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TAULIA Bug Reports

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  • #1. Letter 'i' is missing in word 'Invoce#'.
    #2. Headers 'Due date' and 'PO#' are reversed with each other.
    #3. Headers are not aligned with content in the table.
    #4. Page 5 is missing (in the end of the table).


    • 1. Number of spaces in "User Manager| Profile| Help|Logout" is not equal before and after vertical bars
      2. Ambiguous abbreviation PO in column name "PO#" of search results table (it can be understood as "Post office number")
      3. There is no hyperlink on dots in the pages list at the bottom of search results table, so we can't reach pages between 10 and 32 quickly
      4. It should be ellipsys instead of two dots in the pages list at the bottom of search results table
      5. It is not clear if some user is already Logged In: if yes - the User name is expected at the top right corner of the Taulia page
      6. It is too much empty space between search Edits and "Search" button in "Search my invoices" panel


      • Bug reports

        1. В столбике Искать мои счета проставить после предложений двоеточия

        2. Поменять Invoce# на Invoice#

        3. 10 наименований на каждой странице должно быть, а их 11

        4. 5-я страница отсутствует

        5. Общее количество страниц меньше, чем должно быть, которых 32 при том, что всего показано 422 счёта

        6. Графу Срок сдачи переместить на Номер заказа

        7. Графу Количество переместить на Срок сдачи

        8. Графу Оплата переместить на Количество

        9. В Оплате написано гг в четвёртой строке

        10. Во второй и третьей строчках 6-го столбца не написано США

        11. В последнем одиннадцатом наименовании в оплате первой страницы, время указано неверное

        12. В одиннадцатой строке нет кнопки Действия

        13. В Дата счёта указано с Июня по Сентябрь, а в дальнейшем встречается также Октябрь

        14. Для графы Количество нет столбика

        15. Под графой Оплата указана дата и время
        Attached Files
        Last edited by Max Petrenko; 04-04-2022, 08:00 AM.


        • #1. Tooltip to the "Download" icon should be better contained "save as" description.
          #2. The contents of the columns "Due Data" and "PO #" should be swapped.


          • Taulia bug report #1 (edited) ( lesson 3)

            #1. "Actions" button is missing in the row #11
            #2. 32 pages is no enough to accommodate 422 search results
            #3. Search results should display 10 rows (as per "results per page" listbox) , not 11
            #4. Replace " Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
            #5. "Type" column is redundant since all the search results are of same type ( invoice)
            #6. Sorting order violation in "Amount" column : "$22.409.37" should go below "22.376.00, not above
            #7. "Amount" column: inconsistency between the actual sorting order ( ascending) and the direction given by the arrow next to the column title
            #8. Leftmost column title : replace "Invoce #" with "Invoice #"
            #9. Misspelled word in the first row/ "Status" column
            #10. Enumeration of search results of pages: link to the page
            #11. " Search my invoices" : provide all the label with the colon character at the end
            #12. Missing label "from" after "Invoice date"
            #13. Inconsistency in date formats used in "Invoice date" fields vs cells of "Inv. Date" column
            #14. "Due Date" column: values are provided NOT in a common date format
            #15. "PO #" column : values are provided in a common date format. Is that how we want to enumerate POs?
            #16. Replace "Showing 422 invoices" with "Showing 1-10 of 422 invoices"
            #17. Tooltip conflicting with it's corresponding icon on "Invoices" page
            #18. Align the numbers in the column "Amount"


            • #12 "Due Date" column contains Purchase order number
              #13 "PO #" column contains data about Due Date
              #14 Row #7 of Search results goes beyond the specified period


              • 1. When choosing “Results per page” 10, page showing 11 results.
                2. Lebels haven’t colons.
                3. Misspelled word “Invoce” in a first column of table, should be replaced with the word “Invoice”.
                4. In column “Amount” row 7 and 8 not sorted correctly.
                5. According to the direction of the sort icon in the “Amount” column, sorting should be in descending order, but in fact sorting in ascending order.
                6. In 7 row shoving Inv. Date 1.10.2011, although on the page selected invoices until 30.09.2011.
                7. There is no “Action” button in the 11th row.
                8. Missing page number 5 in the lower left corner of the page list.
                9. In first row of “Status” column is misspelled word “Rejcted”.
                10. The location of the data in the columns is shifted relative to the column headings.
                11. “Showing 422 invoices” replace with “Showing 10 invoices from 422”
                12. 32 pages can’t fit 422 results.
                13. According to column names column “Due Date” and column “PO#” mixed up.


