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Energy-Telecom Bug report Sep 15 Homework

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  • #46
    a. Clarify that “All characters” means all symbols
    b. Clarify only US States are allowed in the “State” drop-down list or other US territories as well
    c. Clarify “Some” special characters (E-mail field)
    d. Clarify only existing carrier codes are allowed in the first 3-digits text field in the “Phone” field
    e. Clarify all acceptable symbols and its amount in other text fields besides Contact information
    f. Clarify which actual services are provided with the names: “Cell Phone Service”, “Local/Long Distances/International Service” and “Digital Phone Service with Video Phone”

    1. FIRST NAME: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field

    1.1. First Name field accepted Space in the beginning, in the middle and in the end, clarify it is supposed to do so.
    1.2. First Name field accepts more than 31 characters if Pasted
    1.3. First Name accepts only 30 characters instead of 31 if typed
    1.4a. First Name field accepted digits
    1.5a. First Name field accepted special characters
    1.6a. First Name field accepts Not ASCII characters. Clarify it is supposed to do so.

    2. LAST NAME: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 31. Required field.

    2.1. Last Name field accepted Space in the beginning, in the middle and in the end
    2.2. Last Name field accepts more than 31 characters if Pasted
    2.3. Last Name accepts only 30 characters instead of 31 if typed
    2.4a. Last Name field accepts digits
    2.5a. Last Name field accepts Not ASCII characters. Clarify it is supposed to do so. Last Name field accepted digits
    2.6a. Last Name field accepted special characters

    3. STREET ADDRESS: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 255. Required field.

    3.1. Street address: there is a limit 100 characters instead of 255 if typed
    3.2. Street address field accepts more than 255 characters if pasted
    3.3a. Street address field accepts Not ASCII characters. Clarify it is supposed to do so.

    4. CITY: text field, accepts all characters. No more than 50. Required field.

    4.1. First Name field accepted Space in the beginning, in the middle and in the end, clarify it is supposed to do so.
    4.2a. First Name field accepted digits
    4.3a. First Name field accepted special characters
    4.4a. City field accepts Not ASCII characters. Clarify it is supposed to do so.

    5. STATE: list Box offering the list of all 50 states. Required field.

    5.1. Sort the list of states in the list box alphabetically
    5.2. Rename state “IND” to “IN”
    5.3. Remove “BC” from the State list, there is no such state in the US
    5.4. Add “HI” and “NV” to the State list
    5.5. Remove “- -“ if State designation is required
    5.6b. Add other US territories (AS, GU, MP, PR, VI, DC) to the State list if applicable
    5.7b. Remove “Other” from the State list if other US territories is not acceptable

    6. ZIP: text field, accepts 5 characters (digits only). Required field

    6.1. ZIP is accepted not corresponding to the selected State
    6.2. Make ZIP field only digits acceptable when User type or paste

    7. EMAIL: text field, accepts digits, letters, some special characters. 255 characters. Required field

    7.1. E-mail field accepts empty input as a required field
    7.2. Email field accepts not E-mail standard input (***@***.***)
    7.3. Email field accepts more than 255 characters, typed and pasted
    7.4c. E-mail field accepted all special characters
    7.5c. E-mail field accepts Not ASCII characters. Clarify it is supposed to do so.

    8. PHONE: 3 text fields, accepting 3-3-4 chars (digits only). Required field.

    8.1. In the Phone field allow User to paste only digits
    8.2d. Some numbers (ex. 123, 098) are not accepted in the first text field of the Phone field

    SECTION 1. Cell phone Service:

    9.1. Add “Other” to “Current Provider:” list
    9.2. Provide ranges in the drop-down lists of “Minutes on plan”, “Number of phones on plan:”, “I last upgraded my phone(s) approximately:”
    9.3. Add “11”, “12”,” More than 12” to the “Months left on Current Contract:” in option “Months on Current Contract”

    SECTION 2. Local/Long Distances/International Service, “Bundled with”:

    9.4e. “Primary Phone Number:” should allow to paste only digits
    9.5. TAB doesn’t go to the “No” in the fields: “International calls included?”, “Long distance included?”, “I am interested in Unlimited Calling:” in Chrome
    9.6. TAB doesn’t go to the radio buttons: “TV” and “Both” in the “Bundled with:” option in Chrome
    9.7e. “Total bill:” text field should allow to paste only digits
    9.8. Replace “Total bill” text field with the drop-down list with sum ranges

