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Taulia postmortem bugs

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  • #31
    #12. Align right columns 'Inv. Date', 'Due Date', 'PO #' and 'Amount'
    #13. 'Due Date' column data is not in a common date format
    #14. 'PO #' column data is given in a date format. It seems to be interchanged with 'Due Date' column
    #15. Wrong tooltip of icon 'Paid' in 'Status' column row 4 ('Approved' instead of 'Paid')
    #16. Inconsistency in date format between "Invoice date" field in 'Search my invoices' section (6/5/2011) and 'Inv. Date' column (5-Jun-2011)
    #17. Inconsistency in date format between "Invoice date" field in 'Search my invoices' section (6/5/2011) and 'PO #' column (5-Jun-2011)
    #18. Incorrect search result by Invoice date in column 'Inv. Date' row 7 (out of range of input dates in 'Invoice date' fields)
    #19. Replace label 'From amount' with 'Amount'
    #20. Add label 'from' to the text field next to 'From amount' (should be 'Amount')
    #21. Tooltip for "binocular" icon in "Search my invoices" is missing
    Last edited by syaochka; 04-05-2022, 03:09 AM.


    • #32
      #1 tab order violated after the form by label "Purchase order"
      #2 label "Invoice date" should be replaced by "Invoice date from:"
      #3 search result by "invoice date" doesn't match search parameters from "6/5/2011" to "9/30/2011" (column "", row #7)
      #4 incomparable date format in forms "invoice date" (D/M/YYYY), "to" (D/MM/YYYY) and search results of column "" (DD-mmm-YYYY)
      #5 "Due Date" column has incompatible date format
      #6 "PO#" column has dates instead of order number
      #7 column "Amount", the arrow mark of descendig sorting order doesn't meet column's sorting order (ascending)
      #8 column "Amount", row #8, value "$22,376.00" doesn't meet the column's sorting order
      #9 misspeling in column label "Invoce #" should be raplaced by "Invoice #"
      #10 incompatibility of "paid" icon (row #4, column "Status") to the tooltip "Approved"


      • #33
        10 BAG REPORTS on the way to the ideal

        #1. Pagination search: link to page "5" is missing.
        Поиск нумерации страниц : ссылка на страницу "5" отсутствует.

        #2. Pagination search: "next" page button and "previous" page button, missing.
        Поиск нумерации страниц: кнопка "следующая" страница и кнопка "предыдущая" страница отсутствуют.

        #3. Tooltip for "biyocular" ikon in "search my invoices" Is missing.
        отсутствует выплывающая подсказка для значка бинокля в "поиске моих счетов"

        #4. Misspelled column title: write "invoice" instead of "invoce"
        Заголовок столбца с ошибкой: написать "invjice" вместо "invoce"

        #5. Extra seventh line in the table: the date "1-Oct-2011" in the column "Inv. Date" does not match the parameters of the specified search interval "Invoice date from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011"
        Лишня седьмая строка в таблице: дата "1-Oct-2011" в колонке "Inv. Date" не соответствует параметрам указанного интервала поиска "Invoice date from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011"

        #6. Swap the names of the columns "Due Date" and "PO#"
        поменять местами наименования столбцов "Due Date" и "PO#"

        #7. "Due Date" column data is not in a common data format.
        Данные столбца "Due Date" не имеют общего формата даты.

        Last edited by Liya; 04-05-2022, 11:06 AM.


        • #34
          1. В верхнем правом углу в области "User Manager|Profile|Help|Logout" отсутствует отображение логина, под которым осуществлен вход;
          Suggestion, due to user convenience: In the upper right corner near row "User Manager|Profile|Help|Logout" add a login name information for current logged in user .

          2. К текстбоксам для ввода дат инвойса в поле параметров поиска отсутствует раскрывающийся календарь для удобства выбора даты;
          Suggestion, due to user convenience: Add DateTimePicker for textboxes related to the "Invoice date" label and next to him (positioned righter in the same row) label "to".

          3. Лейбл "From amount", расположенный в столбце "Search my invoices", не содержит информацию об единице измерения для ввода в соответствующих текстбоксах (что поиск осуществляется именно в долларах, а не, например в штуках);
          Label "From amount" does not have information about unit of measurement to be typed in the related textboxes.

