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TAULIA Bug Reports

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  • #76
    1. title culumns "Due Date" and "PO #" are interwined in places.
    2. The row #7 "1-Oct-2011" is not included in the search interval.
    3. Culumn "Payment" is incorrect date format.


    • #77
      # 12. Swap the data in columns “PO #” and “Due Date”
      # 13. Duplicated data in column "Due Date", which relate to purchase orders because of swapped titles of columns
      # 14. Inconsistency in date format between “Invoice date” fields and “Inv. Date” and “PO #” columns
      # 15. The date in row #7 is out of range selected in “Invoice date” fields
      # 16. The “Refresh” button is redundant since it duplicates the functionality of the "Search" button
      # 17. The button next to the right of the field “Purchase order” is redundant
      # 18. The data in the column "Amount" must be aligned by the decimal point
      # 19. Enumeration search results of pages: The "next page" link is missed
      # 20. "Search my invoices": the label "Invoice date" should be replaced by "Invoice date from:"
      # 20. "Search my invoices": the label "From amount:" should be replaced by "Amount from:"
      # 21. “Search my invoices”: special characters and letters should not be entered in the fields: “Invoice number”, “Purchase order”, “From amount:”, “to”
      Last edited by Yevhen_D; 03-30-2022, 07:48 AM.


      • #78
        #1. "Search my invoices": the word "from" before the first text field of "Invoice date" is missing.
        #2. "Search results": "Due Date" and "PO#" titles should be switched.
        #3. "Search my invoices": the icon "binoculars" is not required, as there is a "Search" button.
        #4. Different date formats: "Invoice date" label (6/5/2011, 9/30/2011) VS "Inv. Date" and "PO#" columns (29-Aug-2011 etc.)


        • #79
          TAULIA Bug Reports

          1. ‘Inv. Date’, ‘Due Date’, ‘PO #’, 'Payment’ columns: the ability to sort is missing.

          2. ’Invoice status’ drop-down menu contains only one value to select: add other items.

          3. ‘Results per page’ drop-down menu contains only one value to select: add other items.

          4. "Customer" drop-down menu contains only one value to select: add other items.

          5. ‘Inv. Date’ column, row #7: inconsistency value ‘1 October 2011’ vs period (from 5 June 2011 to 30 September 2011).

          6. ‘Amount’ column: it is recommended to align the values to the right for user convenience

          7. ‘Amount’ column: special character ‘$’ is redundant since all the search results are dollar amounts. If necessary, the ability to select a currency can be added to the menu.

          8. ‘Payment’ column: values of this column are payment dates, actual resalt - the values format does not match common date format.

          9. PO # column: the values format is the date format. Is it right for #PO?

          10. Different format of date: “Invoice date” fields, column “Inv. Date”, column “Due Date”, column “Payment”.

          11. ‘Amount’ column: sorting should be in descending order, actual resalt - ascending order of values.

          12. Inconsistency in title of field ‘Invoice date’ and title of column ‘Inv. Date’.

          13. Inconsistency in title of field ‘Purchase order’ and title of column ‘PO #’.

          14. The button 'Next page' is missed.

          15. ‘Invoice date’ text fields have only ‘to’ instead of ‘from – to’.

          16. All ‘Actions’ buttons: the cursor does not change appearance when you try click the button.

          17. Labels ‘Customer’,’ Invoice date, ‘Invoice status’: when you click on those labels it does not select on related field.

          18. ‘Status’ column/row 4 icon: hovering over tooltip reads " Approved" and it should read "Paid".

          19. ‘Invoice date’ fild: no option to select date.


          • #80
            #12 Label in "Search my invoices" not equivalent name of Column in Table
            #13 Order name of Column in Table not Consistency order labels in "Search my invoices"
            #14 Format label "Invoice date" not Consistency Format "Inv. Date" in table
            #15 Format label "Invoice date" undefined and possibly input wrong date
            #16 Таблица результатов поиска не имеет заголовка описывающего примененные поисковые условия.
            #17 Remove Picture binoculars of the right label "Purchase order", it confuses user
            #18 Remove button "Refresh", it confuses user. Should be only button "Search" and "Hide search parameters"
            #19 Not menu item "Login"
            #20 Picture "Taulia" in the top page not clicable and not direct to "Home page"
            #21 Not define a lot of classes css stylesheet (for exampe "subnavigation", "subnavigation_first", "navigation_active has_subnavigation_active" and so on) and not appear sub items menu page
            #22 Label "From amount" allow input not number characters
            #23 First page of the site "" is not "Home"
            #24 Page of the site "" - "Invoices" open with not empty value.