    SECTION 3. High Speed Internet Service:

    9.9. TAB doesn’t go to the radio buttons: “Dial-Up”, “DSL” in Type of Service” option in Chrome
    9.10. Replace “Provider” text field with drop-down list of providers
    9.11. TAB doesn’t go to the “Phone”, “Both” radio buttons in “Bundled with:” option in Chrome
    9.12. Add “Other” radio button to “Type of Service” option

    SECTION 4. TV Service:

    9.13. TAB doesn’t go to the radio buttons “Internet” and “Phone” in Chrome
    9.14. Provide ranges in drop-down list of “Months left on Plan:”


    9.15. Field “Referred by” is required to fill out without an asterisk. Clarify that it is a required field and should have it or it is not required field at all
    9.16. Automatically fill in related address fields (City, State) depending on entered ZIP code
    9.17. “Clear” button doesn’t clear the form
    9.18. “Clear” button invokes misleading error message “Invalid data input…”
    9.19. There is no “Clear” button in Firefox
    9.20. TAB jumps from the “First Name” to the “Referred by” field only then to the “Last Name” in Chrome
    9.21. Enter key doesn’t select any radio button in Chrome
    9.22g. Rename “Local/Long Distance/ International Service” to “Cell Phone Service”
    9.23g. Rename “Cell Phone Service” to “Cell Phone Supplier”
    9.23g. Remove “Digital Phone Service with Video Phone” section
    9.24. Make limitation of symbols input to the text field “Comments”, usually 1000 characters
    9.25. Replace each text field “My monthly bill is approximately:” to the drop-down list with range of sum including “winter” and “summer” options in Section 7.
    9.26. Make “Submit” and “Clear” buttons the same size for better look in Chrome
    9.27. White page appears when pushing Enter key on any radio or check box WITH TIME in Chrome
    9.28. Submitting the form leads to the white page in Firefox
    9.29. State drop-down list is not activated by pushing Enter key in Firefox
    9.30. Enter key activates submitting the form when pushed on any radio or check box in Firefox
    9.31. Provide active input to the first text field in the form “First Name”
    9.32. Provide check to all fields for input format violation when User is typing or pasting before submitting the form
    Last edited by Olgla; 09-19-2022, 04:52 PM.


    • #47
      Test Energy-Telecom page

      #1. „Referred by:“ doesn’t have an asterix, but it’s a required field.
      #2. GUI bug – the button “submit” is much more bigger than button “clear”
      #3. The text field “First name” accepts only 30 characters - required no more than 31.
      #4. The text field “Last name” accepts only 30 characters - required no more than 31.
      #5. The list box “State” provides only 48 US states - required all 50 States.
      #6. The list box “State” contains canadian’s province “BC” - required only US states.
      #7. Text field “ZIP” allows to type letter - required only digits.
      #8. Section “Cell Phone Service”, text field “My monthly bill is approximately:” allows to type letters - should be only digits.
      #9. Section “Cell Phone Service”, text field “Current Provider:” doesn’t contains “Others” to choose.
      #10. The choice for typing the information by using “TAB” button is out of order - after the field “First name” you will go to the field “Referred by:” instead of the field “Last name”
      #11. After pushed the button “clear” comes an “Error message” that is confusing and misleading as well.
      Last edited by Borizgo; 09-19-2022, 02:23 PM.


      • #48
        Energy-Telecom Service bug Report.