          4. Слева от "Download list" расположен связанный элемент в виде иконки дискеты, что соответствует символу операции "Сохранить", но не скачать;
          The "Download list" functional button is attached with a floppy icon which is inconsist for download-related operations.

          5. Столбец "Status" лучше назвать Invoice status для соответствия наименованию соответствующего критерия поиска;
          Suggestion, due to user convenience: The "Status" column title might be renamed into "Invoice Status" for providing consistency with related label "Invoice status" located in search parameters list.

          6. Кнопка "Search" расположена неудобно в отдалении от параметров поиска;
          Suggestion, due to user convenience: The "Search" button might be relocated closer to the search parameters list.

          7. Столбец "Due Date" не содержит дат;
          The "Due Date" column does not contain proper data or might have inappropriate date format being displayed.

          8. В критериях поиска отсутствует возможность поиска по признаку "Payment";
          Suggestion, for providing consistency: Add such search parameter as "Payment" (including "Payment" label and related dropdown listbox) in search parameters list.

          9. В столбце "Purchase order" отражена не соответствующая информация (дата вместо номера заказа);
          The "Purchase order" column displays an irrelevant information (dates instead of order numbers).

          10.Неоднозначное (приходится визуально сверять с критериями поиска) название столбца "PO #", соответствующего критерию "Purchase order";
          1ый вариант: Suggestion, due to user convenience: As far as the "PO #" column title is ambiguous it might be renamed according to the related search parameter label name - "Purchase order #".
          2ой вариант: Inconsistency between the "PO #" column title and related "Purchase order" label.

          11.Исходя из названия заголовка столбца "Payment" явным образом не следует характер информации, приводимой в столбце. Необходимо привести в соответствие название столбца - "Payment document number";
          The "Payment" column title is uninformative regarding to data type in the column, should be renamed to "Payment document number".

          12.По установленным критериям поиска инвойсы должны быть отобраны в периоде до 30 сентября, однако в отображаемой выборке есть инвойс от 1 октября (7 строка столбца "Inv. Date");
          The invoice (7th row of column "Inv. date"), displays "1-Oct-2011" what does not correspond to the period specified in the "Invoice date" selection conditions (supposed to be not later than "9/30/2011").

          ПС: совершенству нет предела, и действительно текст баг репорта это отражение текущего состояния писателя.


          • #35
            #1 Inconsistency in date formats: "Invoice date" field (6/5/2011) & "Inv. Date" column: (5-June-2011).
            #2 7 row in the search table. Invoice 1122339546 hawe an date the "1-Oct-2011". date is from does not match of range (6/5/2011 - 9/30/2011) specified in "Invoice date" fields.
            #3 Suggestion: in the header of the search table, add the ability to sort in columns 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
            #4 "Due Date" column data is not in a common date format.
            #5 "PO #" column data is given in a date format - is that correct? May be need to be interchanged with "Due Date" column.
            #6 Suggestion: user name should be displayed next to the "Logout" link.
            #7 Suggestion: replace in the enumiration search of pages results ".." at the elipsis.
            #8 Ih the search results table. The enumiration search of pages results, is missing links, to navigate to other search results pages.
            #9 "Status" column. In the fourth row: replace tooltip ("Approved") with "Paid".
            #10 Tooltip for "binocular" icon in "Search my invoices" is missing.


            • #36
              #1. Swap the column names in the table header "Due Date" and "PO#".
              #2. Tooltip for "binocular" icon in "Search my invoices" is missing.
              #3. Place button "Search" under the labels.
              #4. Invoice 1122339546: "Invoice date" date "1-Oct-2011" is out of search range (6/5/2011 - 9/30/2011).
              #5. Align the labels in the table header columns to the center.
              #6. Inconsistency in date formats of search field "Invoice date" (6/5/2011) and results "Inv. Date" (5-June-2011).
              #7. Rename column labels in the table header according to the search labels.
              #8. Remove redundant column "Type" in the table
              #9. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" whith "Found 422 invoices"
              #10. Replace lables "From amount:" whith "Amount from:" and "Invoice date" whith "Invoice date from"


