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Online Class September 6, 2021 - Functionality Bug Report for OrangeHRM

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  • Artem Akopyan
    1. PIM /Employee List/Employee Information section: all labels should have colon at the end.
    2. PIM /Add Employee/Add Employee section: all labels should have colon at the end.
    3. PIM /Add Employee: "Add employee" tab not higlighted when choosen.
    4. Leave/Reports/My Leave Entitlements and Usage Report: "Hide Options" function not presented for "My Leave Entitlements and Usage Report" section.
    5. PIM /Configuration/Optional fields: "Configuration" tab not higlighted when "Optional fields" choosen.
    6. Time/Attendance/Employee Records: "Hide Options" function not presented for "View Attendance Record" section.
    7. Recruitment/Vacancies tab has not properly disigned.
    8. My Info/Contact Details: all labels should have colon at the end in "Contact Details section".
    9. My Info/Contact Details/Contact Details section: "ZIP/Postal Code" field accepts letters.
    10. My Info/Contact Details/Contact Details section: "ZIP/Postal Code" field accepts sp.char.

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  • Anna Beraz
    1. In LOGIN panel the login field isn't case sensitive (depends from requirements).
    2. "Orange HRM" logo is disabled.
    3. The button "Join OrangeHRM Community" leads to not existing page ("page not found" message).
    4. The link "Help & Training"/ "Support" leads to the page which doesn't contain information about support.
    5. "PIM"/ "Employee List" the column of the spreadsheet "id" sorts the numbers not in ascending order (sorts by the first digit of id number) (depends from requirements).
    6. "My info"/ "Personal details"/ "Full name"/ "First name" accepts digits and special characters.
    7. "My info"/ "Personal details"/ "Full name"/ "Last name" accepts digits and special characters.
    8. "My info"/ "Personal details"/ "SSN number" accepts letters (should accept digits only/digits and hyphens)
    9. "My info"/ "Personal details"/ "Date of Birth" accepts today's date.
    10. "My info"/ "Emergency contacts"/ "Assigned Emergency Contacts" spreadsheet highlights "No Records Found" for no reason.
    11. "My info"/ "Emergency contacts"/ "Assigned Emergency Contacts" contains "Delete" button while there are no records to delete.
    12. "My info"/ "Emergency contacts"/ "Add Emergency Contact"/ "Name" accepts digits and special characters.
    13. "My info"/ "Emergency contacts"/ "Add Emergency Contact"/ "Relationship" accepts digits and special characters.
    14. "My info"/ "Emergency contacts"/ "Add Emergency Contact"/ "Home Telephone" and/or "Mobile" should be required field(s) (marked with asterisks).
    15. "My info"/ "Dependents"/ "Assigned Dependents" contains "Delete" button while there are no records to delete.
    16. "My info"/ "Dependents"/ "Assigned Dependents" spreadsheet highlights "No Records Found" for no reason.
    17. "My info"/ "Immigration"/ "Assigned Immigration Records" contains "Delete" button while there are no records to delete.
    18. "My info"/ "Immigration"/ "Assigned Immigration Records" spreadsheet highlights "No Records Found" for no reason.
    19. "My info"/ "Job" doesn't have "Edit" button.
    20. "My info"/ "Tax Exemptions" doesn't have "Edit" button.

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  • zhenya-vet
    1. There is scroll down bar on the first page, remove it.
    2. There is no indication finger, when a mouse is on the main logo.
    3. Button "Search" should be disable for initial status
    4. Section PIM, section Employee list, section Add Employee: After push button
    "Save" doesn't show the field "Confirm Password" is required if field "Password" is
    5. Section PIM, section Employee list, section Add Employee: Change list in the "Status"
    label to radio buttons.
    6. Section PIM, section Employee list, section Add Employee: Add buton "Clear"
    7. When you repeatable login, there is information from previous section
    in the Section PIM, section Employee list, section Employee Information
    8. Login page: link to Linkedin does not send to "OrangeHRM" LinledIn page1. There is scroll down bar on the first page, remove it.

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  • GuliyaYe
    Online class 06th of September 2021.
    OrangeHRM GUI, usability, functionality bug reports.

