #13
                          Energy - Telecom Bug Report

                          Tests performed against the requirements. Bugs found:

                          1. "First name field" should allow to type 31 characters instead of 30 as a result.
                          2. "Last Name field" should allow to type 31 characters instead of 30 as a result.
                          3. "State" listbox is missing states HI and NV. State BC should me removed (not a US state). "Other" should be removed. State IND should be shortened to two characters.
                          4. "Zip" accepts letters, should only accept numbers as a requirement.
                          5. Remove error message "Referred by is required" upon submitting an application without that information as it is not required.
                          6. Allowed me to submit an application with an invalid Zip.
                          7. After submitting a form without required fields, application allows me to fix the form but does not allow me to resubmit it, the submit button disables.
                          8. Pressing the Tab key should move default input from First Name to Last Name. Default input goes to Referred by field instead.

                          Additional bugs found:

                          1. "Current provider" field listbox should include AT&T and Other options.
                          2. "My monthly bill" field allows letters, should only allow numbers.
                          3. "Months left on current order" should be limited to 24 months instead of 10.
                          4. "Phone numbers on plan" should be limited to 10.
                          5. Suggesting to implement a Default button.
                          6. "My monthly bill" field across ALL sections should not allow 11 numbers. Suggesting limiting to 5.
                          7. "Total bill" field should not allow 11 numbers.
                          10. "Type of service field" Wireless air card option should have a Radio button.
                          11. "Gas and Electric" section "I am opento using different provider" field: "Open to" should have a space in between.
                          12. After pushing "Clear" button a misleading Error message occurs "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"
                          13. Reloading the page does not erase the information.
                          14. Buttons "Submit" and "Clear" should be the same size.
                          Last edited by Svilina; 07-02-2020, 06:47 PM.


                          • #14
                            - "Contact Information" section - "First Name:" field accepts 30 characters only.
                            - "Contact Information" section - "State" list box is not offering the list of all 50 US states.
                            - "Contact Information" section - "ZIP" field accepts characters.
                            - "Contact Information" section - "Referred by" acts as required field, but do not contain an asterisk.
                            - "1.Cell Phone Service" section - "Current Provider" label - both check-boxes are checkable even thought their context contradict each other (consider to change to radio button).
                            - "1.Cell Phone Service" section - "Current Provider" list box should contain option "Other".
                            - "1.Cell Phone Service" section - "My monthly bill is approximately:" field accepts characters.
                            - "7. Gas and Electric Services" section - "I am opento using different provider"no space between "open"and "to".
                            - "Clear" button gives the following error message if pushed "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"


                            • #15
                              "Contact information" section

                              #1. No error message for empty required "Email" text field
                              #2. No error message for empty required "State" text field
                              #3. "Referred by" text field behaves like required field
                              #4. "First Name" text field accept 30 symbols instead of 31
                              #5. "Last Name" text field accept 30 symbols instead of 31
                              #6. "Street Address" text field accept 100 symbols instead of 255
                              #7. "State" list box is missing "HI" and "NV" states
                              #8. "ZIP" text field accept non-digits
                              #9. "State" list box should not contain option "Other"
                              #10. "Email" text field should show the error message when wrong format of email entered
                              #11. "Zip" text field should not accept non-existent zip code
                              #12. "First Name" text field should not accept special characters
                              #13. "Last Name" text field should not accept special characters
                              #14. Default button is not assigned
                              #15. Input focus has non-consistent moves

                              "Cell Phone Service" section

                              #16. "Current provider" list box should have "AT-T" option
                              #17. "Current provider" list box should have "Other" option
                              #18. Check box should allow to check check only one option between "I am happy with my current provider" "I am open to using different provider"
                              #19. "My monthly bill is approximately" text field accept characters
                              #20. "My monthly bill is approximately" text field should accept only 4 digits in "Cell Phone Service" section
                              #21. "Months left on current contract" list box should have options up to 12 months instead of 10
                              #22. "Number of phones on plan" list box should have options only up to 5

                              "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section

                              #23. "My monthly bill is approximately" text field should accept only 4 digits in "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section
                              #24. "Bundled with" radiobuttons should have initial value by default in "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section
                              #25. "Total Bill" text field should accept only 4 digits

                              "High Speed Internet Service" section

                              #26. "My monthly bill is approximately" text field should accept only 4 digits in "High Speed Internet Service" section
                              #27. "Bundled with" radiobuttons should have initial value by default in "High Speed Internet Service" section

                              "TV Service" section

                              #28. "My monthly bill is approximately" text field should accept only 4 digits in "TV Service" section
                              #29. "Bundled with" radiobuttons should have initial value by default in "TV Service" section
                              #30. "I currently have" checkbox option should allow to check only one checkbox

                              "Home Security Service" section

                              #31. "My monthly bill is approximately" text field should accept only 4 digits in "Home Security Service" section

                              "Gas and Electric Services" section

                              #32. "Current Provider" should have two different list boxes for Gas and Electric service providers
                              #33. "My monthly bill is approximately (summer)" text field should accept only 4 digits in "Gas and Electric Services" section
                              #34. "My monthly bill is approximately (winter)" text field should accept only 4 digits in "Gas and Electric Services" section
                              #35. "Opento" is misspelled in "I am opento using different provider" label

                              #36. "Clear" button and the "Submit" button do not match
                              #37. Pushing the "Clear" button evoke wrong error message "Invalid data request..."
                              #38. Pushing the "Clear" button doesn't clear any fields
                              #39. "Phone" text field allows to paste the characters
                              #40. "Primary Phone Number" text field allows to paste the characters in "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section