                • BUG REPORT
                  1. В четвертом ряду колонки "Status" при на ведении на " Paind" всплывает подсказка"Apruff" вместо " Paind".
                  2. Колонка "Type" удалить излищняя.
                  3. В колонке " Inv Date" формат даты не совпадает с форматом заданном поле "Invoice date"
                  4. Ошибка в названии колонки "invoce" а должно быть " invoice".
                  5. В колонке "PO #" удалить результаты пойска с датами "13-oct-2011", "22-oct-2011","31-oct-2011".


                  • Hello!

                    Taulia Bug report:

                    1. Menu items "Logout" replace by " Log out"
                    2. Move column header "Due Date" to 5th column
                    3. Move column header "PO #" to 4th column
                    4. Incorrect naming of a column in the Table of invoices: in the 4th column replace “Due Date” with “PO #”.
                    5. 6. Incorrect naming of a column in the Table of invoices: in the 5th column replace “PO #” (purchase order) with “Due Date”.
                    6. Column "Payment" has incorrect date format
                    7. In pagination add button "Previous"
                    8. In pagination add button "Next"
                    9. In pagination missed page number 5
                    10. In pagination when pointing to the page number cursor does not turn to cursor point
                    11. Label "From amount:" change to label "Amount from:"
                    12. Row with invoice # "1122338095" in search results does not meet hight parameters of others
                    13. In pagination make horizontal distances equal between page number
                    14. In column Status, row 4 graphic icon "Paid" shows title "Approved"
                    15. Column “Amount" label specify currency of payment
                    16. In search results invoice of 1 row "1122339225": number "100444" has more than 5 digits
                    17. The two indexes are longer than the standart for US indexes (Invoice# 1122339225, 1122339302)
                    18. Replace "Download list" with "Download"
                    19. Choose only one date format for “Search parameters” in row “Invoice date” and column “Due date”
                    19. In Search no data formatting for boxes “Invoice number”, “Purchase order”, “From amount”, “to amount”. Boxes take letters, symbols, special characters
                    20. In Search , in row “Purchase order” ​​hint with binocular button function description is missing if hover over the binocular icon
                    21. In 9 column when you hover cursor all buttons "Action" does not turn to cursor point
                    22. Does not turn to cursor point when you hover cursor on “WebPage Logo”
                    23. Missing column header for buttons “Actions”
                    24. “Hide search parameters” button is displayed incorrectly, there is no triangle icon

                    Last edited by Juliia Vashchyshyna; 04-04-2022, 09:13 AM. Reason: hashtags


                    • TAULIA BUG REPORTS

                      #1 The page "1" in the drop-down list at the bottom of the table is located separately from the rest of the pages
                      #2 "Search" label under search options
                      #3 Search results should display invoice date from 6/5/2011 to 9/30/2011 in "Inv.Date" column, not 1-Oct-2011
                      #4 "Payment" column: date with ":" character in the middle
                      #5 "Home" label near the "User Manager", not "Invoices"
                      #6 Enumeration search results of pages: number "1" without "_" character
                      #7 Enumeration search results of pages:next pages after 10 page display ".." without "<>" character
                      #8 "Inv.Date" column: replace "-" character in date with "/" in all lines
                      #9 "PO#" column: replace "-" character in date with "/" in all lines
                      #10 "PO#" column swap with "Due Date" column
                      #11 "Status" column: row №7 display "approved" on mouse hover
                      #12 "Payment" column: display only year of payment without day/mounth
                      #13 Change "Invoice #" and "PO #" from "Invoice №" and "PO №"
                      #14 Date format in columns "Inv.Date" and "PO#" as month/date/year, not date/month/year
                      #15 "Customer" display only "General Electric" in the drop down list
                      #16 "Invoice status" allows to select only "All"
                      #17 "Results per page" allows to select only "10"


