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TAULIA Bug Reports

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    #1. "Actions" button is missing in the row #11
    #2. Page #5 is missing
    #3. Results should be shown to 9/30/2011, but there is on the page are mentioned results for october 2011
    #4. Dates are specified wrong in the column "Inv. Date": month is specified after number of the day
    #5. Dates are specified wrong in the column "PO #": month is specified after number of the day
    #6. "Invoices" button is lighted while other buttons in the upper side of page are not lighted
    #7. In the column "Status" replace "Rejcted" for "Rejected"
    #8. In the column "Amount": amounts are not centered
    #9. 32 pages is not enough to accomodate 422 search results
    #10. Search results should display 10 rows (as per "Results per page" listbox), not 11
    #11. Replace Showing 422 invoices with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoces"
    #12. Type column is redundant since all the search results are of same type (invoice)
    #13. Sorting order violation in "Amount" column: "$22,409.37" should go below "$22,376.00", not above
    #14. "Amount" column: inconsistency between the actual sorting order (ascending) and the direction given by the arrow next to the column title
    #15. Leftmost column title: replace "Invoce #" for "Invoice #"
    #16. Misspelled word in first row/"Status" column
    #17. Enumeration search results of pages: link to page "5" is missing
    #18. "Search my invoices": provide all the labels with the colon character at the end


    • #12. Search results should display Invoice date from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011: row 7 isn’t suppose to be here
      #13. The title of 5th column isn’t clear. Should be “Purchase order #”
      #14. Column titles and all the data in the table should be aligned to the single start
      #15. "Search my invoices": The icon next to the “Purchase order" box is redundant
      #16. Swap the 4th column title "Due date" with the 5th column title “Purchase order #”
      #17. "Search my invoices": replace the label "Purchase order" with the label "Purchase order #"
      #18. "Showing 422 invoices": icons next to "Download list" and "Refresh" links should be on the right
      #20. "Showing 422 invoices": the function of "Download list" and "Refresh" links isn’t clear. Should be renamed
      #21. Invoice with "Purchase order #" 40988 is listed 7 times and 30998 2 times
      #22.Instead of “User Manager” use the name of the current logged in user.
      #23. Header: remove space after "User Manager" and "Profile"
      #24. Different date format is used in “Search my invoices” and “Showing invoices” table: 6/5/2011 and 29-Aug-2011
      Last edited by Svetlana Sokolova; 03-31-2022, 01:55 PM.


      • Taulia Bug Reports

        1. The column "Due Date" contains PO# data
        2. The column "PO#" contains Due Date data
        3. There is a sorting mistake in the "Amount" column in the rows 7 and 8
        4. The payment dates show incorrectly in the "Payment" column
        5. The row 11 is missing the "Actions" button
        6. There is a wrong number of pages indicated under the table, 422 invoices with 11 per page should result in 39 pages
        7. The link to Page 5 is missing under the table
        8. There is a spelling mistake in the column 1 title
        9. The word "Rejected " is spelled incorrectly in the column "Status"
        10. The chosen "Results per page" quantity doesn't match to the shown on the pagevTaulia Bug Reports


        • #12 "Due Date" значение в столбце не соответствует запросу
          #13 "PO #" значение в столбце не соответствует запросу
          #14 в отобранные даты попадают некорректные данные дат строка 7
          #15 в 4 строке статусу "Paid" тултип "Approved"
          #16 номер инвойса начинается с "112233" если это маска всех инвойсов, то можно заменить "Invoce #" на "Invoce 112233#"
          #17 в окошке "Invoice status" в выпадающем списке должны быть все статусы
          #18 формат в окошке "Invoice number" должен быть только цифры


          • #2. PO# column 7 not corresponds label "Invoice date"
            #3. PO# column 3 not corresponds label "Invoice date"

            Last edited by Nino Romonovich; 04-01-2022, 08:51 PM.


