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H1 - Talia Bug Reports

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  • #46
    #1. Missing "user" and "profile" name
    #2. In rows #7 and #8 sorting order violation in "Amount" column: "$22,409.37" should go below "$22,376.00", not ascending order
    #3. In row #1 sorting order violation in "Status" column: replace "rejcted" with "rejected"
    #4.In rows #3, #7, #10 dates do not match the sort requirement
    #5. "Amount" column has inconsistency between the actual sorting order (ascending) and the direction given by the arrow next to the column title (descending)
    #6. Text field of "Invoice number" can enter letters and symbols
    #7. Text field of "Purchase order" can enter letters and symbols
    #8. Text field of "From amount:" can enter letters and symbols
    #9. Text fields of "Invoice date" unable to select date
    #10. Text field of "Customer" has not list box
    #11. Text field of "Invoice status" has not list box
    #12. Text field of "Results per page" has not list box
    #13. Unable to sort "Invoce #" column by ascending and discending
    #14. Unable to sort "Invoce #" column by ascending and discending
    #15. Unable to sort "Inv. Date" column by ascending and discending
    #16. Unable to sort "Due Date" column by ascending and discending
    #17. Unable to sort "PO #" column by ascending and discending
    #18. Unable to sort "Status" column by ascending and discending
    #19. Unable to sort "Payment" column by ascending and discending
    #20. Missing name and sorting of "Action" column
    #21. Enumeration of pages: page link "1" is too far from other page links
    #22. Enumeration of pages: page links do not active
    #23. In row #4 in "Status" column new message writes "Approved" instead "Paid"
    #24. In row #1 in "Status" column new message writes right "Rejected"


    • #47
      Bug reports Taulia

      #1 Missing letter in the word "Invoice" in the first column
      #2 Requirement violated "Results per page" -10 on page-11
      #3 Numbering is missing page 5
      #4 Data in columns "Due Date" and "PO #" does not match the content
      #5 In the 7th row, the date 1-Oct-2011 is not meeting eligibility requirements "Invoice date"
      #6 In columns "Amount" sorting is not correct to Descending order
      #7 Not enough 32 pages to place "422" invoices
      #8 Tooltip in row 4, in column "Status" does not match with "Paid"
      #9 Dates in the requirements and on the columns are entered in different formats


      • #48
        1. spell check:
        BUG reports
        a. Replace Column "Invoce #" with "Invoice"
        b. 1st row Column "Status" Replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"
        2. User Interface Elements:
        BUG reports
        a. Icons "Download list" doesn't meet the standard
        b. There is no sign ":" after the sort fields "Invoice number" "Customer" "Purchase order" "Invoice date" "Invoice status" "Results per page"
        c. It is unclear the purpose of the "binoculars" icon if there is a general "search" button
        d. Keyboard key "TAB" is not possible to move the cursor and highlight the items "Home" "Invoices" "Purchase" "Orders" "Payments" "My Details" "Cash" "Planner" "Your Customer" at the top of the page
        3. Other errors:
        BUG reports
        a. Colum "Amound" doesn't match the selected sort type
        b. Colum "Amound" the value of row #7 is greater than the value of row #8
        c. Colum "Due Date" and colum "PO #" are swapped. The values ​​in column "Due Date" match the values ​​in column "PO #"
        Last edited by VinenkovaElena; 08-03-2023, 03:08 PM.


        • #49

          1. "Actions" button is missing in the row 11
          2. 32 pages is not enough to accommodate 422 search results
          3. Search results should display 10 rows (as per the "Results per page" list box), not 11
          4. Replace "Showing 422 Invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 Invoices"
          5. "Type" column is redundant since all the search results are of the same type (invoice)
          6. Sorting order violation in “Amount” column: “$22,403.37’’ should go below “$22,376.00”, not above
          7. “Amount” column: inconsistency between the actual sorting order (ascending) and the direction given by the arrow next to the column title
          8. Leftmost column title: replace “Invoice #” with “Invoice #”
          9. Misspelled word in the first row/”status” column: replace “Rejcted” with “Rejected”
          10. Enumeration search results of pages: link to page “5” is missing
          11. “Search my Invoices”: provide all the labels with the colon character at the end
          12. “Amount” column: all items should be aligned to the period character
          13. “Inv.Date” column: values “1-Oct-2011” (7th row), “22-Sep-2011” (3rd row) are out of the specified range in the label “Invoice data”
          14. “Due date” and “PO #” titles are mixed up with each other. The column title "Due Date" switched with the column title "PO #"
          15. “Inv. Date” column and “PO #” must obey to “DD-MMM-YYYY” date format
          16. Wrong mouse icon when any of the paginator menu elements are in focus. It is showing the mouse icon for text boxes, not for elements with the Click option
          17. Missing sorting capability for columns other than “Amount”
          18. Inconsistency in dates format between table items in columns “Inv. Date”, “Due Date” and “Invoice date field(?)”
          19. Centers of columns do not match centers of columns headers (for example the “Inv. Date” header should be aligned with column contents)
          20. Add the “Customer” column to the table
          21. Add the label “Due Date” to the search filters above the table
          22. “Invoice number”, and “Purchase order” fields: should be allowed only numbers or digits values for input
          23. Wrong mouse icon when any of the buttons “Actions” in the last column of the table are in focus. It is showing the mouse icon for text boxes, not for elements with the Click option
          24. Mistake in space-formatting in the top part of the menu “User Manager | Profile | Help| Logout”: after the word “Help” the space character should be added
          25. Status column: label “Paid” (in 4th raw) has the wrong tooltip (It shows “Approved ” instead of “Paid”)


          • #50
            #1. 11th line of search results the: “Actions” button is missing.
            #2. Replace the first column on the left with: “Invoce” with “Invoice”.
            #3. Column "Amount", 7th and 8th rows: the sorting sequence is broken.
            #4.32 pages are not enough and will not be enough to accommodate 422 search results.
            #5. Replace: "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices".
            #6. Column "Amount" : sorted in Ascending order instead of Descending order as per arrow in the column title.
            #7. The ":" colon character is missing at the end labels of "Search y invoices" filters.
            #8. Page 5 is missing in pagination of search results.