    #1. Implementation Defalt Input Focus required.
    #2. "Employee Information" section all the lebels should have colon at the end.
    #3. "Tab order" dissappeared after "Id" field, should have shown on "Employment Status" field.
    #4. "Employee Information" section: replace "Id" with "ID".
    #5. "Supervisor Name" field do not provided existing list of names.
    #6. "Id" field accept bunch of degits.
    #7. "Id" field accept bunch of characters.
    #8. "Id" field accept bunch of special characters.
    #9. When is all field is empty after pushing "Search" button no error message is come up.
    #10. Reload/Refresh page is frozen.
    1.Run to web page;
    2. filling the "Employee Name" and "Supervisor Name" fields;
    3. push "Search" button;
    4. message: No Records Found
    5. reload page but is do not provided fresh page.
    #11. "Id" listbox accending list is not correct.
    #12. "Id" listbox decending list is not correct.
    #13. To pushing "Delete" button is not deleting the selecting records.

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  • NataliaK

    1.Login page does not have Default input focus
    2.Company’s logo “Orange HRM” does not function
    3. Section “Join Orange HRM Community” displays error message when pushing
    4.The page that pops up after login page skips “Admin” section and starts with “PIM” section
    5.Pushing “PIM” skips “Configuration” section and goes to “Employee List”
    6. Section “ID” is displayed as “Id”
    7.The textbox “Employee Name” is Alphanumeric, and special characters can be typed as well, instead of accepting letters only
    8.The textbox” Supervisor name” is Alphanumeric and special characters can be typed as well, instead of accepting letters only
    9. The textbox” Id” is Alphanumeric and special characters can be typed as well, instead of accepting digits only
    10.” Add” button in “PIM” is Alphanumeric and special characters can be typed as well, instead of accepting letters only
    11. “Delete” button is disabled
    12. Section “Time” in the “Attendance Configuration” all checkboxes can be selected simultaneously
    13. Section “Recruitment” drop list “Vacancy” shows some positions with capital letter some with small letter
    14. In Section “Performance” field “Reviews” textbox “Employee” is Alphanumeric and special characters can be typed as well, instead of accepting letters only or does not specify what information of an employee is required: name, last name, ID number
    15. In Section “Performance” field “Reviews” drop list “Job Title” list words composed of special signs, some professions start with small letters
    16. In Section “Performance” textbox “Reviewer” is Alphanumeric and special characters can be typed as well
    17. Section “My Info” does not allow entering any information

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  • jessnag
    1. Green "Join OrangeHRM" button on top right corner: when pushed, Error 404 occurs.
    2. "My Info" menu item/"Emergency Contacts" button/"Add" button/"Home Telephone" field: must have an asterisk as it is a required field.
    3. "PIM" menu item/"Employee List"/"Last Name" column: when in ascending order, items with the same last name "Gonzalez" not ordered alphabetically by first name.
    4. "PIM" menu item/"Employee List"/Sorting arrows in columns: when sorting columns by ascending order, arrow icon is pointing down.
    5. "PIM" menu item/"Employee List"/Sorting arrows in columns: when sorting columns by descending order, arrow icon is pointing up.
    6. "PIM" menu item/"Employee List"/"Id" field: doesn't suggest ID numbers during input.
    7. "My Info" menu item/"Contact Details" button/push "Edit" button:"Zip/Postal Code" field accepts special characters.
    Last edited by jessnag; 09-21-2021, 05:29 PM.

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  • KateWain
    Test GUI/Functionality of OrangeHRM:
    1. Search, Reset, add, Delete buttons are not the same size, color.
    2. PIM tab/Employee list/ ID column is not consistent in number of characters.
    3.PIM Tab/ Employee list/ remove Add button as there is add Employee tab causes it to be repetative.
    4.My info tab/ Personal Details screen/Nationality field missing option "United States".
    5.My info tab/Personal Details screen/ Date of Birth calendar field goes beyond current date.
    6.My info tab/ Personal Details screen/SSN Number field lets you type more/less then 9 characters.
    7.My info tab/ Contact Details screen/ Zip field lets you type more/less then 5 numbers when US country selected.
    8.My info tab/ Contact Details screen/ Mobile field lets you type more/less then 10 numbers.