        1. Label "First name" accept 30 characters text field instead of 31 required..
        2. Label "Last name" accept 30 characters text field instead of 31 requierd.
        3. Label " Street Adrdress" accept 100 characters text field insted of 255 requierd.
        4. Label "State" list box offering just 48 states,instead of 50 required.
        5. In label "State" list box replace abrevition IND with IN.
        6. Label "State" list box remove "BC" option beacuse doesn't belong to US states.
        7. In Label "State" list box remove "Other" because it's not an option of a state.
        8. Label "State" list box is 2 missing states HI(Hawaii) and NV(NEVADA).
        9. Label "Zip Code" text field accepts letters instead of digit only.
        10.Label "Zip code" text field accepts drag and drop more than 5 digits.
        11.Label "Zip code"text field accepts copy paste more than 5 digits as is required.
        12.Label "Email" text field accepts more than 255 charcaters as is requierd.
        13.In the section "Contact Information" "TAB" key press doesn't followinf logical pattern.
        14.In the section "Contact Information" the "Refered by" label doesn't have asterisk.
        15. Remove label "Refered by" from "Contact Information"section.
        16.Label "Email" acts as not requierd field,after pushing " Submit" button.
        17. In the Section #1 "Current Provider" list box doesn't have option "other" and "None".
        18. Label "Monthly bill approximately" text filed accept 11 characters more than normal.
        19.Label "Monthly bill approximately" text field accept letters insted of digits only.
        20.Label "Monthly bill approximately" text field accepts "drag and drop" special characters.
        21.Label "Monthly bill approximately" text field should not accept to copy and paste of special characters.
        22. Inconsistency in "Minutes on plan"in the list box options.
        23. in Section #1 "Months left on current contact" on select list box is missing months 11-24( usually contract is for 24 months).
        24."Numbers on phone plan" select list box to many options given.
        25.In the Section #1 the check box "I love my headseats" is irelevant.
        26.Section #2 "TAB" key doesn't following logic pattern "right to left" from "International Call Includes".
        27.Sction #3 "Current Provider" label select box list should have "None" option.
        28.Section #3 "TAB" key doesn't work properly.
        29.Section #7 "Gas and Electric Services" should be separated in 2 different sections.
        30.Section # 7 the word "Opento" is misspelled,replace with "Open to".
        31.The button "Clear" has different font an size from the "Submit" button.
        32."Clear" button doesn't clear the form,instead shows error "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer!!!'


        • #49
          1. No default button. Please, make sure it is intended.
          2. When using tab, the next field after "First Name" is "Referred by:". Please, make sure it is intended.
          3. When using tab, only first out of a set of radio buttons is chosen. Please, make sure it is intended.
          4. "First Name" field: Replace "Fill out..." error message for an empty field with "Required field" error message.
          5. Please, clarify the requirements: what is the error message if a required field is left empty?
          6. "Email" field is a required field as per requirements, but does not behave as such.
          7. "Email" field accepts more than 255 characters.
          8. "Email" field accepts non valid email address.
          9. "Email" field accepts non valid characters.
          10. "Referred by:" field is not a required field as per requirements, but behaves as such.
          11. Inconsistent styling of "Submit" and "Clear" buttons.
          12. "Clear" button does not work is intended.
          13. Pushing "Clear" button invokes a misleading error message.
          14. Styling of the form is inconsistent. Different font sizes are used.
          15. "First Name" field: only 30 characters are accepted instead of 31 as per requirements.
          16. "Last Name" field: only 30 characters are accepted instead of 31 as per requirements.
          17. "Street Address" field accepts 100 characters, not 255 as required
          18. "ZIP" field: user is able to type in letters (not digits only).
          19. "ZIP" field: user is able to PASTE letters and sp.characters in digits only field.
          20. "ZIP" field: user is able to PASTE over 5 character into the field (should be limited to 5 characters).
          21. "ZIP" field: does not check if it is a valid US zip code.
          22. "States" listbox: contains invalid states. Please, use official abbreviations.
          23. "States" listbox: remove "other" option.
          24. Inconsistent capitalization throughout the form.
          25. "Phone" text field allows to paste non-digit characters.
          26. "Cell Phone Service"section: "Current Provider" listbox: please add "Other" option.
          27. "Cell Phone Service"section: "Current Provider" listbox: please add "At&T" option.
          28. "Cell Phone Service" section: "My monthly bill is approximately" text field allows non-digit characters.
          29. "Cell Phone Service" section: "My monthly bill is approximately" field: consider using a list box with range options.
          30. "Cell Phone Service" section: "Months left on current contract" listbox should have 0 through 24 options.
          31. "Cell Phone Service" section: "Number of phones on plan:" limit to 10.
          32. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section: "Primary Phone Number:" field allows to paste non-digit characters.
          33. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section: "My monthly bill is approximately:" field allows to paste non-digit characters.
          34. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section: "Total Bill" field allows to paste non-digit characters.
          35. "High Speed Internet Service" section : "My monthly bill is approximately" field allows to paste non-digit characters.
          36. "TV Service" section: "My monthly bill is approximately" field allows to paste non-digit characters.
          37. "Home Security Service" section: "My monthly bill is approximately" field allows to paste non-digit characters.
          38. "Gas and Electric Services" section: change "opento" to "open to".
          39. "Gas and Electric Services" section: place the text field exactly next to the label "My monthly bill is approximately (summer):".
          40. "Gas and Electric Services" section: place the text field exactly next to the label "My monthly bill is approximately (winter):".


