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Online class June 23, 2020 - GUI Bug Report for Energy-Telecom

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  • #31
    1. “ZIP code” input field accepts letters
    2. “ZIP code" input field accepts more then 5 characters when to do "COPY --> PASTE"
    3. "email" input field should be warn if in the address no any character like "@"
    4. State Indiana in the list of states has mistakes in “IND” it has to be “IN”
    5. "Phone number" input field accepts letters when to "COPY --> PASTE"
    6. All fields allow to "COPY --> PASTE" to paste everything


    • #32

      1. In the "Name" line - up to 30 characters are entered, and not up to 31 characters, as expected.
      2. By pressing the Tab key, you go to "Referred by" and not the "Last Name" line, (as expected for me).
      3. In the "Last Name" line - up to 30 characters are entered, and not up to 31 characters, as expected.
      4. In the "street" line - up to 100 characters are entered, and not up to 255 characters, as expected.
      5. In the line "states" - 49 states are registered, and not up to 50, as expected.
      6. In the line "Zip" - all characters are accepted, not just numbers, as expected.
      7. In the line "Email" - all characters are accepted, including non-email address' characters. Up to more 255 characters are entered, than expected 255.
      Any other language is also accepted.
      8. In the line "Phone" - when using the right side of the keyboard with numbers, there is no cursor transition from line to line for entering numbers,(as expected for me).

      P.S. There are still more bugs on the "ENERGY TELECOM" page, but these bugs are not the main function.
      Last edited by Andrii Kozlov; 07-02-2020, 04:33 PM.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Ekaterina Frolova View Post

        I did "copy-paste", and all the fields I mention accepted symbols and letters (like in the attached)
        Interesting. On my end it does not allow me to enter any characters.


        • #34
          ============BUG REPORTS FOR ENERGY TELECOM==============

          #1. The 'First name' field in section Contact Information, should allow to write 31 any character in the input, instead of 30.

          #2. The 'Last name' field in section Contact Information, should allow to write 31 any character in the input, instead of 30.

          #3. The 'Street address' field in section Contact Information, should allow to write 255 any character in the input, instead of 100.

          #4. The listbox 'State' in section Contact Information has the wrong BC state in the list of states.

          #5. The listbox 'State' in section Contact Information contains the state IND which should have 2 letters instead of 3.

          #6. The listbox 'State' in section Contact Information contains a choice "Other", which we don't need there.

          #7. The listbox 'State' in section Contact Information should contain all 50 states of US, instead of 48, we are missing there two states' HI, NV.

          #8. The ZIP code field should not allow to write letters.

          #9. The ZIP code field should not allow to paste there any character with copy-past except digits, not more than 5.

          #10. The Email field in section Contact Information can contain just letters, digits and special characters as followed' ". @ - _".

          #11. The Email field in section Contact Information can contain not more than 255 characters.

          #12. The Email field in section Contact Information should not allow to paste there any text, more than 255 characters with copy-paste.

          #13. The Phone field should not allow to paste in the first two inputs more than 3 digits and in the third input not more than 4 digits.

          #14. The text 'Best Way To Contact Me:' in section Contact Information could be written on one line, not wrapped.

          #15. The text 'Best Way To Contact Me:' in section Contact Information could be written as followed 'Best way to contact me:' without uppercase for eache word.

          #16. Tab order in section Contact Information start from First Name doesn't work consistently. The tab order should work logicly with our section's inputs.

          #17. The Email field should be required with an error message.

          #18. The Email field should have a red asterisk instead of blue asterisk.

          #19. The empty filed Referred by in section Contact Information should not have an error message when it's not filled, it is not required field.

          #20. If the field Current provider is not selected, all checkboxes and inputs should be off in Cell phone service field.

          #21. The "My monthly bill is approximately:" fields first input should allow just digits, max 7 digits.

          #22. In "2. Local/Long Distances/International Service" field, if Current provider is not selected, then all fields should be off.

          #23. The field "Primary Phone Number:" allows letters with copy-past, which is not supposed to allow.

          #24. The field "My monthly bill is approximately:" in 2. Local/Long Distances/International Service allows letters with copy-past, which must allow just
          digits, max 7.

          #25. The field "Total bill" in 2. Local/Long Distances/International Service, allows letters with copy-past, which is not supposed to allow.

