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Online Class October 13, 2020 Bug Reports for Energy-Telecom Project

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  • #31
    1. “Contact Information” field, in “Best way to Contact me” the list is not in alphabetical order.

    2. “Contact Information” field, in “State” the list is not in alphabetical order.

    3. “Contact Information” field the tab order is wrong, because after “First Name” it goes on the bottom instead to “Last Name”.

    4. “Contact Information” field, “Zip” can contain even the letters and not only numbers as it should be.

    5. “Contact Information” field, in “Email” it is possible to submit the email address without putting a “@“.

    6. Section #1, in “My monthly bill is approximately” accepts the letters.

    7. Section #1, in “Months left on current contract” the list is incomplete, missing “11”/“12”/ “different period”.

    8. Section #1, “Current Provider” it is possible to select all responses instead of choosing one.

    9. Section #7 “ Gas and Electric Services”, a grammar error “I am opento using..”

    10. The button “Clear” has a smaller size than “Submit”.

    11. Pushing a “Clear” button it gives an “Error 17896” message instead of clearing all the spaces.


    • #32
      Telecom Form Bugs

      1. Pressing TAB after First Name takes user to the Referred by field instead of Last Name field.
      2. User is able to enter numbers in the City field.
      3. State Dropdown is starting with B instead of A.
      4. User is able to enter letters in the zipcode field.
      5. User is not seeing an error message when entering non-email formatted text in the email field.


      • #33
        Contact Information section
        1. Tab order is not sequential.
        2. In 'State' list box the order of the attributes is not alphabetical.
        3. 'ZIP' edit box allows typing letters in.
        4. 'Email' edit box is marked as required, but the form can be submitted with no input in it.
        Cell Phone Service section
        5. 'Current Provider' list box does not include 'Other' as an attribute.
        6. 'My monthly bill is approximately' text field allows typing letters. It had better be restricted to figures only.
        TV Service section
        7. 'Months left on on plan' does not include 'More' as an attributive.
        Gas and Electric Services section
        8. Checkbox name contains a typo. 'Open to' is correct.
        9. 'Submit' and 'Clear' buttons are not proportional to each other.
        10. 'Clear' button is not functioning. Error 17896 pops up when you click on it.


        • #34
          1)"Submit" and "Clear" push buttons are not disabled when nothing entered in a mandatory text fields. Instead of this it should be disabled when not all mandatory text fields are filled in.
          2) "Clear" button calls a strange text demanding to restart computer "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!" while computer is working fine. Instead of current behavior it should clear filled in text fields.
          3) Misspelling of "opento" in 7th "I am opento using different provider" checkbox. It should be "open to"
          4) there is no default button to push, there is no default input focus.
          5) Mismatch in TAB order of text field "First Name" and "Referred by". There is a mistake in tabindex of "First Name", it should be 12 and "Referred by" tabindex should be 2.
          6) Input field "My monthly bill is approximately" allow to input not $. Other letters except $ should be restricted.
          7) "e-mail" text field marked as required field, but it is not. Instead of this it should work as required.
          8) "Clear" button doesn't work at all.
          9) There is no limitation on characters to put in text field "8. Comments". That causes a user computer to be in state where the lack of performance is if many symbols are inputted. Instead of this text length in this input field should be limited.
          10)Sorting of states in drop-down menu "State:" at "Contact Information" is not correct, because it is put in the middle of the drop down list.


          • #35
            1.When a Fields of "Contact Information" is empty click "Sumbit" you get inforation about "Indicates required field" and color order was broken
            2.Tab function is faulty
            3.Section 5 "Home Security Service" and print something on the 1st and 2nd fields and after click to chek box, your fields will be frezzed with informattion of them
            4.Section "Contact Information" field "Zip” code field accepts inappropriate characters
            5.Section 1"Cell Phone Service" field "My monthly bill is approximately:" accepts inappropriate characters
            6.Section 1"Cell Phone Service" Field "Number of phones on plan" stay so close to another field
            7.When you click to button "Clear" you get a error
            8.Button "Submit" and "Clear" have different sizes
            9.Section 3 "High Speed Internet Service" print something to "Provider" field and after click to chek box, your fields will be frezzed with informattion of them
            10.Section "Contact Information" chek box "State” you can't choose "Other" on the last position
            Last edited by Inergon; 10-19-2020, 07:33 PM.