          • #50
            Test Energy-Telecom Service(Testing WEB Forms):
            #1. "
            Happy Path" testing was passed successfully
            #2. "Referred by" field missed asterisk as required
            #3. Asterisk on "Email" need detached as inconsistency
            #4. Header "Cell Phone Service" at row "Current Provider" add to list box option "Other"
            #5. Header "Cell Phone Service" at row "Months left on current contract" expand list box number till 36 digits equal 3 year contract
            #6. Inconsistency implementation between button "Submit" and "Clear" regarding GUI


            • #51
              Energy-Telecom Bug Report
              #1. “First Name” field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
              #2. “Last Name” field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
              #3. “BC” in the “ State” field is redundant.
              #4. Remove BC” in the “ State” field.
              #5. ”ZIP” field accepts non-digit characters.
              #6. “ZIP” field should accept digits only.
              #7. “ Street Address” field accepts 100 characters instead of 255.
              #8. “First Name” field: Make the first letter of the name capital after entering.
              #9. “Last Name” field: Make the first letter of the name capital after entering.
              #10. “State” field is missing the abbreviation “HI” for Hawaii.
              #11. “State” field is missing the abbreviation “NV” for Nevada.
              #12. In the “State” field the abbreviation “ IND” for Indiana should be replaced by the abbreviation “IN”.
              #13. “State” field contains 48 stated instead of 50.
              #14. Remove “Other” from “State” field.
              #15. “ Email” field accepts more than 255 characters as per required.
              #16. “ Reffered by” should not be a required field as it does not have asterisk.
              #17. “Cell Phone Service” section: Add “Other” in “Current Provider” field.
              #18. “Cell Phone Service” section: Add “AT&T” in “Current Provider” field.
              #19. “Cell Phone Service” section: Replace 10 months with 24.
              #20. Inconsistency between “Submit” and “Clear” buttons.
              #21. “Gas and Electric Services” section: The word “onto” is incorrect.
              #22. “Gas and Electric Services” section: Replace the word “onto” with “on to”.
              #23. “Clear” button is not working as it is supposed to.
              #24. “Local/Long Distances/International Service” section: “My monthly bill is approximately” field allows to paste non-digit characters.
              #25. “Cell Phone Service” section: “My monthly bill is approximately” field allows to paste non-digit characters.
              #26. “ High Speed Internet Service” section: “My monthly bill is approximately” field allows to paste non-digit characters.
              #27. Gas and Electric Services” section: “My monthly bill is approximately(summer)” field allows to paste non-digit characters.
              #28. Gas and Electric Services” section: “My monthly bill is approximately(winter)” field allows to paste non-digit characters.


              • #52
                #1. When typing into the “First Name” field, the field’s max. capacity is 30 characters instead of 31 characters

                #2. When pasting into the “First Name” field, the field accepts text with spaces that exceeds 31 characters

                #3. When typing into the “Last Name” field, the field’s max. capacity is 30 characters instead of 31 characters

                #4. When pasting into the “Last Name” field, the field accepts text with spaces that exceeds 31 characters

                #5. “Street Address” field max. capacity is less than 255

                #6. “Street Address” field accepts 1 character address. A low boundary “No less than…” for the field should be provided

                #7. When pasting into the “City” field, the field accepts text with spaces that exceeds 50 characters

                #8. List Box in the “State” field offers 49 states instead of 50 states

                #9. List Box in the “State” field offers “Other” as an option which is not applicable

                #10. When typing into the “ZIP” field, the field accepts letters apart from digits

                #11. When pasting into “ZIP” field, the field accept more than 5 digits

                #12. “Email” field accepts random email format. An error message should be provided

                #13. “Email” field max. capacity is much more than 255 characters

                #14. When submitting the form leaving the “email” field empty, the page accepts it though “Email” field is a required field. An error message should be provided

                #15. When submitting the form leaving the “Referred by” field empty, the page shows a confusing error message that this field is required

                #16. “Phone” field accepts pasting letters

                #17. There is no default button

                #18. The “Clear” button doesn’t work

                #19. “Submit” and “Clear” buttons are inconsistent: their font and their size is different