          #26. The text "International calls included?" in 2. Local/Long Distances/International Service, should be written as followed "Are international calls included ?:"

          #27. The text "Long distance included?" in 2. Local/Long Distances/International Service, should be written as followed "Is long distance included ?:"

          #28. The field "My monthly bill is approximately" in 3. High Speed Internet Service, should not allow letters with copy-past.

          #29. The field "Type of service" in 3. High Speed Internet Service, allows to choose 2 checkboxes at the same time, which supposed to allow just one checkbox.

          #30. If the field "Current provider" in 4. TV service, is not selected, than all fields should be off.

          #31. The field "My monthly bill is approximately:" allows to write in input letters with copy-past, which is not supposed to allow.

          #32. The select input of "Months left on plan" in 4. TV service, opens from the top, instead down.

          #33. The field "My monthly bill approximately" in 5. Home Security Service, allows letters with copy-past, which is not supposed to allow.

          #34. If the field "Current provider" in 7. Gas and Electric Services is not selected, all other fields must be off.

          #35. The field "My monthly bill is approximately (summer):" in 7. Gas and Electric Services allows to write letters, which is not suppused to allow.

          #36. The field "My monthly bill is approximately (winter):" in 7. Gas and Electric Services allows to write letters, which is not suppused to allow.

          #37. The text of checkbox "I am opento using different provider" in 7. Gas and Electric Services, is missing space between the words "open" and "to". Should be "I am open to using different provider".

          #38. The text field in 8. Comments is coming out of borders if we will pull it out of borders, which is supposed to be flexible and with fixed position.

          #39. The page exist submitting without email. If we will submit page without filling the field "Email" in Contact Information it will exist, which is not supposed to. The field "Email" in Contact Information should be required field.

          #40. The form doesn't have default button.

          #41. The button 'Clear' at the bottom of form should be with same format as the button 'Submit'

          #42. The error message after pushing the button 'Clear' is misleading.

          #43. The select box 'Current Provider' in section 'Cell Phone Service' is without the box 'Other'.

          #44. The select box Months left on current contract: in section 'Cell Phone Service' should have the choise from 0-24 months.

          #45. The text Number of phones on plan: in section 'Cell Phone Service' should have a space between the left listbox.

          #46. The select box Number of phones on plan: in section 'Cell Phone Service' should contain just 5 lists untill digit 5.

          #47. The select box Months left on plan: should contain a box 'Other'.

          #48. All labels My monthly bill is approximately: in the form can allow to paste in text field not more than 6 digits with copy-paste.

          #49. The comment text field in section 8, should be flexible and can not be pulled out of borders.

          #50. By going back with already filled form in browser, the form should be refreshed with new empty fields.


          • #35
            1. “Contact Information” section: Input focus goes from “First name” field to “Referred by” instead of the “Last name”.
            2. “Clear” button at the bottom of the “Energy-Telecom Service Review” form doesn’t clear anything and gives an error message: “Error 17896 – Invalid data request”.
            3. “Contact Information” section, “Email” field: Inconsistency between indicated required field and error message when field left blank. Either take the asterisk off the “Email” text field or start processing it as a required field.
            4. “Contact Information” section, “Referred by” field: Inconsistency between indicated required field and error message when field left blank. Either add asterisk to the “Referred by” text field or stop processing it as a required field.
            5. “Contact Information” section, “State” list box: Inconsistency in given States data: “HI” and “NV” are missing, “BC” added and “other” state is an option.
            6. “Contact Information” section, “ZIP” text field: Able to enter letters (“anbht”) and all zeros (“00000”) in the zip code field. Verify if this is valid.
            7. “Contact Information” section, “Email” field: Inconsistency in asterisk color when error accrues. “Email” field asterisk turns blue when all other required fields turn red.
            • Make sure the “Contact information” section is empty.
            • Push “Submit” button.
            • Observe: Error messages and asterisks appeared in red color besides the “Email” text field label which appeared in blue.
            1. “1. Cell Phone Service” Section, “My monthly bill is approximately:” text field: Able to enter $ amount in letters (“twenty”). Verify if this is valid.
            2. “7. Gas and Electric Services” section: “I am opento using different provider” checkbox label is misspelled. Change to “I am open to using different provider”.
            3. “Local/Long Distances/International Service” section, “International calls included?” check box label: Replace “?” with “:”.
            4. “Local/Long Distances/International Service” section, “Long distance included?” check box label: Replace “?” with “:”.