            • 1. В dialog box "Search my invoices", Отсутствует двоеточие в конце каждого из Label.
              2. Text edit "Invoice data" разный формат даты между первым и вторым полем ввода даты.
              3. В списке результатов, колонка -"Invoce #" - правильное название должно быть " Invoice#"
              4. Список результатов , "Results per page" должно быть 10, на странице выведено 11 строк.
              5. Список результатов, название Колонок "PO #" и "Due Date" необходимо поменять местами.
              6. Список результатов - строка №11, Отсутствует кнопка "Actions" в конце строки.
              7. Список результатов, Колонка "Amount" нарушен порядок сортировки от "большего к меньшему".
              8. Список результатов, Колонка "Amount" - не правильный порядок сортировки строк 7 и 8.
              9. Список результатов, колонка "Payment" - формат даты отличается от общего формата даты на странице.
              10. Нумерация страниц списка результатов - пропущена страница 5.
              11. Список результатов, колонка "Status","Rejcted" - правильное слово "Rejected"
              12. Кол-во "Invoice" в "Showing 422 invoices" не соответствует общему кол-ву найденных на 32 страницах.
              13.Список результатов, Всплывающая подсказка, строка 4, колонка "Status" - при наведении курсора на "Paid" неверная всплывающая подсказка.


              • #1. Replace ".." with "..." in the area of number pages
                #2. The titles of colomn "Due data" and "PO#" are mixed up
                #3. Invoice number "1122339546" is N/A according to date
                #4. Sequence of colomns of research are not correlated with colomns of results
                #5. Replace "From amount:" with "Amount:"
                #6. Short names of result colomns are not correlated with one rule
                #7. There is no payment number with "Aproved" invoices


                • В 3 ряду в 5 столбце "срок погашения" не входит в заданный период.
                  В 7 ряду 3 и 5 столбец не соответствует запрашиваемому периоду.
                  В названии столбцов таблицы 3 и 5 поменять местами (не соответствует содержанию).
                  Формат дат в таблице не соответствует формату заданных дат.
                  Last edited by Olga O; 04-01-2022, 01:40 AM.


                  • 1. В 3 ряду в 5 столбце


                    • OS: Windows 10 Pro. Build 22000.578
                      Browser: Chrome, Build 99.0.4844.83
                      MS Edge, Build 99.0.1150.05

                      1. The main logo does not have a link to Homepage.
                      2. Upper right corner. Must be add logged in username.
                      3. “Hide search parameters” is not clickable.
                      4. Frame “Search my invoices”:
                      4.1. Colon missing for following labels “Invoice number”, “Customer”, “Purchase order”, “Invoice date”, “Invoice status”, “Results per page” and both “to”.
                      4.2. Label Invoice date and to must be written in the format MM-DD-YYYY.
                      4.3. Icon “Binoculars” is not clickable.
                      4.4. Input field “Invoice number” should be of type “NUMBER”.
                      4.5. Input field “Purchase order” should be of type “NUMBER”.
                      4.6. Input field “From amount:” and “to” should be of type “NUMBER”.
                      4.7. Input field “Invoice date” and “to” should be of type “Date”.
                      5. “Showing 422 invoices” must be changed to “Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices”.
                      6. Left column title: change “Invoce #” to “Invoice #”.
                      7. Columns “Due Date” and “PO#” mixed up.
                      8. Column “Type” not needed because all search results are of the same type.
                      9. Columns “Inv. Date” and “Due Date” must be written in the format MM-DD-YYYY or the day should be written as a double number, for example instead of "5-Jun-2011" should be written "05-Jun-2011".
                      10. Column “Amount” sort order and icon mismatch.
                      11. Column "Payment” should look like other numeric columns as “Invoce #” or “PO #”. Change to “Payment #”.
                      12. The number of rows does not match the declared in the field “Results per page”.
                      13. Sorting order violation in "Amount" column: "$22,409.37" should go below "$22,376.00".
                      14. Column “PO #” contains dates not within the range of the selected. 3,7 and 10 rows.
                      15. First row, column “Status” change “Rejcted” to “Rejected”.
                      16. Last row has no button “Actions”.
                      17. Invoice number “1122339044”, Column “Status”. Popup message has text different from string value “Approved”.
                      18. Missing "Next Page" and "Previous Page" buttons.
                      19. Cursor type on "Actions" buttons should be “Pointer”, not “Text”.
                      20. 32 pages is not enough to accommodate 422 search results.
                      21. Enumeration search results of pages: link to page "5" is missing.
                      22. Enumeration search results of pages. Cursor type should be “Pointer”, not “Text”.
                      23. ​​​​​​​Data in the column “Amount”must be aligned on the delimiter ".".
                      24. When hovering the mouse over all the links on the page, the color does not change, there is no logical action. (for example color changes from orange to blue).
                      25. The row at the top of the site has an illogical link order "User Manager | Profile | Help | Logout". Maybe "HELP" should be at the bottom of the page.
                      26. There may be extra spaces between the "User Manager", "Profile", "Help", "Logout" links, and the "I" divider characters in the upper right corner of the web page.