              • #37
                1. Данные в столбцах Due Date и PO # поменять местами
                2. Несоответсвие форматов дат в столбцах.
                3. Предложение: привести даты к единому виду в формате ЧЧ-ММ-ГГГГ
                4. Предложение: выровнять заголовки столбцрв таблицы по левому краю по аналогии с данными в столбцах
                5. В столбце Payment некорректный формат даты
                6. Исправить Rejcted на Rejected в столбце Status
                7. Не редактируется значение в поле Invoice date
                8. В поле Invoice status необходимо в выпадающем списке отобразить все возможные статусы


                • #38
                  Taulia Bug Reports

                  1. The column "Due Date" contains PO# data
                  2. The column "PO#" contains Due Date data
                  3. There is a sorting mistake in the "Amount" column in the rows 7 and 8
                  4. The payment dates shown incorrectly in the "Payment" column
                  5. The row 11 is missing the "Actions" button
                  6. There is a wrong number of pages indicated under the table, 422 invoices with 11 per page should result in 39 pages
                  7. The link to Page 5 is missing under the table
                  8. There is a spelling mistake in the column 1 title
                  9. The word "Rejected " is spelled incorrectly in the column "Status"
                  10. The chosen "Results per page" quantity doesn't match to the shown on the page


                  • #39
                    BUG - 1
                    RU - Разный формат данных: "From amount" (без символов "." и ",") и в колонке "Аmount" (с символом "." и ",")
                    ENG - Different data format: "From amount" (without "." и "," special characters) and column "Аmount" (with "." и "," special characters)

                    BUG - 2
                    RU - Названия столбиков в таблице идут в другой последовательности (в отличие от "Search my invoices" данных)
                    ENG - The titles of column in the table have another subsequence (unlike "Search my invoices" labels)

                    BUG - 3
                    RU - В "Search my invoices" нет поля "Due Date" для поиска (а в таблице есть)
                    ENG - The "Due Date" field is missing in the "Search my invoices" labels (unlike the table)

                    BUG - 4
                    RU - Кнопки "refresh" и "search" - имеют одиннаковый функционал. Нужны ли нам обе кнопки на странице?
                    ENG - Suggestion: "refresh" and "search" buttons are with the same function. Do we need this 2 buttons on the page?

                    BUG - 5
                    RU - Первый столбик в таблице: заменить "Invoce #" на "Invoice #"
                    ENG - First column in the table: replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #"

                    BUG - 6
                    RU - Удалить столбик "Type" в таблице: данные для всех результатов поиска одинаковые (Invoice)
                    ENG - Delete column "Type" in the table: results for all invoices have the same data ("invoice")

                    BUG - 7
                    RU - Несоотвествие сортировки данных (по столбику "Amount"): сортировка должна быть от наибольшего значения к наименьшему.
                    ENG - Wrong sorting data (column "Amount"): it has to be in descending order (not ascending)

                    BUG - 8
                    RU - Отсутствует страница №5 под таблицей
                    ENG - The link for the page #5 (under the table) is missing

                    BUG - 9
                    RU - Ряд №7 в таблице: этих данных не должно быть (согласно полю "Invoice date to" - 9/30/2011)
                    ENG - Row #7 in the table: this data should not be in the table (according to the "Invoice date to" label - 9/30/2011)

                    BUG - 10
                    RU - Нет названия для самого правого столбика (с кнопками "Actions"). Это правильно?
                    ENG - Rightmost column doesn't have the title. Is it right?


                    • #40
                      1. Столбец "Due date": содержание не соответствует названию
                      2. Столбец "PO#": содержание не соответствует названию
                      3. Заменить формат даты: в столбце "Invoice date" с "29-Aug-2011" на "6/5/2011"
                      4. "Search my invoices": в поле "Invoice date" указаны даты поиска "6/5/2011" по "9/30/2011", а в результате "Showing 422 invoices" показывает даты "29-Aug-2011" по "28-Sep-2011",некорректно работает порядок поиска
                      5. Столбец "Payment" избыточный так как есть отдельная вкладка "Payments"?
                      6. В правом вернем углу есть кнопка "Logout", нужна и "Login"?
                      7. "Search my invoices" есть изображение которое надо обозначить(подписать)
                      8. "Showing 422 invoices" перед столбцом "Invoce #" нужен столбец с порядковым номером 1.,2.,3. и т.д.?