                • #53
                  Energy-Telecom Bug report
                  1. In field "Refered by" field is not indicated es required field
                  2. In field "Email"field does not indicate as required field
                  3. In field "Email" accept invalid data without special symbol"@"
                  4. In field "Contact information" form: "First Name" input field accepts 30 characters only instead of 31 characters.
                  5. In field "Contact information" form: "Last Name" input field accepts 30 characters only instead of 31 characters.
                  6. In field "Street" field accepts typing only 100 characters.
                  7. In List Box “State” add State Hawaii code “HI”
                  8. In List Box “State” add State Nevada code “NV”
                  9. In List Box “State” - “IND” replaced by correct code of State Indiana “IN”
                  10. In field "Zip Code" can paste not only digit characters.
                  11. In field "Zip Code" more than 255 characters.
                  12. In field "Phone:" can paste not only digital characters.
                  13. In Section 1 "Cell Phone service" can paste digital characters.
                  14. Button "Clear" does not clear the form.
                  15. In section "Gas and Electric Services" in check box "I am opento using different provider" need to change "opento" to "open to"


                  • #54
                    1. Field “First Name” accepts no more than 30 characters instead 31.
                    2. Field “Last Name” accepts no more than 30 characters instead 31.
                    3. Field “Email” does not act as a required field.
                    4. Field “Address” accepts no more than 100 characters instead 255.
                    5. Field “State” list box offering the list of 48 states instead of 50 states of which BC state is not in US.
                    6. Field “State” list box: “IND” replace with “IN” (Indiana state).
                    7. Field “State” list box: “Other” not state.
                    8. Field “State” list box add states “DC” (Washington DC) and “NV” (Nevada)
                    9. Field “Referred by” is not marked as an asterisk, but it is required field (if it empty, it indicates “* Please enter the name of the person you were referred by”)


                    • #55
                      #1. “First Name” field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
                      #2. “Last Name” field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
                      #3. ”ZIP” field accepts non-digit characters.
                      #4. “Street Address” field accepts 100 characters instead of 255.
                      #5. “State” field contains 48 stated instead of 50.
                      #6. “Email” field accepts more than 255 characters as per required.
                      #7. "Inconsistency between “Submit” and “Clear” buttons. Submit button: style="width: 8em; font-size: 100%;Clear button: style="width: 8em; font-size: 90%;"
                      #8. “Local/Long Distances/International Service” section: “My monthly bill is approximately” field allows to paste non-digit characters.
                      #9. “Cell Phone Service” section: “My monthly bill is approximately” field allows to paste non-digit characters.
                      #10. “Submit” and “Clear” buttons are inconsistent: their font and their size is different
                      #11. "Clear" button doesn't clear the form instead shows error "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. "Please call technical support or restart your computer". ( <input name="clearButton" type="button" value="Clear" style="width: 4em; font-size: 90%;" onclick="alert('Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!')"> )
                      #12. We don't see that the red asterisk indicates when the email field is submitted.


                      • #56
                        Bugs report for Energy-Telecom Service Review (macOS 12.5, Safari 15.6)
                        #1. "First Name" text field: accepts 30 characters instead of 31 maximum characters.
                        #2. "Last Name" text field: accepts 30 characters instead of 31 maximum characters.
                        #3. "State" list box.: please eleminate "BC" as it is a Canadian state.
                        #4. "State" list box.: please eleminate "Other".
                        #5. "State" list box: please put all 50 US states, two states are missing.
                        #6. "First Name": please change the list box to the text fileld.
                        #7. "Last Name": please change the list box to the text fileld.
                        #8. "Street Address": please change the list box to the text fileld.
                        #9. "City": please change the list box to the text fileld.
                        #10. "Email": please change the list box to the text fileld.
                        #11. "Email" text field does not behaive as a required field.
                        #12. Suggestion. "ZIP" test field: should not accepts inexisting ZIP code "00000" though it is not mentioned in the requirements.
                        #13. "ZIP" text field: please disable an input of letters (both type or paste) in the field to be consistent with "Phone" text field.
                        #14 "Referred by" behaives as a required field.
                        #15. "First Name" text field: wrong TAB order. When we push TAB button the "Referred by" text field is selected instead of "Last Name" text field.
                        #16. "Best Way To Contact Me" list box: wrong TAB order. When we push TAB button the "Current Provider" text field is selected instead of "Referred by" text field.
                        #17. Suggestion. "Email" text field: should accept only the right email format as
                        #18. "ZIP" text field: accepts more than 5 digits if Pasted.
                        #19. Section 1. "Current Provider" list box: please add "Other" to the list.
                        #20. "Current Provider" list box: please add "AT&T" to the list.
                        #21. "My monthly bill is approximately": the field has 11 digits that is not realistic amount for the houshold. Please restrict to x,xxx.xx in currency format.
                        #22. "My monthly bill is approximately": please change the list box to the text box.
                        #23. "Number of phones on plan" list box: please restrict to 20 lines maximum in the list.
                        #24. Check boxes "I like my handset", "I am interested in updating my handset" should not be checked together.
                        #25. "Months left on current contract" list box: please add "11" to the list.