                      • 1. Letter "e" is missing in word "Rejcted" in column "Status".
                        2. Letter "i" is missing in word "Invoce" in column name title "Invoce".
                        3. Button "Actions" is missing for last string in results of searching section.
                        4. Inconsistency in writing date between "search" and "results" section.
                        5. End colon for labels in section "search" is missing.
                        6. Wrong showing for amount results per page. (11 is showing while 10 choose).
                        7. Wrong result for "Invoice date to" (result with invoice date "1 Oct" is out of range).
                        8. Wrong sort for column "Amount". (22,376.00 goes after 22,409.37 while sort is from min to max values).
                        9. Wrong depict of trend sort icon in "Amount" column.
                        10. Link on page #5 in results of searching is missing.
                        11. Inconsistency in amounts between 422 invoices and 32 pages with 11 invoices per page.
                        12. Inconsistency btw label titles "Invoice number", "Invoice date", "Purchase order" and corresponding column titles.
                        13. Inconsistency btw label titles in search field and main menu titles in order to use Upper and Low case for first letters.
                        14. Information from "Due date" column is not in a common date format.
                        14.1. "PO#" contains data in date format
                        15. Not centered headers and data in columns with each other.
                        16. Column "Customer" is expected in results table for ability to sort by "Customer" as that label is in "Search my invoice".
                        17. There is no title for column containing buttons "Actions".
                        18. Column "Type" is useless.


                        • Inconsistency of date format (9/30/2011) in fields of date select "Invoice date" with date format in table of results (28-Sep-2011).


                          • #1.Inconsistency in date formats used in "Invoice date" fields mm/dd/yy vs cells of "Inv. Date" column dd-mm-yy.
                            #2."Invoice date": missing label "From".
                            #3."Due Date" column: inconsistency with the generally accepted date format.
                            #4.Inconsistency in amount formats used in "From Amount" fields 100 to 1000000 vs
                            vs cells of "Amount" column $ 00,000.00.
                            #5.In "Invoice date" the requested dates are from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011. As a result, rows 3 and 10 of invoices for October.


                            • #12. “Invoice date” column: search results should display invoices from June to September, but there are some invoices for October

                              #13. "PO#" and "Due Date" columns display swapped search results

                              #14. "Due date" column: search results show the same number '40988' in multiple rows


                              • 1. Выравнивание в колонке "Inv. Date" должно быть по левому краю, а не по правому краю.
                                2. Формат данных в колонке "Due Date" не соответствует формату даты. Должен быть формат mm-dd-yyyy.
                                3. Выравнивание в колонке "Due Date" должно быть по левому краю, а не по правому краю.
                                4. Добавить возможность выбора валюты (USD, EUR) в меню отбора "Search my invoices".
                                5. Ошибочно попал инвойс в строке 7 от 01.10.2011 № 1122339546 при установленном фильтре отбора инвойсов с датой с 05.06.2011 по 30.09.2011.
                                6. В колонке "PO #" должны быть номера, а указаны даты.
                                7. Должна указываться сумма с указанием названия валюты платежа в колонке
                                8. Нет возможности выбора даты из календаря в "Invoice date".
                                9. Нет слова from перед началом промежутка выбора для полей "From amount:" и "Invoice date".
                                10. Нет значка "бинокль" для возможности выбора конкретного инвойса из списка инвойсов для поля "Invoice number".
                                11. Нет значка "бинокль" для возможности выбора конкретного покупателя из списка покупателей для поля "Customer".
                                12. Не верный формат даты в колонке "Inv. Date". Должен быть формат mm-dd-yyyy.
                                Last edited by valeriy_degtyarenko; 04-01-2022, 10:51 AM.