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  • Alla Volkova
    1. "Recruitment" Menu/"Vacancy" list box: inconsistency in capitalization of all menu items.
    2. "My Info" Menu/"Personal Details" Section/"SSN Number" field accepts letters, should be limited to digits only.
    3. "My Info" Menu/"Personal Details" Section/"SSN Number" field accepts any number, should be limited to 9 digits only.
    4. "My Info" Menu/"Personal Details" Section/"SSN Number" field accepts special characters, should be limited to digits only.
    5. "My Info" Menu/"Contact Details" Section doesn`t have default input focus.
    6. "My Info" Menu/"Personal Details" Section/"ZIP/Postal Code" field accepts any number, should be limited to 5 digits only.
    7. "My Info" Menu/"Personal Details" Section/"ZIP/Postal Code" field accepts letters and special characters, should be limited to digits only.
    Last edited by Alla Volkova; 09-20-2021, 08:34 PM.

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  • Anisimova
    1. Field "Employee name" accept digits .
    2.Field "id" written small letters
    3.Field "Time" go to the section "Timesheets" , if you write employee name to see his timesheets , "No timesheets Found"
    4.Field "Time" go to section "Attendance" , it you look at "Employee records" , and fill in the "Employee name " and "Data" to seethe attendance, the program displays "No attendance records to display"
    5.Field "Recruitment" on the section " Vacancy" we have problem with page , it's looks inconsistency.
    6.Field "Recruitment" on the section " Vacancy" , if we click to the second line "Vacancy" we will see a list of vacancies written either with a small letter or with a capital letter.
    7.Field "Recruitment" on the section " Vacancy" and click "Hiring Manager" it is missing list.
    8. "Performance" go to "KPI list" the list contains deleted entries .
    9."PIM" in the column "Job title" is missing "CEO" and "Tester"
    10."Admin" go to section "Job" and click "work shifts" , time is not specified in "AM" and "PM"

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  • oreshes74
    1.Orange HRM not linked to the home page.
    2. my info in Personal details DL accepts 30 characters
    3. my info in Personal details SSN accepts letters (only digits is the requirement)
    4. my info in Personal details SSN accepts 30 characters (9digits is the requirement )
    5. my info in Personal details Nick Name accepts special characters, letter, and numbers
    6. my info in Personal details DL expiration date not required field
    7. SSN is not marked as a required field
    8. DL is not marked as a required field
    9. DOB is not marked as a required field
    10 SSN should have asterisk as a required field.
    11. Color of RESET and DELETE buttons are not consistent.
    12. Join Orange HMR community page is not existed. Gives you this message (Sorry, it seems you were trying to access a page that doesn't exist.
    Please check the spelling of the URL you were trying to access and try again.)

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  • Lilya
    1. My info-personal details - First name and Last name only required fields
    2. My info-personal details-Driver license accepts 30 characters
    3. My info-personal details-SSN accepts 30 character 9 digits as per requirement
    4. My info-personal details SSN is not marked das a required filed
    5. My info-personal details Driver License field is not marked as a required field
    6. My info-personal details SSN supposed to have asterisk
    7. My info-personal details Driver License supposed to have asterisk

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  • ovg015
    Test GUI, Usability, Functionality of OrangeHRM
    1. In The LOGIN Panel field, “Username” does not contain restrictions on the number of characters.
    2. In The LOGIN Panel field, “Password” does not contain restrictions on the number of characters.
    3. The logo image does not have a link to the home page.
    4. After Entering The Login/Password, The “PIM” column of the “Employee List” section opens instead of the home page.
    5. The “Admin Folder” - The “User Management” page in the first record “Users” of the table does not contain results.
    6. In the “Recruitment” column “Vacancies” section when changing the search parameters, no action is taken when the “Search” button is pushed.
    7. In the “Recruitment” column “Vacancies” in the first vacancy there is no information in such columns as Vacancy; Hiring Manager; Status.
    8. In the “Recruitment” column “Vacancies” in the second vacancy there is no information in such columns as Job Title; Hiring Manager; Status.
    9. In the “Performance” column in the “Cope KPI” column the line “Copy From” contains erroneous character sets marked as “Deleted”.
    10. In the “Performance” column in the “Add Review” column the line “Employee Name” does not contain restrictions on the number of characters.
    11. In the “Performance” column in the “Reviewer Name” column the line “Reviewer Name” does not contain restrictions on the number of characters.
    12. "My Info" column in the "Personal Details" page in the "SSN Number" field allows letters.
    13. "My Info" column in the "Personal Details" page in the "SSN Number" field wrong numbers of characters.
    14. "My Info" column in the "Personal Details" page in the "SIN Number" field allows letters.
    15. "My Info" column in the "Personal Details" page in the "SIN Number" field wrong numbers of characters.
    16. "My Info" column in the "Contact Details" page in the "Zip/Postal Code" field allows letters.
    17. "My Info" column in the "Contact Details" page in the "Zip/Postal Code" wrong numbers of characters.