            • #36
              Energy Telecom
              Contact information:
              1. There is no default input focus;
              2. Tab order doesn't work in logical manner, instead of "Last name" in referred me to "referred by" box;
              3. Form allows to put letters and symbols into box "ZIP code";
              4. There is an option to chose "other" in states list, when I choose this option - there is no additional box to type state;
              5. Form allows you to submit it without fulfillment of "email" required field.
              Cell form services:
              1. Current provider list - there is no option to choose "other" provider and type it;
              2. There is an opportunity to mark "I am happy with my current provider" and
              "I am open to using different provider" at the same time and submit the form, but these two statements are controversially
              and should be mutually exclusive;
              3. Letters allowed in Box "monthly bill".
              High Speed Internet Service:
              1. Lane "type of services" option "Wireless Aircard" has different shape - square, while all other have round.


              • #37
                1. Default input option isn't working.
                2. In the field '' First name" and ''Last name" field it allowes to to submit characters.
                3. In the field ''Street addres" it allowes to put only numbers or special characters.
                4. Clear button isnt functional .It gives an Error 17896
                5. In the field "City " it allows to submit numbers and special characters.
                6. The "State" Field is missing states. "Others" in the middle of the States search when it should be at the end.
                7. Field ''Zip" allows to submit invalid zip code 00000
                8. In "email" field it allows to submit number and special characters
                9. In Current Provider it allows submit both options at the same time ''I am happy with my current provider" and ''I am open to using different provider".
                10. In "Current Month" field is missing months which is 11 and 12.
                11. In field ''My montly bills" it allows to put letters.


                • #38
                  Re: "1. Cell Phone Service" section:
                  1. the sentence "I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately: Select _ months" is missing "ago" at the very end.
                  2. the "Current Provider" drop-down list might be not complete hence it's good to add "other" as an extra option.
                  3. User is able to check all the check boxes at the same time providing the controvercial information :
                  * I am happy with my current provider
                  * I am open to using different provider
                  4. The format for $ amount for the label "My monthly bill is approximately:" allows only Intenger and alphabet- it allows user to input letters which is not applicable here and doesn't allow them to input amounts in decimal format or money format.
                  Re: 2,3,4,5,7 sections:
                  5. The format for $ amount for the labels "My monthly bill is approximately:", "Total Bill:", "My monthly bill is approximately:"
                  is numeric only but not decimal or money format - the user is able to input more than 2 decimal places.
                  Re: "7. Gas and Electric Services":
                  6. Typo in "I am opento using different provider" instead of "I am open to using different provider"
                  Re: "8. Comments" section:
                  7. By pushing the Clear Button it is expected the form to "clear" all the fields but the Warning Message was popped-up instead: "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"
                  Re: "Contact Information:" section:
                  8. Drop list with US states is not complete and not in alphabetical order
                  9. "Email" field allows user inputting information without @ sign.There is no validation for this field.
                  Re: "3. High Speed Internet Service" section:
                  10. "Provider:" field is not being cleared after disabling it by checking " Wireless Aircard" check box.


                  • #39
                    1. In "Gas and Electric Service" section, checkbox text "opento"
                    2. "Clear" button not working, return "Error 17896 - Invalid data request".
                    3. Email field asterisk is blue.
                    4. After empty form submit, "Email" field asterisk not changing to red.
                    5. After empty form submit, "* Indicates required field " message not changing to red.
                    6. "Referred by:" field don't have a asterisk.
                    7. In "State" field list is not in alphabetical order.
                    Last edited by Anton 2020; 10-19-2020, 07:10 PM.