                      • #41
                        Taulia Bug Report

                        #1. Logo "Taulia". Cursor does not change "arrow" on the "hand" and does not go "Homepage".
                        #2. The table "Search my invoices". Missing Colons:" for example: "Invoice number:", "Customer :" and so on.
                        #3. The table "Search my invoices". The Line "From amount". A suggestion to change on the "Amount from: 100)".
                        #4. The table "Showing 422 invoices" change on the "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices".
                        #5. The table "Showing 422 invoices". Title, 1st row, 1st column. Misspelled in the word "Invoce #". Change on the "Invoice #".
                        #6. The table "Showing 422 invoices". Title, 1st row, 6th column. Change the "Amount" arrow so that the order is ascending
                        but not descending.
                        #7. The table "Showing 422 invoices". 1st row, 9th column. Without a title.
                        #8. The table "Showing 422 invoices". 2nd row, 7th column. Misspelled in the word "Rejcted", Change on the "Rejected".
                        #9. The table "Showing 422 invoices". 6th column the "Amount". A suggestion to align to the right adge.
                        #10 The table "Showing 422 invoices". 6th column the "Amount". A suggestion to move the "$" characters after the amounts,
                        for example: 100.10$.


                        • #42
                          #01 in the row 7th , incorect selection by date doesn't match the fields "Invoice date"
                          #02 in the rows 3ed and 10th , in the column PO# incorect selection by date doesn't match the fields "Invoice date"
                          #03 in "Due Date" incorrectly displayed data format
                          #04 in "PO#" incorrectly displayd data format
                          #05 in filds "Due Date" the value 40988 is assigned to different invoices
                          #06 Suggestion: replace title "Search my invoices" with "Search invoices"
                          #07 Suggestion: replace title "From ammount" with "Amount from:"
                          #08 in field "From amount" incorrect data format - integer , floating point required
                          #09 in the field "Amount" alignment isn't on the decimal point
                          #10 in row 4th , in column "Status" , tooltips "Approved" not correspond "Paid"
                          Last edited by Alexander Kryuchkov; 04-05-2022, 01:47 AM.


                          • #43
                            #1."Invoice date"label selection menu item: selection(drop) arrows is missing
                            #2.Inconsistency in date formats in Serch menu "Invoice date" and Table of reuslts "Inv.Date"
                            #3.Suggestion: main search field and label"Invoice number" should be placed above button "Hide search parameters"
                            #4.Search menu: label "Payment" and "Due date" are missing
                            #5.Inconsistency in number formats: "From amount:"and column "Amount"
                            #6."Amount" column: the character "$" is redundant
                            #7.Search menu row "Amount": unknown value format(currency)
                            #8.Table of results: column "Customer" is missing if you have choice to filter"All" in drop menu "Customer"
                            #9.Enumeration search results of pages: replace character ".." to "..."
                            #10.Suggestion: the rightmost column in a Table of results: replace the "Actions" icon for corresponding grafic icon( if title of this column wiil be "Actions")


                            • #44
                              #1 "Due Date"column: data format mismatch.
                              #2 "PO #"column: data format mismatch.
                              #3 Inconsistency in date formats: in he label"Invoice date"
                              and "to" listbox does not match the date format in columns "Inv. Date" and "Due Date"
                              #4 Suggestion: add name of the column with buttons "Actions"
                              #5 "Payment" column: incorrect format of data used
                              #6 Add the word "from" in the search options "Invoice date"
                              #7 Suggestion: add a new leftmost column with numbering rows in a table
                              #8 Replace label "From Amount" to "Amount:" with a separate "from:" label placed to the left of the text field
                              #9 "Status" column, 4th row: status "Paid" has incorrect tooltip "Approved".


                              • #45
                                №1. Результаты поиска должно отображать 10 строк, а фактично отображает 11.
                                №2. Отсутствует ссылка на страницу "5" в нумерации страниц о "1" до "10".
                                №3. Результаты отображают неправильные строки 11 вместо 10.
                                №4. Для показа результатов "10 на странице" недостаточно 32 страниц для показа 422 результатов.
                                №5. Неправильный порядок сортировки в столбце
                                Last edited by Shurman24h; 04-05-2022, 02:14 AM. Reason: Не все ответы загрузились с "блок