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  • ZKB 167
    1. "PIM" page,"Employee informetion" seccion, "Search" buttom able when all fields empty;
    2. "PIM" page,"Employee informetion" seccion, "Reset" buttom able when all fields empty;
    3. "PIM" page,"ID" field accept letters;
    4. "PIM" page,"ID" field accept sp. characters;
    5. "PIM" page,"Employee List" seccion, "Admin" "Admin" line, "job Title" column is empty;;
    6. "PIM" page,"Employee List" seccion, "Admin" "Admin" line, "Employment Status" column is empty;
    7. "PIM" page,"Employee List" seccion, "Antoine" "Hani" line, "job Title" column is empty;
    8. "PIM" page,"Employee List" seccion, "Antoine" "Hani" line, "job Title" column is empty;
    9. "PIM" chapter,"Employee List" page, "Employee ID" field, accept letters;
    10. "PIM" chapter,"Employee List" page, "Employee ID" field, accept sp.characters;
    11. "PIM" chapter,"Employee List" page, "Other ID" field, accept letters;
    12. "PIM" chapter,"Employee List" page, "Other ID" field, sp. characters;

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  • Ade-Ola
    #1 "OrangeHRM" logo when pushed does not go back to homepage
    #2 "Admin Tab menu" User management submenu" There no space between drop down arrow and menu item
    #3 In the log in page panel "LOGIN panel" "LOGIN" is spelled in all caps while "Palen is spelled in upper and lower case
    #4.The circle design on the left of login panel that says "HR for ALL" all should be in uppercase
    #5 "username field" is not case sensitive
    #6 "Password" field not case sensitive
    #7 "Facebook" icon does not have a tooltip
    #8 "LinkedIn" icon does not have a tooltip
    #9 Twitter icon does not have a tooltip
    #10 "YouTube" icon does not have a tooltip

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  • elinka
    Bug report for the OrangeHRM
    1)Button from the login page doesn't move user to the webpage.
    2)Password field doesn't light the icon after user put the info.
    3)Login field doesn't light the icon after user put the info.
    4)Login button doesn't change in the size after pressing on her.
    5)No space between OrangeHRM 3.1.2 and OrangeHRM Inc.
    6)Wrong format in OrangeHRM, Inc.( Supposed to be OrangeHRM Inc.)
    7)Join OrangeHRM Community has no opening page.
    8)Join OrangeHRM Community button has different colors.(Button supposed to be the one green color)
    9)Help and training box not in alphabetical order.
    10)Admin/User management and Users has the same page(Delete Users)
    11)Admin/User management the Username admin has no checkbox.
    12)Admin/User management the Username admin has no Employee Name.
    13) Pim/Custom fields/Screen/Select dropdown menu go up(Supposed to go down)
    14)Pim/Custom fields/Screen/Select dropdown menu not in alphabetical order
    15)Pim/Employee list/Add employee/Full name, Employee id, Photograph has no astericks.
    16)Pim/Reports/Employee rereports Search button doesn't work
    17)Pim/Reports/Employee reports after the run report page didn't comeback on the previous place.
    18)Pim/Reports/Employee reports/Edit/ Define report fields have no asterics.
    19)Pim/Emploee list has 24 row instead of 23.(51-74 of 74 has to be 23 pages)
    20)"Welcome Peter" supposed to be without the name.
    21)"Help and Training" sort menu goes up instead of goes down.
    22)"Welcome Peter" sort menu goes up instead of goes down

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