            • #81
              Не сам (не успел)
              1. Results per page - 10 (по факту 11)
              2. На 11 строке отсутствует кнопка "Actions"
              3. Избыточный столбец "Type"
              4. Showing 422 invoicesи указано 32 страницы. 422/11/38+(39 страниц) 422/10=42+ (43 страницы)
              5. Нет страницы 5

              1. В столбце Due Date формат столбца не дата
              1.1. Содержимое столбцов Due Date и PO # (скорее всего перепутаны местами)
              2. Столбец "Payment", скорее всего должен содержать информацию об оплате (дата, или)
              3. Счёт от 1 октября 2011 г. нерелевантен


              • #82
                1. В столбце "PO #" отсутствует выравнивание.
                2. В столбце "Inv. Date" отсутствует выравнивание.
                3. В столбце "Payment" отсутствует ":" между часами и минутами.
                4. Результат поиска не соответствует запросу в столбце "Invoice date".
                5. В Invoice "1122338095" в столбце "Payment" неверное значение времени.
                6. Некорректное сокращение месяца "September".


                • #83
                  #1. In search result table: 11 search results instead of 10 as per "Results per page" listbox.
                  #2. In "Due Date" column: data is not in the date format.
                  #3. In "Invoice date" field and in "Inv. Date" column: inconsistency in date format
                  #4. On "Search my invoices": no default input focus.
                  #5. Below the search table: between links to page 10 and page 32 replace ".." with "...".
                  #6. In "PO #" column : data is in date format.
                  #7. In search result table : invoice dates is outside of the rang (as per "Invoice date" listbox should be limited from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011 .
                  #8. In "Search my invoices" section : there is no label "Payment" .
                  #9. In the "Payment" column: data in rows ## 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10 are missing.
                  #10. In "Inv. Date" column: the data should be aligned to the right
                  #11. There are inconsistencies between the names of labels "Search my invoices" section and the names of columns of search result table.


                  • #84
                    #1 Due Date column has no time/date in description, some random digits are displayed
                    #2 Invoice status drop-down has only ALL in the list of options. Rejected, Paid, In process, Approved are missing
                    #3 Clicking on the Binoculars button next to Purchase order Label clears every entered data in the Search my invoices form
                    #4 There is no opportunity to change date in Invoice date input field
                    #5 Refresh button does nothing
                    #6 Clicking on Download list button only changes address in the address bar
                    #7 Hovering over the pagination doesn't show active ling to be able open another page
                    #8 Payment status doesn't have all invoices in the list
                    #9 PO # or Purchase Order number has date and not the unique number in the field description
                    #10 The mouse cursor icon doesn't change to active state(hand icon) if hover over the Actions button
                    #11 The word Invoice is misspelled in Invoices column title name "Invoce #"


                    • #85
                      Home work
                      Bug report

                      #12.The Invoices button in the top header line does not turn off when other options are pressed.
                      #13.The column in the table named Payment is not informative.
                      #14.icon "binoculars" is not located correctly in relation to its row.
                      #15.In the 9th row, there is no button column name under the name "Actions".
                      #16.column 4 and 5 should be reversed.
                      #17.The names of all columns are not formatted.
                      #18.No uniformity in date format: the date format in the "Invoice date" line does not match the line in column 3 and 5.


                      • #86
                        1. Uniform the date in the "Invoice date" field in the "Hide search parameters" block "6/5/2011"- and in the results table in the "Inv. Date" "5-Jun-2011".
                        2. the selection of results in the table row 7, column "Inv.Date" - "1-Oct-2011" does not correspond to the set parameters of the selection "Hide search parameters", label "Invoice Date", from "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011"
                        3. To bring in correspondence of names of table columns with output result: column "Due Date" - should display date, column "PO#" should display number.
                        4. Align the names of table columns with the table contents
                        5. Last column in table with results hasn't name.
                        6. After column with "Actions" unnecessary empty column without values
                        Last edited by Bogoutdinova.m; 03-30-2022, 10:16 AM.


                        • #87
                          #1. If hover the mouse on icon "Paid" column "Status" row #4 then he shows "Approved"
                          #2. Columns "Due Date" and "PO#" are mixed up
                          #3. In column "PO#" row #3 date "22-Oct-2011" outside the set parameters
                          #4. In column "PO#" row #7 date "31-Oct-2011" outside the set parameters
                          #5. In column "PO#" row #10 date "13-Oct-2011" outside the set parameters
                          #6. Enumeration search results of pages: should be "..." between page "5" and "32"
                          Last edited by Nikita Novgorodov; 03-30-2022, 10:04 AM.


                          • #88
                            BUG - 1
                            RU - Первый столбик в таблице: заменить "Invoce #" на "Invoice #"
                            ENG - First column in the table: replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #"

                            BUG - 2
                            RU - Первый ряд в таблице, столбик "Status": заменить "Rejcted" на "Rejected"
                            ENG - First row in the table, column "Status": replace "Rejcted" with "Rejected"

                            BUG - 3
                            RU - Разный формат данных: поле "Invoice date" (месяц/день/год), а столбик №3 и №5 в таблице (день/месяц/год)
                            ENG - Different data format: field "Invoice date" (mm/dd/yyyy) and column #3 and #5 in the table (dd/mm/yyyy)