                        • #57
                          Energy-Telecom bug report

                          1. in the text field of the "First Name": allows put only no more than 30 characters instead of 31
                          2. "Last Name" in text field allows put only no more than 30 characters instead of 31
                          3. "Street Address" allows put only no more than 100 characters instead of 255
                          4. List box of the "State" has "other" in the option of 50 states
                          5. List box of the "State" has "BC" in the option which is not belong to the list of states of the US
                          6. List box of the "State" has a standard abbreviation "IND" in the option instead of it should be as a postal abbreviation Indiana state "IN"
                          7. ZIP code field allows put 5 characters in letters instead of required digits only
                          8. "EMAIL" text field allow to put more than 250 characters
                          9. "EMAIL" indicates as a required by asterisk but it does not shows as required in error message when a value is not entered
                 the field of the "Phone" if only the number started with 1 and 0 shows as an invalid Phone number in error message
                          11. "EMAIL" field accepts non valid email address
                          12."Clear" does not clear fields and it shows an error "Error 17896 - Invalid data request. Please call technical support or restart your computer !!!"
                          13. When using keyboard button "TAB" started from the field of the "First Name" so the next field to fill out will only "Referred by" instead of "Last Name"


                          • #58
                            #1.Text field "Postal code" instead of numbers accepts letters when copying and more than 5 values
                            #2.Text box "Phone" can paste letters when copying
                            #3.If the data entered is incorrect, it skips sending
                            #4.The text field "E-mail address" is required and if it is not filled in, skips sending data
                            #5.An error appears about the required field "Directed", which is not
                            #6.When the "Clear" window is clicked, the cleaning does not go through and the error field "Error 17896" appears
                            #7.E-mail text box accepts more than 255 characters
                            #8.Text field "Street address" accepts 100 characters
                            #9.Text field "Name" accepts numbers
                            #10.Text field "Last name" accepts numbers
                            #11.Text field "Street address" accepts numbers
                            #12.Text field "City" accepts numbers


                            • #59
                              1. "First name" text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
                              2. "Last name" text field accepts 30 characters instead of 31.
                              3. "Street field" text field accepts no more than 100 characters, instead of 255.
                              4. "Zip code" field accepts letters instead of digits ONLY.
                              5. "State" list box DC,NV and HI states are missing.
                              6. "State" list box has state BC need to be removed (not part of the USA)
                              7. "Phone" text field accepts letters and special characters if Copy/Paste instead of digits only.
                              8. "Cell Phone Service" section: "My monthly bill is approximately: " field accepts letters instead of digits ONLY.
                              9. "Cell Phone Service" section: "My monthly bill is approximately: " field accepts special characters if Copy/Paste instead of digits ONLY.
                              10. "Local/Long Distances/International Service" section "My monthly bill is approximately": field accepts special characters if Copy/Paste instead of digits ONLY.
                              11. At the end of the application the "Clear" button does not clear the data and gives an error message


                              • #60
                                Energy-Telecom Bug reports

                                1. "Contact Information" section: "First Name" text field accept 30 characters instead of 31
                                2. "Contact Information" section: "Last Name" text field accept 30 characters insted of 31
                                3. "Contact Information" section: "Street Address" text field accept 100 characters insted of 255
                                4. "Contact Information" section: "List Box" in the "State" field include 48 states instead of 50
                                5. "Contact Information" section: "List Box" in the "State" field should not have option "other"
                                6. "Contact Information" section: "ZIP" field accepts letters as well as digits.
                                7. "Contact Information" section: "Email" text field accept more than 255 characters
                                8. "Contact Information" section: "Referred by" text field is not marked with an asterisk, as stated in the requirement.
                                9. "Clear" button doesn't clear the form
                                10. "Clear" button visually has a different size than the "Submit" button