                    • #40
                      Energy Telecom Functionality and GUI Report

                      #1. Add input focus to "First Name" field
                      #2. "Best Way To Contact Me" text field replace with "Best way to contact me" text field, where first word has upper case and all other following words has lower case.
                      #3. Unnecessary word "other" under "State" listbox
                      #4. "State" listbox has missing Hawaii and Nevada - HI, NV
                      #5. In "State" listbox remove BC -Canadian territory not US
                      #6. Misspelling in "State" listbox. Replace IND with IN for Indiana
                      #7. Contradiction in the requirement. "Email" is required field with asterisk but does not behave as required
                      #8. Wrong Tab order. Jumps from "First Name" field to "Referred By" instead of "Last Name"
                      #9. "Referred By" behaves like required field
                      #10. Contact information section "First Name" and "Last Name" filed accept only 30 characters not 31 as per requirement
                      #11. "Street Address" field accepts 91 characters instead of 255 as per requirements
                      #12. "City" field accepts only 46 characters instead of required 50
                      #13. Pressing "Clear" button shows misleading error message "Error 17896-Invalid data request. Pls call Technical support or restart your computer!!!"
                      #14. "Submit" and "Clear" button have different Font and Size
                      #15. "Submit" and "Clear" button misaligned vertically next to each other
                      #16. "Cell Phone Service" section, under "Months left on current contract" listbox missing 11and 12
                      #17. Under "Gas and Electric Services" section misspelling in "I am opento using different provider" field. Needs to be replaced to "I am open to using different provider"


                      • #41
                        #1 "Referred by:" field behaves as required field.
                        #2 "E-mail:" field behaves as it is not required field.
                        #3 "E-mail:" field accepts more than 250 characters.
                        #4 "E-mail:" field does not accept special character "_" .
                        #5 "ZIP:" field accepts non digits.
                        #6 "Phone:" field accepts non digits if they were copy-pasted.
                        #7 "State" listbox: "BC" should be removed as there is no such state in US.
                        #8 "State" listbox: "HI" and "NV" states are missing.
                        #9 " State" listbox: "IND" should be replaced by "IN".
                        #10 "State" listbox: "Other" item should be removed.
                        #11 "First name" field accepts not more than 30 characters instead of 31 required.
                        #12 "Last name" field accepts not more than 30 characters instead of 31 required.
                        #13 "Cell Phone Service" section, "Current Provider" listbox: "Other" item should be added to the list.
                        #14 "Cell Phone Service" section, "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts letters and special characters instead of digits only.
                        #15 "Cell Phone Service" section, "My monthly bill is approximately" field: number of characters should be limited to 4.
                        #16 "Cell Phone Service" section, "Months left on current contract:" listbox: available to select listbox items should be increased up to 24 months.
                        #17 "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section, "Primary Phone Number:" field accepts non digits if they were copy-pasted.
                        #18 "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section, "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts non digits if they were copy-pasted.
                        #19 "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section, "Total Bill:" field accepts non digits if they were copy-pasted.
                        #20 "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section, "My monthly bill is approximately" field: number of characters should be limited to 4.
                        #21 "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section, "Total Bill" field: number of characters should be limited to 4.
                        #22 "High Speed Internet Service" section, "My monthly bill is approximately:" field: number of characters should be limited to 4.
                        #23 "TV Service" section, "My monthly bill is approximately:" field: number of characters should be limited to 4.
                        #24 "Home Security Service" section, "My monthly bill is approximately:" field: number of characters should be limited to 4.
                        #25 "Gas and Electric Services" section, "My monthly bill is approximately (summer):" field: number of characters should be limited to 4.
                        #26 "Gas and Electric Services" section, "My monthly bill is approximately (winter):" field: number of characters should be limited to 4.
                        #27 "Gas and Electric Services" section, "I am opento using different provider" checkbox: misspell in word "opento" - replace with "open to".
                        #28 After pushing the button "Clear" misleading error appers on the screen.
                        #29 Missing default input focus.
                        #30 Violation of TAB order: from "First Name" field the input focus goes to "Referred by" instead of "Last Name".