                            BUG - 4
                            RU - Разный формат данных: "From amount" (без символов "." и ",") и в колонке "Аmount" (с символом "." и ",")
                            ENG - Different data format: "From amount" (without "." и "," special characters) and column "Аmount" (with "." и "," special characters)

                            BUG - 5
                            RU - Удалить столбик "Type" в таблице: данные для всех результатов поиска одинаковые (Invoice)
                            ENG - Delete column "Type" in the table: results for all invoices are the same (invoice)

                            BUG - 6
                            RU - Поменять местами названия столбиков "Due Date" и "PO #" (№4 и №5)
                            ENG - Replace the name of columns in the table: "Due Date" with "PO #" (columns №4 and №5)

                            BUG - 7
                            RU - Столбик "Amount", ряд №7 и №8: значение "$22,376.00" должно быть над "$22,409.37"
                            ENG - Inconsistency in column "Amount" (row #7 and #8): "$22,376.00" should be above "$22,409.37"

                            BUG - 8
                            RU - Несоотвествие сортировки данных (по столбику "Amount"): сортировка должна быть от наибольшего значения к наименьшему.
                            ENG - Wrong sorting data (column "Amount"): it has to be in descending order (not ascending)

                            BUG - 9
                            RU - Отсутствует кнопка "Actions" в ряде №11
                            ENG - The "Actions" button is missing in the row #11

                            BUG - 10
                            RU - Отсутствует страница №5 под таблицей
                            ENG - The link for the page #5 (under the table) is missing

                            BUG - 11
                            RU - На странице должно быть 10 строк (согласно фильтру "Results per page"), а не 11
                            ENG - One page must include 10 rows (not 11) - according to the label "Results per page"

                            BUG - 12
                            RU - 32 страницы по 11 результатов - этого не достаточно для отображения 422 данных (согласно "Showing 422 invoices")
                            ENG - 32 pages with 11 results = 352 invoices (not 422) - according to the "Showing 422 invoices" label

                            BUG - 13
                            RU - Заменить "Showing 422 invoices" на "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
                            ENG - Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"

                            BUG - 14
                            RU - Перенести иконку "поиск" (бинокль) от поля "Purchase order" к кнопке "Search"
                            ENG - The "binoculars" icon has to be near the "Search" button (not near the "Purchase order" label)

                            BUG - 15
                            RU - Ряд №7 в таблице: этих данных не должно быть (согласно полю "Invoice date to" - 9/30/2011)
                            ENG - Row #7 in the table: this data should not be in the table (accorting to the "Invoice date to" label - 9/30/2011)

                            BUG - 16
                            RU - Добавить символ ":" во всех статических названиях для "Search my invoices"
                            ENG - Colon ":" should be added in the end of every labels in "Search my invoices"

                            BUG - 17
                            RU - Нет названия для самого правого столбика (с кнопками "Actions")
                            ENG - Rightmost column doesn't have the title

                            BUG - 18
                            RU - Названия столбиков не отцентрованы под результаты поиска.
                            ENG - The titles of column are not centered with results of the search

                            BUG - 19
                            RU - Названия столбиков в таблице идут в другой последовательности (в отличие от "Search my invoices" данных)
                            ENG - The titles of column in the table have another subsequence (unlike "Search my invoices" labels)

                            BUG - 20
                            RU - В "Search my invoices" нет поля "Due Date" для поиска (а в таблице есть)
                            ENG - The "Due Date" field is missing in the "Search my invoices" labels (unlike the table)

                            BUG - 21
                            RU - Кнопки "refresh" и "search" - имеют одиннаковый функционал.
                            ENG - "refresh" and "search" buttons are with the same function.

                            BUG - 22
                            RU - Неизвестный формат отображения данных в столбике "Payment"
                            ENG - An unknown data format in the column "Payment"


                            • #89
                              1. "Search my invoices": too much white space.
                              2. "Actions": arrow character is missing.
                              3. The contents of columns "Due Date" and "PO #" are mixed up.
                              4. "Search my invoices"/ above "to": the binocular sign is redundant.
                              5. "Search my invoices": add a drop-down box for date selection.
                              6. "Hide search parameters" should be replaced at the bottom of the "Search my invoices" block.
                              7. Navigation tabs "Home", "Invoices Purchase", "Orders Payments", "My Details", "Cash Planner", "Your Customer" are muted and not centered.
                              8. Enumeration search results: "next" button is missing.


                              • #90
                                #1.Отсутствие страницы № 5 в перечне страниц
                                #2.Отсутствие кнопки "Actions" в 11 ряде
                                #3.Не правильный порядок дат
                                #4.Допущена ошибка "Invoce" нужно изменить на "Invoice"
                                #5.Ошибка в последовательности цен, 7 столбец нужно поменять местами с 8
                                #6.Указано в поиске 10 рядов мы видим 11
                                #7.Показано 422 результата поиска, должно быть 42 страницы вместо 32
                                #8.В поисковой системе упущены ":" (двоеточие)
                                #9.Не правильная последовательность в столбце "Due Data"
                                #10.Не правильная сортировка последовательности чисел в столбце "Invoice"