                      • 1. Remove column "Type" and on this place put column "Customer".
                        2. Column #1: make alignment by right.
                        3. Column #4: make alignment by right.
                        4. Column #3: make alignment by right and formating date like as in the search form.
                        5. Column #5: make alignment by right and formating date like as in the search form.
                        6. Column #6: make alignment by character ".", remove excess character "$".
                        7. Titel Columns #4 and #5 swapped.
                        8. Tablet: Columns (from left to right) placed like as Labels in search form (from up to down).
                        9. Functional "Results per page" moved to the left of "Refresh".
                        10. Functional "Download list" move to the place with links with results of search (to the right coner).
                        11. Add links to "First", 'Previous', 'Next', "Last" pages of seach results.
                        12. Column"Payment": wrong data format.


                        • #4..Inconsistency: Row 11th has not "Actions" button
                          #5 .Mismatch row 4th "status" column tooltip is not correct instead' Paid'' is '' Approved"
                          #6. Mismatch Label "Invoice date" format is different ''Inv. date" column format
                          #7. Inconsistency: Label "Invoice date" format is different than "PO #" format
                          #8 Column " Invoce #" replace to "Invoice #"
                          #9 ."Showing 422 invoices" mismatch because it is 32 pages and 10 rows or 11 rows(32*11=352)
                          #10.."Amount"column arrow shows descending but inconsistency it is ascending
                          #11. Inconsistency: Row 7th "Amount"column ascending because exept "$22,409.37" should be Row 8th amount "$22,376.00" and vice versa
                          #12. Raplace: Row 1st "status" "Rejcted" should be Rejected
                          #13. Label "Results per page" shows 10 but incosistency it is 11
                          #14 Inconsistency: Page 5 is not in Page field
                          #15. Mismatch all Taulia Labels add colon exept ""From amount" label
                          #16 The binocular icon add tooltip
                          #17.Mismatch: label I"nvoice number" and column "Invoce #"


                          • Домашнее задание к уроку №2 SU2 - 5

                   bug reports

                            1. В таблице нет позиции Customer
                            2. В позиции Purchase order показать условия поиска
                            3. В позиции Invoice date поменять формат ввода даты в соотвествии с табличным
                            4. Results per page указано 10 по факту выврдить 11
                            5. В таблице указано Showing 422 invoices что не соотвествует количеству указанных страний 32
                            6. Результаты столбцов Due Date и PO # поменять местами
                            7. Указать названия или функцию последнего столбца таблици
                            8. в столбце Payment формат вывода результата не понятно для пользователя (дата, номер, или сумма)
                            9. Перенисти кнопку Search под условия параметров ввода


                            • TAULIA Bug Report

                              1. Заголовки столбцов таблицы результата выровнять по столбцам
                              2. Формат даты в результате поиска отличается от полей "Invoice date"
                              3. Значения столбцов "Due Date" и "PO #" поменять местами
                              4. Формат даты в столбце "Payment" отдичается от столбцов "Inv. Date" и "PO #"
                              5. Фильтр "nvoice date" до "9/30/2011" в 3, 7, 8, 10 строках приведены результаты за октябрь
                              6. В 4 строке столбца "Status" при наведении курсора на иконку "Paid" выводится текст "Approved"
                              7. В столбце "Amount" со 5 строки и далее в сумме "$8,834.25" лишний разделитель ","
                              8. В таблице результата "Showing 422 invoices" количество не для 32 страниц указанных строке страниц
                              9. В таблице результата "Showing 422 invoices" должно быть "Showing 1-10 of 320 invoices"
                              10. Кнопку "Serch" переместить к полям фильтров поиска
                              11. "Logout" исправить на "Log out"
                              12. В строке перехода по страницам отсутствуют кнопки навигации
                              13. В строке перехода по страницам ".." должно быть "..."


                              • TAULIA Bug Report

                                №12. Формат даты
                                Last edited by Pavel Kurbatskiy; 04-04-2022, 10:27 AM. Reason: dificalts