                        • #42
                          1. Error message provided for not required field "Referred by"(Section "Contact Information") with no input.
                          2. Error message not provided for required field "Email"(Section "Contact Information") with no input.
                          3. Redundant option "other" : Section "Contact Information", "State" field.
                          4. Redundant option "BC" : Section "Contact Information", "State" field.
                          5. Indiana state abbreviation is incorrect ("IND" vs "IN"):Section "Contact Information", "State" field.
                          6. Nevada state abbreviation is missing: Section "Contact Information", "State" field.
                          7. Section "Contact Information", "First Name" field accepts 30 characters only versus 31.
                          8. Section "Contact Information", "Last Name" field accepts 30 characters only versus 31.
                          9. Section "Contact Information", "ZIP" field accepts letters which is "digits only" requirement violation.
                          10. Section "Contact Information", "Email" field accepts all special characters (except underscore).
                          11. Section "Contact Information", "ZIP" field: does not allow to input any charactes if:
                          1)Type any digits or letters,
                          2)Select typed data.
                          12. Section "1. Cell Phone Service", "My monthly bill is approximately" field accepts letters.
                          13. Space is missing "opento" vs "open to": section "Gas and Electric Services", check box title.
                          14. Error message provided by used "Clear" button at the bottom of the form.
                          15. Section "High Speed Internet Service", "Provider" field performed as a text field instead of list field.


                          • #43
                            Energy-Telecom testing according the requirements.

                            #1. “Email” field in contact information section is required and has an asterisk but user can submit the form without email.
                            #2. “Reffered by” field in contact information section is not a required field but has an asterisk.
                            #3. “Email” field in contact information section allows to input non-email format (without @).
                            #4. “First name” field in contact information section accepts maximum 30 characters instead of 31.
                            #5. “Last name” field in contact information section accepts maximum 30 characters instead of 31.
                            #6. “Street address” field in contact information section accepts maximum 100 characters instead of 255 as per requirement.
                            #7. From list box “State” in contact information section “BC” should be removed because there is no such state in US.
                            #8. To list box “State” in contact information section “HI” and “NV” should be added.
                            #9. In list box “State” in contact information section “IND” should be replaced with “IN”.
                            #10. From list box “State” in contact information section “Other” should be removed.
                            #11. “ZIP code” field in contact information section accepts non-digits.
                            #12. “Email” field in contact information section accepts maximum 180 characters instead of 255.
                            #13. “Email” field in contact information section could be limited to 50 characters input.
                            #14. To “Current Provider” list box in Cell Phone Service section “AT&T” and “Other” should be added.
                            #15. “My monthly bill is approximately” field in Cell Phone Service section should accept digits only.
                            #16. To “Months left on current contract” list box in Cell Phone Service section “More” should be added.
                            #17. “Bundeled with” radio buttons in Local/Long Distances/International Service section should include “None”. If you accidently choose one you cannot undo it.
                            #18. “Bundeled with” radio buttons in High Speed Internet Service section should include “None”. If you accidently choose one you cannot undo it.
                            #19. “Bundeled with” radio buttons in TV service section should include “None”. If you accidently choose one you cannot undo it.
                            #20. In High Speed Internet Service section space between “Wireless Aircard” and “Provider” should be lessened.
                            #21. In Gas and Electric Services section misspelling “opento” should be corrected to “open to”.
                            #22. Pressing “clear” button causes misleading error message.
                            #23. “Submit” and “Clear” button are made in inconsistent formats.


                            • #44
                              #1. "First Name" field accepts 30 characters.
                              #2. "Last Name" field accepts 30 characters.
                              #3. "State" listbox offers 49 states instead of 50.
                              #4. "Email address" field has an asterisk: no error massage provided when not field in.
                              #5. "Zip Code" textbox accepts characters.
                              #6. "Referred by" field has no asterisk but it is a required filed.
                              #7. "Clear" button does not clear any fields, error massage come up.
                              #8. Tab order goes to the wrong field.
                              #9. "Zip Code" listbox has "Other" listed as one of the state options.
                              #10.Defolt Button not assigned.
                              #11. Section 1 under "Current Provider" has no "Other" option listed.
                              #12. Section 1 under "My monthly bill is approximately" has text field instead of listbox.


                              • #45
                                Energy Telecom Bug Report:

                                #1. No asterisk in “Referred by” field and when the page is submitted, the information is required.
                                #2. No error message in “Email” field, when the user submits email adress without any special characters.
                                #3. Missing of “other” on the bottom of “State” list box, while it is in the middle.
                                #4. Different size of Control Buttons (“Submit” and “Clear”).
                                #5. Negative Test Case by pushing a “Clear” button.

